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<br />- 58-A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (Ccrp.i-LN~th Tax Clause (Rzviszd 156?) 71:n HuRuxan Gneral S'upnty ttoune. Lu~mtr., Na:;r. <br />_w. <br />l{NO4~' ALL n1EN l3Y TIIESF t7ftrS1•::ti'rS: ThatCENTRAL NEBRASKA GOODWILL INDUSTRIES, INC. , <br />A Nebraska Corporation, <br />a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska in <br />~" ', consideration of the sum of Twenty Eight T12O115and Four Hundred ---------°-----DC7LL.4RS '- <br />i <br />in hand paid, does hereby SELL and CONVEY unto OTTO F. ZLOPiKE AiQD EUGENIA A, ZLOASKE, <br />as joint tenants, <br />- ~ of 11311 County, State of Nebraska the following described premises situated <br />;n Hall Co,mty, and Stale oe Nebraska . to-wit: plat of a <br />bract of land cpmprising a part of the Southeast Quarter cf the Southeast <br />quarter (SE3~SE~~} of Section Twenty One (21),.. Towr_ship Eleven (11} North, <br />Range (9) Tr7est of the 6th P.M. in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the inter- <br />- `section of the eastline of Lincoln Steel with the south line of Delta Streelt; <br />;thence easterly along the south line of said Delta Street, a distance of Ttr%o <br />~lundred Sixty Four (264.0) feet to the west line of €ddy Street; thence solztF~- <br />~rly along the west line of said Eddy Street, and this line projected south- <br />erly, a distance of One Hundred Twenty (120.0) feet; thence westerly paralhel <br />to the youth line of said Delta Street, a distance of Two Hundred Thirty Ni?ne <br />;(29.0) feet, to a point Twenty Five (25.0) feet east of the east line of said <br />Lincoln Street; thence northerly parallel to the east line of said Lincoln <br />Street, a distance of Thirty (30.0) feet, thence westerly parallel to the <br />South line of said Delta Street, a distance of Twenty Five (25.0) feet to 1~2-1e <br />fast line of said Lincolr. Street; thence northerly along the east line of said <br />Lincoln Street, a distance of Ninety (90.0) feet to the place of beginning 31xd <br />The inter==tiara being tr, cancey hereby an absolute titre .n fee simple. containing 0.710 acres more or less: <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises aMve described, with al] the appurtenances tl-_ereunto belonging unto the said - <br />OTTO F. ZLOI+iKE AND EUGENIA A. ZLOMKE, as joint tenants <br />and to their heirs and assigns forever, provided always. and these presents are upon the express condition that if the - <br />°s~d CENTRAL NEBRASKA GOODWILL INDUSTRIES, ITdC., A Nebraska Corporation, <br />i nr aYSigns shat] pay or cause to be paid to the said OTTO F. ZLObiKE AND EUGENIA A. ZLOIiKE, 3S <br />joint tenants, their <br />heirs. executors, acfmin:stratnrs or assigns, the sure of $28 ~ ~~~~ o~_________________ Dollars, payabteas <br />ratlaw-~•tUwit- Sixty (60) equal monthly amortizing payments in the amount of <br />$589.54 each, and with the first X~X#tXId~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~XxxzE <br />payment payable or, the 1st day i~~€iK~€XXXXXXX~XXXYXXXXXXXXA~XXXx <br />of February 19 79 - ~_a_~Xx_xxxXxxX~XXX_XXXXX_X.Xv.Y~XxxX <br />1~X}~4iiXXXXXXX~XXXXXXX}CXXX.t'XXXX <br />?IX?XXXXXXXX~XXXXXXXXXXX3:X~1{XXXXt <br />i;-ith inte.e;t thereon atP.ln2 p~'r cent per annum, pay-abie monthly annually. attrording to the tenor and effect <br />- of tc.