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<br />~a~ A3~Ft3'GAGE <br />U~)~l1 f~~ <br />This Mortgage is entered into between ~L~ Jac ue 1tii. Hahn Husband and Wife, <br />Lax•ry Homolka and Beverly J. Honiolka, us an an 'i e, cn-ras '-c, ~n `-' <br />iv AIU12^e,~ ifs 3cAloon,_Ffus~arld and 14i~e, and Brad Booth, A Single 41~'itt Fh~~in "Martgagor")and <br />THE Qtlkltlr'1Nl) NATIChNAI. BA,'~it> QF C'rRANT) ISLAI~U --.(herein "Mortgagee"}. <br />Mortgagor is indebted to Mortgagee in the principal sum of $ ~ • ~'-~ ,evidenced by Mortgagor's note <br />dated I f2/'z3 {herein "Note") providing For payments of principal and interest, with the balance of the <br />indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on 5~2J75 - <br />To secure the payment of the Note, with interest as provided therein, the payment of ail other sums, with interest, <br />advanced by Mortgagee to protect the security of this Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of <br />the Mortgagor contained herein, Martgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the following described <br />property located in Hall County, Nebras!:a: <br />Fractional Lot One (1) in Fractional. Block Two (2) <br />in Ashton Place, an addition to the City of Grand <br />Island, Hall Cotanty, Nebraska, and its carlplemerit, <br />to--wit : All of Fractional Block Ztventy Eight (2$ ) <br />in 3aker's Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />Hall Cou-rlty, Nebraska. <br />Together with all buitdings, improvements, ftxiures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, r'sghts, privileges and <br />appur~.enances Ipcated thereon ar in anywise pertaining thereto, and the tents, icsaes and gro#its, reversions and retnaindere <br />thereof; including, but not limited to, hearing and cooling equipment and such personal ptaperiy that is attached to the <br />improvement so as to constitute ~ fixture; alI of which, including replacem?rt= and additions thereto, is hereby declared <br />to be a part of the real estate secured by the hen of this lSlortgage and ail of ttte foregoing io-eing referred to hetein as the <br />..Property== <br />Mortgagor further canvenanis and agrees, with Mortgagee, as follows: <br />1. Payment. To pay the indebtedness and the interest thereon as provided in this Mortgage and the Note. <br />2. Title. Mortgagor is the owner of the Property, has the right and authority to mortgage the Property, and <br />warrants that u=e lien created heretsy is a first and prior lion cn the Pra~rty, except a may otherwise l>a set forth herein. <br />C The Property is subject to a Mortgage whereir, <br />is We Mortgagee, recorded at Soak ,Page of the Mortgage Records of County= <br />Nebraska, whtclt Mortgage is a lien prior to the lien created hereby. <br />u Other prior liens or encumbrances: <br />3. Taxes, A~essmeats. To pay when due all taxes, special assessments and all oilier charges against the Property <br />and, upon vvritten demand by Mortgagee, to add to the payments required under the Note secured hereby, such amount as <br />may be suf5eient to enable the Mortgagee to pay such taxes, assessments or other charges as they become due. <br />d. Insurance. To keep the imgrovernents now or hereafter located on the real estate described herein insured <br />ags3ttst damage by fire sail such other hazards as Mortgagee may' require, in amounts and with companies acceptable to the <br />Mortgagee, and with loss payable t4 the As'ar~agee. In case of toss under such policies the Mortgagee is authorized to <br />adjust, collect and compromise, in iii discretion, ail claims thereunder at its sole option, authorized toeitherappIy the <br />proceeds to the restoration of the Property or upon the indeF,tedaess secured hereby, but payments hereunder shat! eon- <br />tanue until the sums secured hereby are paid in fuH. <br />6. ©Rscrow For Taxes and Irssuzattce. Notwithstanding anything contained in paragraphs 3 and ~ hereof to the <br />oontirary, Frfortgaa"or sh~l pay to the 3lartgagee at the time of oaying the monthly installments of principal and interest, <br />one-l:wa1[th of the yearip taxes, sssesstnents, hazard insurance premiums> sad ground rents (if any) which may attain a <br />priority aver this 14lartgage, all ~ reasonably estirnated from time to time by +' Mortgagee. The amounts so paid shat) be <br />kaki 1*y Mortgagee wi<+tout interest and applied to -the payment of the items In respect to which such amounts were <br />deposited. The sums paid to Mortgagee hereunder are pledged as additional security for the indebtedness secured by this <br />B~iortgage: Mortgagor shall pay to Mortgagee-the amount of any deftciency between the actAaI taxes, assessments, insurance <br />premiums and ground rents Bind -the deposits. hereunder within IU days after- demand is made upon Mortgagor requesting <br />paymentihereof. <br />6. Repaa, 2alaitttenance and d7se. 2`a pminp8y repair, restore or rebuild any buildings or improvements now ox <br />hernaftei on the Property; to-keep the Property in goad condition andrepair, without waste, and free from mechanic's or <br />otherlieits not expressly subordinated to the flan hereof; notto make, suffer or permit any nuisance to exist, nor to dimin- <br />ish or impair the value of the Property by-any act or omission to art; and to comply with al! requirements of law with <br />respect to the Property. <br />