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<br /> <br /> <br /> rii~t rxte*.c; t- ps>+:tp>ont' Tht• due date of the traontlaly instrallnitnts= referred to in parxagraphs' 1 and w hereof or <br /> " c.i1:arsge ti ,s.tio, ;,t t~f ~ezc±r i:sstalltr<ents. <br /> 10. 3orrawer Not Released.. Extension of the finRe fr r payment or modification (if amortization of the sums <br /> sc~ t~rtz+ ,,ti this. Mor gage grmitei by Lender to any suice or i't isite r„5t of Borrower shall not operate: to release, <br /> in :e:aw manner, ii;e+ iiab i--V of t .le Original Borrower aTA Borron si9CCesso:s in.interest. Lender shalt not be <br /> 0 cutt:t n(ps:cc ;,ra~• f~cdi^ s against such successor or refuse to extend time for pa)'ment or otherwise modify <br /> 31Z}Grt'=tien of Ole urrit izecu!vl i3';• this Mortgage by reasOtr of, any demand made by the original. Borrower and <br /> t3nr rower,s s.ucc vonti tr: intearetsi. <br /> 11. Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbearane by Lender in exercising any right or remedy <br /> hemunder. or otbe.rwMe afforded by applicable law. shall not he a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right <br /> or -emedy hemunder. Ti:e p±rocurem(t, of insurance or the pa ment of taxes or other liens or charges° by bender <br /> shall not Tw a wa'vin, of Lender's right to accelerate the in-murity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. <br /> li+^ 12. Remedies Cumulative. All remedies provided in this M.ortgagc ire distinct and cumulative to any ocher <br /> riglit or reme ly under this Nlortgiagr or nffordcd ley lactic' or ,~luity. and may be exercised ca recurrently, independ- <br /> rn s4 rzr ^cre retvively <br /> 13. aucce~&svrra and A&-tins Bound; joint cmd Several Liability; Captions.. The cciveniants and agreements <br /> herein cnr:tained shall hind, nand the rights lien-under .shapi inure to, the respective successors and a.. ip;ns of Tender <br /> arid Born •,c°cr, ievt to ri:w, provision:; of paar3grnpls' 17 here.oi. All "wenaants and agreements of Borrower shall <br /> !K-;; a:nt ;md FrNThe e,apstions a:r.d hctadings esi the paragraphs of this Mortgage are for raonvenicnze only and <br /> are^ itch to be ur:tNa to interpret or define t.lie provisions hereeof.. <br /> ~j 14. Nonce. Any notwc to Borrkmva:ir provided for in this Mortgage :;hail be given by mailing such notice b,. <br /> cert;6(rA <,;:Ili v:drv:'-d ±.r) Borrr,u-c .a-., dw Prolwrti Aa.' stated b lwi, except for fear notice required tinder <br /> faa.*aprati't; 1 i ht:,cf to he prier, to Borrower in the inanner prescribed by ippilicable l•aw.nv notir,c provided <br /> Burrowi~r vdien given in the manner designateei herein. <br /> for in t it, Olcrrts ap t 4ts:a'; elc,:.rr:rcl to iXZ►~ c xr (wiven to <br /> 15., Uniform Mortgag?: Goverring Law; Severabihty. This forin of mortgrap e:. combiner ;:.niforvn covcntant,5 <br /> fo: r aat0 1°d 'ssc ate' i non-uniform covenants with limited variations ir, jurisdiction to t.onv itute a uniform secu- <br /> rity real 1~roper`t,r. This Moitgrag, `,;hall be governed b%, the law of the jurisdiction in which ! <br /> thss trop>4.rM zs weatr In t hel c7flnt: t, fat any provision or ciao.: of this Mortgage -,,r the Note confjicty with E <br /> sp7p?licaablc ,:aw, rs:ci: conflict. shall i)ot affect other pror•isicns of th's. 'Mortgage or the Note whiob can be given j <br /> 1:icy ront';irtiN pirr►visitarr, anil to t~iir; card the provisioriF of t.litt 'Mortgage and the Note are declared <br /> to be stet's§ra;ble, <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Bor'rowii r shall be furnished a conforred ropy iif this Mortgage at the time of execu- <br /> rior or aft,cr rc-oordatiorl hereof <br /> 17. Traaa:sfer of the Propezty: Assuimpt:ou. If all or any p? of the Property or an interest therein is sold <br /> or trsatxa3i:rrrd by Borrower without Lender'~f prior written consent. excluding (:a) the. creation of a lien or eneum- <br /> la ra v Nllbordm ate to this Mortgage, (b) the creation of a purchase money srec;urity interest for household appli- <br /> . ces, (c.) a trar,,sft.r by dr- isp; di*st. nt or by operation of law upon the death of a joint tenant or (d) the grant of <br /> any iewsi'i nld it.te'resi Of three years or lust; not containing an option to purehr.3e; Lender may. tat Lender's option, <br /> decimm rill the surias Vrcured lay thi Mortgage to be immediately clue anti playable. Lender shall have waived such <br /> option to ,trcriyrat.r if, prier w he ti- or trtan,sfer. Ltndcr and the parson to N•lioin the Property is to be sold or <br /> t.r.,"lfferrtl neath tagnr ernvnt. M Ivriting "ilts.l. tide cre.