- promissory note with interest cnumms after,-hed of said - <br />CENTRAL NEBRASKA GOODWILL INDUSTRIES, INC., A Nebraska Corporation <br />ix~aring e~•en date with these presents and shall nay all taxes and assessments levied upon said real estate and all other tares, - <br />eviP=. and as,rssmenis le~~:err upi.n ±his mortgage or t}:e note which this mortgage is given to secure, before the same becomes -- <br />~~ de!inquc~rt. and keep the `uddings on .aid premises insured for i}re sum of $ ,lass, if any, payable to the '. <br />said m~:rira;;ee, then these prESents to l>F• cold, atherwise io be and remain Ira full force. <br />IT IS F'lR7ii1;R AUI2EED- tli That if the said mcrigagor shalt fail to pay such lases or procure such insurance, the <br />said mortgagee nay pay such rases :uid procure such insurance; and the sz,m sa advanced, with interest at eleven per ':. <br />! cent sha!1 ;~ repaid in' said mortgagar, and this mortgage shaft stand as security for same. {21 That a failure to pay any of - <br />:-aid money, either principx! or interest when the same become due, or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing agree- - <br />~'~ menu, shall cause thr w•hoie sum of money herein secured to hemme due and collectible at once at the option of the mortgagee. <br />~7t~i},1t'rI'=v7,E~SSf~i'l?IF:fir:Oaltf. th<; said CET3TRAL i~EBRASKA GOODWILL INDUSTRIES, INC. , a <br />- ~ has'heP'FtCta~'e1~t'.lr3at~t'~~t~~ic,^tat~-.,C{~,+t:r be affixed and £hese presents to be signed by its president <br />this ?'% "`f` day of . •---~-~-s..y~•~-~ ~ lp 7 a . <br />- - - SilmeJ. seahci and delivered in preser'c•o of <br />CEIQTRAL NEBRASKA GOODWILL INDUSTRIE4S, <br />_ .._.._ INC-. t _. A .Nebraska Corporation, _, .._- -.---_ <br />E curie B: Carroll Secretary Gi~bert Kuntz Pr.~siderit ~ ` <br />i a~A~-i=ce EBRASKA C .. f TLnLL <br />~•~_~'e~~ fil4br~s <br />~ttiolyrl't"o nie ~o ~~be ~ ihs p~¢s <br />;~y~~r,94~,,b#~o lie~=yg~is vot±~Stta~.- <br />,'($itiz~u~ir~ <br />w t <br />fYfy CUm$~i$l~~`~fl~aj'~1~e8..: _:. <br />STf,TE Or ~ ..... ....:....:............. <br />.County ..............._-------_.....--- <br /> of _ ......... <br />and recorded an $aok......_.. <br />qualified in said county, personally came GILBERT KUNTZ <br />President of I <br />Goodwill Indilstries, a Nebraska Corporation ~x <br />~t and identical person who signal the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the execution i <br />and deed as such oi~c>_r and the voluntary act and deed of said corporation and that its cor- ; <br />by its authority. <br />I <br />~ri• s~gj pry ~~~y4- z~ ~' 19:'''.-f... . <br />iEpERAi ~'rfFc7 ~$''~S ,~ <br />3. R ¢~}€1DAGH ~ .: _¢ ~h ~~r~~.... .... Notary PubLa <br />...w.r-mm r,2 Rrt 15 19$2 <br />- - - - ~~ - - - ~ Entered on numerical indea and filed for record '; <br />~~ in the Register of Deeds OAice of said Coemty the <br />---~----._.--°.....-----• 19----....__, at..._....._........:_-.__...o'ciock and_°'-'-- .............._...-.minutes .-_.......-°--°---M-~ i <br />......---°-----....._of page......-_.............-~---._...-........... <br />-' ......................_..._...._........-_..-...............----._.._-....ReK. of Deeds <br />IIy......_.....-----_..__._._......_..._.....-....__._...--_...._.._...___Deouty <br />