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52-A--REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-(Wifih Tax Claasb} }{,.~-, ');~ <br />"7 [1rw t>r•ra <br />i~_- <br />tiuftn;ar zc.7 feitoe & Y1oH, Waftcn_ Ne. 68464 <br />r - v~o.~u ~.~c.u <br />xlva~v ALL MEN SX THES1r rRESENTS: That James L. Rinder, an unmarried man, <br />~ of Half- County, and Stale of PJebraSka in consideration of the sum of <br />iSi~ Thousand Five Hundred ° ° ° - - - - - - ° {$&,`~QO.flO) -• - - - - DoLLARs <br />I in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEX unto ~~-rgznia H. R3nde2' <br />of i~iou.s. County, State of ~ r,raS:•..a. tare foiiocving descn"t>ed premises situated <br />in Ha-Zl Cau..ty, and state at Rebraska . ta-a^.'t: <br />The St~utherly 22 feet of the Northerly 6b feet of Lot ~. in Block 1~fl, <br />in the Original Town, now City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />THIS MORTGAGE IS SIIBORDINATE TO A FIRST REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE IAt FAYdOR <br />flF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GRAND ISLAND <br />The intentian being to com-ey hereby an absatute till.^. in fee simple, including all the zig}sts of hamestead and dower. <br />Ta HAVE A_'Vll TO HaLD the Premises abate descrii;rd, with atl the appurtenances thereunto belanging, unto the said <br />mortgagee(s) and to his- her or their heirs and assigns fareve r, prai:ded ahvay and tFf_sc pre~nts are upon thr, esptess <br />cunditian that if the said mortgagor(s), his, her ar their heirs, exc~trtnn. administrators cr a=~.-i_r shah pay or tatrse to be <br />paid to the said mortgagee(sj, hi:, hex or their heirs, esecutars, administrator or assigns, the prir=cipal sum of ${'ir}QQ, QQ <br />Payable aS fouows, to wit: commencing July I, 3979 and on the first day of each <br />aanth thereafter payments of $2OO per month applied first upon the <br />interest at 7-~6 per annum and the balance applied in reduction of <br />the principal <br />s~ith interest according to the tenor and et:ect of the mortgagors written pramissory Hate nearing even date with these y.:sents <br />and shall pap all taxes and asse;~menU iec~ed upon said real estate, and all other taxes, levies and assessments levied upon this <br />mortgage ar the pate which this mortgage is given ie s~rure, before the sa,::e t~comes delinquent, and keep the buildings as <br />said premises insured for the sum of $ 2C}, OC}O. C}C7 iov, if any, payable to the said mortgagees-then these presents <br />to be void, otherwise to ne and remain in full force. <br />IT IS FLiRTHER AGREED (1) That if the said martgagar shall fail to pay' such fazes or procure such insura~e, the <br />said mortgagee n.ay pay such taxes and procure such insurance, and the sum sa advanced, with interest at eleven per <br />tent, shall be repaid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage shall stand as security for the same. (.2) That a failure to pay any <br />of said money, either principal or interest, when The same becomes due, or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing <br />agreement:, sha[f cause the whale sum of rnoney herein secured to became due and collectihle at gate at the option of the <br />martgagee. - - - <br />Signed this ~~t'fI dac of jrjpgEamber 74~~ ~ '`'-.- -' l ' c-' <br />In presence of ....- - ,-,. _ . - - ~ .-.... ----if a--` ^-~'--- <br />Sames L. Rieder <br />S'T'ATE f3F .. P;EBR.ASKA . ............. .County of ..HALF .................... <br />The fore Ding instrutfi~it was i;ckno.:~ledged before me .. November 28 f ..................19.7~ . <br />J ~ sr, an unmarried man. <br />b .. ,. .. ....... <br />Y ,psa. , <br />`~~~ fitE~•f~;•` <br />l• MQTARY ` f` a'w`~E <br />G{ytAAAi5540S1 ~ ............"..~.. , ........•. ~ .. y ................ . <br />EXPiR€S ; l~ <br />~ Signature of Person Ta 'ng awledgment <br />~.•`E.~~ ~•.Y~~.~l- At~ry P1~bliC <br />9~ fit ~P i'itle <br />STATE Ur':°_.--.__..._.:....-.-°-...°.•...-- .-_-..°...._..-...- ~y Entered on rttmerical index and filed for record <br />County .........°-----..___.___._..__....---...__.._..---.----------. } sa is the Register of Deeds atfiaa of said County trro <br />_.-°--°-......__..dap af.._.._...°--........._._.._-___....-..., I9 ............. at...-_..........._......_.._o'dock and-............_... ---....-minutes ......---------....M[. <br />and recorded in $aok_.___---_.-..-_..._._.._.....-.-of.._..........._ nano.-..------..........-°...........---_-. <br />_ ....................... . . - -- -_.-Reg. of Deeds <br />