~litof such person is s.Satisf~kcton" to bender and that, the interest <br /> pa;°ai,le: on the s µ ns st cured by thin Moi•tgne Oiall lye at suph rate. Lender shall request. If Lender has waived <br /> the option to aarct,4(rrate provided in this p:,raagr'aph 17 and if Borrower's successor in interest has executed as writ- <br /> ten assurr,pttion ssgre'emerat accepted in writing by Lender, 'Lender xhall release Borrower from all obligationK under <br /> dais Mortf,ar, and the Not,,- <br /> If Lcndee:r exercises such option tt, av.celemte, Under hail snail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordanc^ <br /> with paaxa7, aph 14 herrof. Such ezoti,:c shrall.proyide a perkxl of not less titan 30 days from the date the not;^t+ is <br /> mailed % ithin which Borrower rear.y play the surf declared flue. If Borrower fails to pay such sums prior to the <br /> expimtiran of such period, Lender znay, without further notice or dernand on Borrower, invoke zany remedies per- <br /> witted by parag~s,ph 1S hereof. <br /> c,~•I'tirrnta>t C'"r:r:A*'TS. Borrower ;and Fender further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> 18, Ac.+,alerration 13terned;or, Except aA perovideki in partigrap h V? hereof, upon I3orro'N'£r'.4 breach of Ali% <br /> covenant or agrt rtaent crf Bor.n3we- in this Mortgage. including tiff rove;lants to pay when dui! any Burns gecurcrl <br /> by this'Mortgap~ ; I.rr6rlt°r prior tea acceleration ilhall );sail notice to Borror-•cr v~; provided in paragraph 14 1'.creof <br /> w,t >cif , `ir h, (I . tF:e hre,ich t2) the :artioti ri quire-d to vrc r.uch brreacli; (3) a date, not ietns than thirty days <br /> fr'ml lh' date: ti'. no ire ir, a;.~Pilmi to Borrower, h% wbic': stint brc:airb must be tuned'; and 1441 that failure to curd <br /> wt,ch brwsach on or before; th* date taper::ified in the notice may result in 'acceler ttion, of the s-rms secured by this <br /> Mortgrager and sale f the ?res;terty. If the hreazit is not cured on or before the date specified in the notice, Lender <br /> at Len,&r*s opatiin may dee'.;arr all of the .sunaars ilocured by thin, Mortgage to be iininediately clue and pavable <br /> wAhckut further dem and may forvrlmse ;his'Mortgaage by judicial proceeding. I.rnder shall be entitled v) co.!eet <br /> in s.ui.h psreceeding all t,qx°,mcs of forectnsvre, including; but not limited for towns of documentary evidence. <br /> ae?*ktrm,t+:and t; le r•!ports. <br /> M 9orrawar'aa l#ir*1it to. Reinstate. Noturitbitanding Lender"s :acrclerat.pon of the sums sc.:ured her this <br /> Mangtage, Borrower slh ail havc the right: to have any proceedings t*gun by Lender to enforce this Mortgap; d;s- <br /> ,continued at any tirnt_ prior to entry of ai ju4grnent enfc;rcing this Mortgage if: (0 Borrower pays Lender nil <br /> witty. -rvhirh would be then due under thi.4: aitFuRv. the Note and note i ",curing Futum Advances, if any, hall no <br /> acceleration ocrurr ii; fb Sorr'ower cum; all breaches of any other covenants or agreernentia of Borrower coo- <br /> tained in this; Mortgage:. (e) Borrower pays all reasonable exjwnses incurred by, Lender in, enforcing the covenant,. <br /> and agreements of F,.'iorrower contAirlell in this Mortgage and in enforr ng Lenders. rrrrnedies ax provided in parr, <br /> graph 18 hvrrof, including, but euad limited to, reaso.niable attorney's fees: and ad) Borrower taken such action as <br /> Leader may reasonably inquire. to a ,,mreii that the lien of th`ui Mortgage Under'.s interest in the Property and <br /> Bart en's obligation to prey the .:feria secuYed by thin :Mortgage shall continue unimpaired, Upton such prayrne;it <br /> and cure by Rorrower, this Mortgagc anal the obligations wuxvd bereby sifualt rertutiv in full force and effect as if <br /> no tiv:elemtion had'oeturred <br /> 241. Asa rt *nt of Rmra;, APpointraaars:t,ecaf Ractrivan Ltatnkdo in Possewion- M additional security here- <br /> under. Borrower ba.ebv ra agns to Dmder,.xhe rents of this%Prclaerty, provided that Borrower shall. prior to acceler- <br /> titiou'underr pairiagrrapsle 1S he:rtof or abitiidoinnicnt of t}re. 'ra .Alt h*ve the'right to collect and retain such rents <br /> aus they becorrse due; and pay.able_ <br /> ,pt*n ae"leration undt-, p`anaerap:,h 18 i."eo: or abandonment of the Property:, L nder, in peon. by agent <br /> o- Mr puriiciall-' appointe : rewteiv4cr shall 'm entitled to enter upon, take pwss.ri_aion of and inanagee tiro r'roNrty <br /> :a.rid to rol}pct 7,'rrr. refits of the Yrcw,erty, including "ho* e past due. All rents` -olleetyl by Lenile.r or the receives <br /> 'sn11 txw aryplit-'t f17-', to p'raymerrt of ':he tests of tnanagerr:ent of the Pm;t:sty ann. collo-tion of writs, including, bui <br /> tsa, rent: a r r'= frYw, psre miiims are reeciver's 4arupF and reasonable attorney 'g fees. and teen to the suns <br /> se -tier? by '.1xia or;i•a;:e. Lender and the receiver rhall N- i bie to accclum oniv for those rents actually received. <br />