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~' <br />79~ ~~i~~1~'~~ <br />I~ ,.,. Gt !-.v+ ,! tutlerrl,I ! _.!ul.:; itvi. ~ t.. :i sr .. ~ ,~ l .~ .:,rr y ~.~-.~ <br />,, el«:~:Un 1~ %y,t.31 'tU U'ii~ Cif .,C~C ., :U r'~uce~l DI'i:Y !,'... . ~,U.. <br />,. lna iii addi tiun tv, jno t~;yethcr Nita, tt, rtr,::tt.!p irrt,l In~r,i prov! fc.<; fi%r <br />~„~~r the fcr^,_: of the aforesaid Promi:'s?ry '+ti`e ..,~ y r,~r i,`3i~~s or ;reemc,`s ,. <br />+,; tic,; ,,i ~?dv«^veh as prc>o'idF'rJ nera!n "art ~ r'-';~ ,p-:~,~ „- ~n aClvdrrel , ,ayment t«u <br />1„ag,_u can Lire ;irsi day o`r e:l:.h n«~nT _. ii sai r-~~. ~1 =r,e ii)tal indii>tednes-a <br />_,-_c.r ~v c.. ~L'y+ is ti:!!y ;?Id, a;r am'J ~'tt .. it ..~ __ _f .art. .,e ~- t~) UC ., ... `Iciest tG en?i!ie <br />~: i,iortaagee to r,ay' ail Lanes, ass,ssments i^«'ne'rai ar sue iali, rents, and ~,ther <br />nilar _n=•r,J-, against t?;2 aGe.., rle....,...~~ ~m'i~_es, av 'he same becorr~ due. Such <br />u:!.:,,.r-,..$ ,,~y-~rnts sha{! nc F:aid :.~ch *x~.,~`.(,~'c~~-ther w:iYh t~,e r~7nthiy instal Imes±s prc:~ided <br />fur ur_rer 'the terms of said Promissory 'SGt=' and ~3r,V O?her nc*,es Or :3greemBn~7s for <br />~~ditie;na! advances ~~ providad serei,-, ..~ a single payment and shalC not be, n*;r daemed <br />~, :~«:', trust Funds but may oe cor,minpie4 .v1 ~!1 tether s~.;c~. fund, or the generai funds ~f the <br />''i;r. - t;e, acrd na interest shai l be avabla innri;spect thereof. '~`r~rtGa•aor s`,al l promptly <br />r.,n•,ar~ to iortgogee aII ~i;Is nor ,~xe_= assessment=_- ar:d rents ;,ra !~.rtgagee wi!r use <br />„ ac~':~nce payn':en~s far',th«_ ;~ayr;eat ~r saia bi I ,s. ^-;cr#cages may, from time is time, <br />,,,it_ ~ !+i~r~, waive, 3r., a' 7.,..~~ .. _ ~e State ary and all provisions of this <br />r _ a, re;uirirq such cjdva ._ r; .r. ,_ ~y noiice _ ~~`yagor ~ ,r tinr~. ~'hii~~ much <br />.-~.~ i t'~r i s , r. effect, P^~;rt ~accr .. :~t i ! pay a i ! taxes, assessments and re;,ts 35 otherwise <br />.. ,'f r?Crer!~,~f ter. <br />.. If .'he, f:Jta! 7`, `he ~ui~<]~;C2 r>ay.^~~'r:tS ms~E ~y the ,•.~.Ur tG:~y^Or Shal I ~'xCL'ed -}r,8 <br />,. _r _. ps~,mants actual ly m~;~ by ~!e '=<'~rt;aaee f<:~r iaxFs, risessmenl's or rents, as t?:e <br />...:.... .. be, such excel>. ~, 'he o,,tion ,., the "•~rtga,e~, stray I be crediied by }he <br />_. :-n ~,,,,, ens 'ayme,is to ~_ i-,d~, sy the ~,. f~egcr, cr refur;ded to the E~rt~agor. <br />,. G.e.:;r, !!:r ror?tnly ad\~r 'ce ,%?}men*s made by ,ire ,r+ ~;er ,~,al! no` Ge sujTiCi«-nt <br />;,'y _.n tars, assessments and rents, as the ca ~. may when the same shall become <br />„_ .,,-,,~i;,,y r.. }: , t^en the rior -- ~~,~ i ; gay to theme."cr±._._^,~:gee any ar~unt necess.r, tc r,r~ke <br />;n,, ;;cfi,_ien,:y, on er befcre.the date when payment of such taxes, assessments or rents <br />_...i i ire =; ii E'. I f at 8ny time the l~°O r1"gaCgC!r sha! i tender to it?e :'+~art(~oCjeB, in aCCOr,fan Ce <br />.,. ,.. tr;e ;-reE'isions of th-o idote secured hereby, full aayment of the entire indebtedness <br />=-;ra~;er;;ed thereby', the'.',iortcacee shat; in cercutine the amount of such ir.debtednes, <br />_, ~... , . . v ,.... ..occur. t of the !~i-or'i ga:tior a ~;,~ cra_d i t ba I once u._cumu I atec under tare above <br />crap? ?t Chere sha' i•e ~er`a- ! n_ any r~= the p~c.•isier ~f this ;~'.ortaage <br />_~..: , in=~ :r. a pnE1l is sail o*" he prer.,,s_s _overed heretr =, i~ ,,._ :~-rfgagee acquires Lyra <br />}~.~r;, ., .e.rwis@ after derault, tt?e '~_rt~agee _ -~I I =pf;; in ,., manner as U aagea <br />~ « eetarr;in~; the balance o yu\'as?re aayments then rer.air;n it .re fund's acc.ur',ated <br />...