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<br />S (~ <br />~ ~~" iS~.~Qli~7~ <br />REAL ESTATE,_MORTG_AGE- . <br />i <br />~aera ste zee (Rev, 1-n) _. <br />I,at e <br />December 26, 1978 <br />Wendell L. Toben (else known as Wendell Toben} and Beverly B. Tnben (also known as <br />net%er.iy Toben), husband and csife; and Henry Toben and iriartha Toben, husband and wife <br />Mortgagors, <br />of Hall .~ County, Nebraska in consideration of <br />the advance at the principal su^; recited Sn the nets her? matter described, receipt of which is aoknowledged, hereby <br />- ~ mortgage and convey to <br />"{ THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OP OMAHA, a Corporation, <br />! pf Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, chose address <br />is Farm Credit Building. Gmaha, Nebraska BBiDD, <br />~~i Mortgagee (subJect to cil, Eas, and m1^eral rights owned by parties other tD an Mortgagors; exist ing easements of <br />- record; reservations ir. United ,rates and Stace patents; and the rights of the public in all higl?ways), the toL'owing- <br />Ha11 Nebraska <br />described real estate m County, <br />SEC. TMP. RS. <br />NE'4------------------- ---------- 15 9N 10 W 6th P.M. <br />- - - containing acre::, more ^r - _ +it al? the rlgn t, *_i c'e, anal in LerasL <br />+now awned ar t!ereatter ac m:iredt of the Martgazars in Bald ~ _ a all Dui ldirgs, improvements, fixtures, <br />I ^r appurtenances the an cr hereaftsr pi= t're eon --_ - _~i:, °inan2 rigTMLS; tyv_ tenements, <br />heredi Lauren ts, and appurtenances Cher to -- .. ti!e : -.e~~,a ,: o- is sing iron; said lands; ar.~ {it <br />the Mortg33rrs~ rights in Lhe F.obl` 1- are re. y:°~ p, pn*pcses; leases, permits, <br />iic'ensas, or privileges appurtenar, t^c ,~_r:.sp, ur ~erar. ,~~`~ .,--e'. - Berea ter issued extended, <br />j cr renewed to the h!ortgagers trY the , .i red States or . < _,.tet w.. ... ..., r ~,. _, ribs+_ proper ty is~lacated or <br />e aru• depar r.mapt, ?:tie:.!. Or agPn.,.y th at•aaf. <br />- - '^n19 ,..ortgage iS ;it ',2n ~_ se^_u^•"' 1 ,romiSSa^: .,,, Le ... _._.. ua__ ..... _.,. th, Ex 2..-. _!'. v~ y v~.•r Qa_n^ar5 tC Mortgagee, fr. <br />the *!rinaipal s:ur, of SIXTY-FIVE THOUSAND THREE HUi7DRED AND NO/100 - - - - - - - - -~LLARS. <br />piyabie with interest ,cc~arding s!' tY.e t?z~:cs ~: 5.:,u ';c•'... LS!e _ ., .,. i .:e ~.. ,-.yob le ar: the first day <br />of February. 1999 1:,±_ .,.. _;snc ~*,::' ... - tse _ ..t of :ai f erar'ss;,y acre. <br />This mortgage Ss suDJect to the previsions of THE EA.RM U."iEDI? ACi ~±s a.,eeda cry thereof suPFiemental <br />i thereto. The proceeds of the Loan secured hereby will be used For the nu.^rates specified i.. ,,.,e Pfartgagors~ app11- <br />_~ catian for said loan and autnarl2ed by said act. <br />a <br />- ::.e mortgagor- ..s:d on a£ them. S:erYby warrant that t?tey ..*ee :;.firer of he mar aged real apesty; t::at t2sey <br />- willMdefend the title-sgairst all claimants whomsoever, and t?:at said property .'reF 'rem aliYercumDrarces; that <br />they will keep all the improvements, fixtures, and sppurtenarces occupied~a, in~go~~d repair and permit na acts of <br />- i waste and they will rellnquisii sli rights of hcmestead in said premises, and ca~.•enant and agree :+i th the Mortgagee, <br />t as follows: <br />t <br />-'; !1) "hat tnsy will pay :;her: due all taxes, liens, Judg.:;ents, nr assessments which n_y be lawfully assessed against <br />Lhe F~raperLy herein mortgaged. <br />{21 Thal they ,ill insure and keeb inslrad Duildlags ar a*.her ^provements paw an ~^ which may hereafter be placed <br />.'} on said premises to the sptisfactfon of the Mortgagee, such insuraree policy shall be endorsed with a mortgage clause <br />with the Lass thereunder to be payable ca the Mortgagee. A+Sy sums received may De used to pay for reconstruction <br />of the destroyed improvements; or, 1f not sa applied, may, ~ the option of the h!artgagee, be applied in payment of <br />a[~y indebtedness, matured or unmatured, secured by this ~tortgstre. <br />(3) To pay all rants, fees, ar enarges paw due or to become due under the terms of each lease, permit, license, nr <br />- ~ privilege on the ptlDilc domair, which 1s appur*_enant or ncrappurtenant to the mortgaged premises, whim has Deen <br />' issued, extanded,or renewed Dy the ~Jnltad States er tie stets .n tshich the above-described groperty is located; and <br />1 to perform and observe euery ac'-, covenant, eordltlon, and stipu,ation necessary to keep each of the same in good <br />- ii standing; and to take every necessary step to secure the reissue, renewal, or extens±on Df each of the same; and to <br />'-~i assign, waive, pledge, or endarse -to-the Mortgagee each lease, permit, license, or privilege if Mertgagors~ rights <br />- s! 1n pudic domain are required Dp Martgagea far security gurpcsa3. <br />gage,Tincludln8 any salt by the B agrtgagea tp*or close thistmortgagegoreanpnsuitaln whichythe Mortgagee may De named <br />f i;~ a party defendant in which it is-obligatedto protect Sts rights cr lien, including ccndemnation and Dar.Y,ruptcy <br />-- prodeddings, the MDrtgagoe-may near expenses ~:d advance-payment-far abstract foes, attcrrey Sees {except to the <br />;~-~ extent prohibited tsy law), costs; experses, cad-tither charges. - - <br />~j4 {51 ?hat in Lhe event the Hortgagors.Sail to -FaY--when dus any taxes, liens, Judg,^ierts, cr assr•~smar, ts, or tail to <br />maintain lfisura::ce as hereinDefore provided, or fall -CO.pFjy rents, tees, or charges under the terms of any lease, <br />- i'~ permit,-license, ar privilege; ar-Mortgagee 's required to .near expenses "or abstract fees, at*_crney fees, costs, <br />+.~4( expenses, and ether charges Sn canneDtian-wi,.h 1ltigatlon,.Martgagee map make such-p?vmert er provide such insurance, <br />- -,:( or incur such obllEatlon, and the amounts paid thai'efa_ shall became a part. of the SndeD tedt;ess sa~^!,red Y;sreby due <br />J and p~irablo immediatg2y, and shall bear interest from the dste of payment at the same rate a:: provided for default <br />Sn the note. <br />!. i <br />