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- 5.?-A-REAL ESTATE RLORTGAG-E-(With Tax Cla ceet (Revised 1942j -Ihr ti+,ttm:ur rc~urel Furs;;ly tiowtio, t.n,c,Aa, ?iabr <br />F~. _ - -.. ,. ... - - - <br />~~--gJ"~it~+ a <br />- KNON.r AI T, i,1EN I3Y TTTi Sr PRESLN'[~5 't'hat Fred W. Rauch and Margaret L. Rauch, Husband and <br />Wife, each individually in his and her own right and as spouse of the other, <br />E of Hall County, and State of Nebraska , in ecnsideratr.~n of the st:~i cf ! - <br />SEVENTY-TWO 'tHOUSt~rW THIRTY-FIVE AND 95/100-°--------°-------------------------DOLLARS <br />in hanri paid, da hereby SELL acrd CONVEY urtn The First National Bank of Grand Island, <br />~- of Hall County, State of Nebraska I.hc follaaing deseriF,ed premises sittrate<I <br />in Hall County, and Stale of Nebraska , to-wiL: <br />A tract of land located in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter {SEr>r~'•IW~) of <br />Section Twenty-One {21), Towztshig Eleven (11) North, Rarge Nine (9) West of the 6th <br />P.M., more particularly described as follows: <br />- Beginning at a point on the South Side of Anna Street of the City of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska, 15 feet East of the West side of Jackson Street extended southerly, said pointf <br />I is also 1010 feet Southwesterly from a point where the Southerly line of Anna Street <br />intersects the East lane of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter {SEA) of <br />Section Twenty-one (21), in Township Eleven {11) North, Range Nine {9), West of the 6th i <br />F.M., thence running in a Southeasterly direction parallel with the Westerly line of <br />i Jackson Street as extended a distance of ?.75' thence running right 90 Degrees in a <br />Southwesterly direction 273.9 feet to a point that is also 257.2 Feet from a point on <br />the mast Property line of the County Road, thence running right 90 degrees along a line <br />garallel with the West Line of Jackson Street as extended, a distance of 127 Feet, f <br />thence right 40 degrees along a line parallel with the South line of Anna Street 93.1 <br />feet, thence right 127 feet along a line parallel with the West line of Jackson Street <br />as extended to Closure, said Closure constituting a Tract of land 127 feet by 93.1 feet;' <br />and, Lots 6 and 7 and Westerly 32` of Lot 3 in Block 46, Wasmer's 3rd Addition to the <br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />- `I'he infenticn bring io crrnvey hereby an a`usotute title in fee simple.:: e!•~tng ail the rights of homestead and dower. <br />Tt) HAV 6 kND "I'O Ht3LD the premises above described. :vith ail the appurtenances thereunta belonging, unto the said <br />- muriFvagce(s! and to his, ht~r or their heirs and ensigns forever, proviclrKl always, and these presents ate upon the express <br />' c+?nciiti~xt ilzat if the said rnnrigagor(s), his, her ur their heirs, executors, ad,~tinistrators or .tssigns shay! pay or cause to be <br />paid io the said moriga;;ee(s), his, het or their heirs, executors, administrator. or assigns, the principal sus of ~ 72 , 035.95 <br />- payakrie ac foltnws, to wit: <br />$72,035.95 principal amettnt, plus accrued interest, due and payable on December 27, 1979; <br />i <br />_ with interest accrrrciine fo ihr• tenor and efTee*_ of the mortnagors written Pramissrry note hearing even date with these presents E <br />and sisa!1 pay all taxes arsd u.=:xssments tevi~~ri open said real estate, anti a!I other taxe+. lovte:: and a:,.u~ssment; levied open this <br />gas .... ., „~ ~~!:irh ih.s ...,, ve ,r:' -t ........ ~f.:re the sere Ix::,....~, de! ^.;ce:;i, ,.,... he°F :ha tvrii=u'n5 ar. - <br />said`premises insured fur tlvo Burn of 'SY 72,035.95 v~ ,toss. if nay. Payable t_; cihe said ntertgagee, then these Presents <br />= to be void, othenrise to be and remain in foil force. <br />5T IS b'trH'FHEt2 AGREED (1) That if the said mortgagar shall fail to Fay- taxes rrr procure such inW2rel9ae, Jre <br />said martgaree may pay such taxes and procure such insurance: and the ::+um so advanced, with interest at 11% per i <br />cent, shall be repaid $y seid mvrtgaeor: and this martgage shah stand as sr`-ccra~-f ~r the :.zc'ae. (2) That a failure to pa3 Rng i <br />of said money, either principal or interest, whcrn the sale beceraas dne. ~i a fair' tc campiy with any of the foregoing <br />- agreements, shall cause the whole sum n1 money herein set:ured to heeamtl due and,eai •tihle at r;nce at the optian of the <br />mortgagee <br />~. , <br />-- i Sigued tsris 27th day of December 19 /$---'~ ~ -~~/ ~ - ..-. d. .W, ~ IIau CI'1 ~ { <br />%~ <br />_ -- Ir. pre once of -- y.C..G... _ _ _ <br />__ ._ ._ _ <br />ar ar c <br />'' nraska Hall <br />P~+ f?~ sit^~-s ------- --- --- _..- _. --------. County of ...._. __..-.. - - - <br />. -_.. ....: <br />'y\~~ $ei~.z~ a ~7sk$ry public qualified for said county, pcr~.oually came FrP_d W. Rauch and <br />'p <br />`~ `; <br />~ :`t7~"~ "Cy'• <br />Margaret L. Rauch <br />s <br />kt~em"t87ir~'ta bg the iderfical person or p^tsons who signed the foregoing instrument sad acknowledged the execution <br />.. ;:~, <br />tt6:r~~tlYe.,hi~, her• their voi-sntarp et and deed. - <br />_, <br />1ness m~,l~rtrd f~td natazial seat oz ...........-Dec~tn6er .27 ~.... . '., <br />~ X18.., <br />_ <br />~`',A* ~ ~ f.j~ ~ r'~yGL•...-_s/1~:!~-~•r-aka':~-YY.!^=..'j_-Notarv Public.. <br />~r~':._-......_.__~.~1.... .f.-_... rec..... - <br />~'AT~~ .~.~.--.X26raslta....--.--.-_ ........................... Entered on numerical index and fi.ed for record <br />Jaunty Hall- - - fn the Register of Deeds OHice of said County the <br />- ..................... ........._..... - ..........._._...-_...__. ss. <br />----•~-- _..-..,...dap af ................._...,_ -°-- °-.......,..., li)............, at...............-.. - - ........o duck and.....-.....,.......,.,._.....minutes ....._.........,-_..M-, <br />anti rectrrdxi in Boak_._._.........,._ page..-....--'----- ..._....--._._...-. <br /> cf Deeds <br />By ................................_.......,..................................... _... _._Depa tY <br />