~Gr .~e a!,eva para_,raph, as a ......~. against the indebtedness secured hereb'q. <br />-- Tho` in +ti_ rGenr a-;y •-,r th-<: mcnti?ly advance payrrEnts pr_.~vided t,erein -~r ,.:.,.fihiy <br />_.,,,~ii'~~e!'t°; pr~.lded fcr untie, ~,-e ~r*rs .,, said rromis-, r; P~ote ,nd any tithe" rotes cr <br />,: .-. ,._ .,,?na± adv7 _as "ave n,c,t been '"ale by the Lenin day of ti.e ;tenth irr <br />,. _; ~~_., ragmen. was .,.._ ~ i:,.- cnaroe cf tie .~ ten :i~,) percent of tt;e arx•~.nt ~f s€:id <br />rii, ;rre'rt r,ay ce a..sess<d c -s>osiatior; -C ;,over the «_x`ra ex;;etse ~avo1'd~d <br />. .._ ~.. ...., e`t"' 2n _.. .`!d ^aaCC'W`iOn S!';ai i nU~ ,, ,., Gb; i<idted tCi di:Cf3[rt :3;!V - <br />,4rr•~., ,:a~F' a*:~.r tn~ ,_.r.`, day .,~ tr,e nx;n-h ::mess Said r~,r,th1'; payr~en't sha(i <br />..- ._ .. ,. ,c-.', ~; `~ the ,..1 8r"t- .- v. "brie i9te .,..a rgn 85~eq SeO by the AsSJCtdTt..,u a5 <br />_. ,~ d.y dnG ._'i ,~,,,~ a_bd::Sr"tent5 1; 't 'S(?eCiali, reni5 arrd str?er .-t'!r,f-1r- <br />. _ ~ _ . , . d• a _ , asse_,..:a a a,~ ° ,.tit the p reM __ ~ s . •., `gage, °~r i r,acbtedn2ss her eby <br />_ . __ ~r < *rey b::~. -,.. ~_ I ' n ;~cnt , for , h i cn r rv~i ~ ~ `cr > nay na t beer; made i~erc.i ~~befiore, <br />!:-: .... .... ._.t.~f ,,, /.crt:,acca r,'; Par :,"e sarr~, .3^:d a. i mc;r:eys so advarieed with <br />~_; ~,t II _ frc;;: „~ ea;_, o'' ;,_ch ,ay~.;~ „~u„ oe repaiU s,, i~~k~,rtgagor +.~p~n <br />.,.., ,~+.ti:: ar; .. 5!'::?ii b@ .. ..:.:^r~ad `hl. ._r'tgage. - <br />.. ,~~, `•!crfga i l ,,,_ep tr.: tm;,rcv" ants ~_, _._id ,~rercises .;;lured against-loss - <br />,.m . , i i ~h . gv~ ra .. , _'~- ^acar;;_ I ^._ i udea i ~ .; . ancara extended cc-rerage e~idorse- <br />f.~,_, ..,.,,, ,,.~.;rance ,~.nere _ _ , z.. .;y ~rtriagee; i~ ;jr' ~,.c~u^~ not less tr,ar•, tr,e <br />.,_ The in.:..v,t.:~.,~ __.~.. ~., nereby, wi i.~: i* any, payaGfe to said <br />_~.zr,iJ 'rn ,. ..aropa or ,. m, .7' _. ~_ceptab!e #c; r•~ A_.x°a',Jr, and showld ±rh i,o;~cy <br />,. __ .:~nt~;n s'f ,. .r.- a- _.~. ,,--_ ,°~s~ a~_., ComC.any'" iiabil~ty +c <br />1,. ., ,,U.'It Ji- j: r' _. Ur .. "E-' f'.i! i ~Fti:U!1T {'_?. '.Yh ICFi t;Gi IC'J is wrl 1~.. , <br />~~ C, :; ar:'i;u"it Uf ifrSUra.'rC DE' '~ .-%Ii, _., ~n~al ~ .;e ;n an amC:Unt lltf t::ient ti>, at al ( ttf1725, <br />..i i}' [?f ~3tE;C 'he. r155pC i.; i`iGr~~:. It ': ~~7ri.,:a.Of ._. ,.~ t!3 prCCil;'F_' Gr t*vai stain such 1n5UranCe <br />!~` i;lc'. =i,:)E;nt~r specified herein, t"? %aSSC:iaticr', r.;av, ai .,s G,r;`iC?n, i,roc':re and ;. ay f:lr <br />..:n is?surance, and a!; mCanay's sc advanced with interesi at i'r ~ from the dafie of <br />rr~, * .,;ar; he repaia .y `.r,rt~accr .Pvn de^-!and. =.r e? s~,al; b? secured 'by this <br />-art-Gage. ., <br />.,. ;frai tha ~"artgagor wiI! i«:ep the buiidi,ros upon Said premi=-es in ,:rood repair, and <br />,,.,'h'ar° cor;rric ;ior per`rrit was'':e upon said land, nor suffer the sane premises tc be used <br />,., :.ny uniaw#u! purpose. ?+brtgager furttrer agrees that without the written ccnsent of <br />~r,xr,r. ,e.dc:ral savings end roan nc buildings or addi'Yions to existing buildings shall be <br />r'o,~'eci and ai 4 ;narking a;;d iar,dscaped areas sha!! be. satisfactori iy maintained. <br />what in the event the premises or any part thercct e_ taker. or damaGed by reaSCn <br />!rrrr+ puGi is improvement or conde„~natiorr proeeedinas, or „r.der eight cf enrir:er,t domain, <br />:r ;r; ;ar;,• <<ther, «t~~rtgagee shalt Da entitled .at ,1's <:pti:;r, to com~~ence, a;;e~:r i^, <br />