<br />~9- tslpQ~~~~ 4~`TC~AG~
<br />TH13 INDENTU1tE, made this- ' 7th day of ?lei e~t1eT -------- __ , 19 _ 73' . by and between
<br />Tl.Otaas T?. Hchnbaum and .Tuli.eanna K. iinhr.T3aurn, halshand and -sifa, each a-r his and her
<br />°-°°.° ri~at end as -. -u~~ nE t"~ other,
<br />of .Tall ~,~y Nebraska, as mo ~ ,and Grand Island Trust Co
<br />rtgagor - mpany of firand laland, a corporation
<br />organised sad eaisCrng under the Laws of Nebraska with its prtiacipef af~ce and place of busir!esa at Grand Island, Nebraska, es mortgagee:
<br />iVITNESSETH: That acid mortgagor ~ ,for and in coaaideratioa of the sum of
<br />~*Ttra 'iliauaand Five Hundred Ten and 'ini17?~ths^*
<br />Dollars iS ~ , ~ ] ~ • Hn !.
<br />the receipt of which is hereby acknawk~xlged, do - by these presents mortgage and warrant unto said mortgagee, its auecressors and assigns.
<br />forever, au the faIIowing described real eataty, sitvat~ in the County of }r a 11
<br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />Let Tc.~n s21 i.n B1nc':: Five (57. 3rentrnnd Sul~divisi.nn in
<br />tiie f.itV Or f+Tarid Tel-arid, 1iR:.1 ~(111n tv- '' a_t~irA SI!8.
<br />Together with all heat;ng, air conditioning. fighting, sad plumbing equipment and futures. including careens, awnings. storm wiar~ws arvf
<br />doors, and window abodes or blinds, used on or in connection with said prsparty, whether iha soma era now iowtad oa said property nr hereafter
<br />placed tt.~er~a.
<br />- TO HAVE AND Tf) Ili)LD THE SAME. together with all and singn}ar the tenamenta, hereditaments and appurterrances therertnto be-
<br />kmging, or is anywise appertaining, forever, sod warrant the title to ti-,e same. Said morgagor ~ he<ooy covenant-with said
<br />mortgagee that ~. hay are _, at tho delivery h-Rreof, the Iawfu! owrrar~~ of the praarrsea above wnveyed avd described,
<br />and 9r£ seized of a good and indefeasible estate of inheritance therein. free and clear of ail eaeumbrances, and that t he~_will
<br />w-~rravt and defend the title thereto-forever against the claims sad demands of all persons whomsoever.
<br />~g;;V II'-£D ALY'. AVS, and thin ::.sistsa at i3 2x~vt~ and dgiiv to a,~srs tba psya~nt of the sv.~n of _
<br />**Twa TFieusand Diva Hundred fiat. and 170; I[~pt°tre^•'i _ Dollars(S?~51`t.`~~ ;.
<br />wit$ interest Lherean, together with such charges and advances as may 6e due and payable to sand mortgagee under the Lerms and troaditions
<br />of the proaussory- Hole of even data herewith and secured hereby, eaecuted by said mortgagor 3 fq said mortgagee, payable as expressed
<br />in acid note, sad to secure the perfomreace of all the terms and conditions contained therein. The terms of said Hate era hereby incorporated
<br />iiarein bg this reiersnee.
<br />It is the inteatioa and. agreement of the parties hereto that this mortgage shall also setrrro any futuze advances made to said mortgagors
<br />by said mortgagee, sad any sad aII indebtedness in addition w thr amount above stated which said mortgagors, or any of them, may owe to
<br />said mortgages, however evidenced, whether by Hate, book account or othernise. This mortgage shall remain in full force aml effect between
<br />the parties bereto and their heirs, persnna3 representatives, successors and assigns, until all amavnts secured hereunder, including future
<br />advaatas, era pall is €uE with interest.
<br />The mortgagor ~ hereby assign ~_ to said mortgagee all rents and income arising st any and all times from said property and
<br />hereby authorize said mortgagee orals agent, at its aptioa, upon default, to take charge of said property and coQeet all rents and itrcome
<br />tfrerafrtsm and apg, ly the same W the payment of interest, principal, insurance prnmiams, tasea, aasesamenta, repairs or improvements
<br />necessary to keep said property in tensatsble condition, or to other charges nr pay2nents pirovided for herein or in the note hereby secured. This
<br />rent assignment shalll con-;.invo in force until tho unpaid balance of said note is fully paid. The taking of possession hereundet shaA in no manner
<br />Prevent or r~_~rd =atf n'ort$~°ee in the aoLeetian of eaid auras by fererlaaura ~ otherwise.
<br />The failure of the mortgagee to assert any of its rigbts hersurrdar at any lima shaII not be construed as a waiver of its right to assert the - -
<br />same at any SsCer time, sad to insist upon affil enforce strict c~plsuu=~ with an the terms sad provisions of said note and of this mortgage.
<br />if seal mortgagor ~ shall cause W be paid to said mortgagee Lho entire amount due it hereunder. sad under the terms cad provraioas
<br />of said noCa hereby secured, including future advances, and say extensions or renewals therof in axardaace with the terms and provisions
<br />thereof, sad ~ said mortgagor ~ _ sbaC comply with all the provisions of nerd note and of this mortgage, than thane Preseaty shall be void:
<br />ai:bffivriea to main hi full facer and eifaci, sad acid mortgagee shalt ireentitrad W the possession of aII of saili property, a~ rosy, at its option.
<br />declare tbawhok3 of said noW S~ all indabiedneas represented thorehy W be immediately-due sad payahk, and may foreclaee this mortgage
<br />or take arty other kgat action to peotect rte-rigbt. Appraisament ward:
<br />This motgage shall ba binding upon cad shall enure to the beae$t of ttra heirs. executors. administrators. srrrxPaeoxs end assigns of the
<br />respsetive Partite h~ato.
<br />IN WITrdESS WHEREOF, said Mortgagors ~ ve herearnto a~=t air and _5 -the y and year first above
<br />written. - - - - - - -
<br />~. ~. ~-
<br />f
<br />ieanna K- Hohnbatmi
<br />~~
<br />