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<br />sT~.TE ur .vilsnA~i>;.a, Canntp o ::........................................................: <br />Filed for record and entered iu Nurnarical Index <br />an ............................................................ at ................ o'clock ................ *~i., <br />and regarded m Deed Record Page "`~ ~~ <br />jit,. ~r'~I~ {H~ ' <br />............................................................ sy .,......,................................................ ~i <br />County Clerk or Deputy County Clerk or ... ~ }+i rv ~ if~i 7 <br />Re~.ster of Deeds Deputy Resister of Deeds <br />~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~'~ ~~'~,'~ STR7EMEi`+T ATIHCHED <br />Ir sz J. FitF:LS Aim GI,031~'R A. POr=LS, nUSBA13C Atdu +v1FF;, i;ACii ix HIS Alv'0 ril<,ec <br />Ol~lr' i?3C~lTT ANT? AS SPOUSE OF EACH OTHER, <br />herein Bailed the grantas whether ane oa >'e-rrs, <br />in consideration of SI:{TY-SI3t'Ex THOUSAtdI? AAJD :'d0/ltd DOI3.,fu'?S <br />received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, convey and gonfnrm unto STEVEN M, CURRY A?n3 <br />KATiiRYfd A. CURRY, HUSIIAidT) AND I'FIFE, AND lrZLl,LtM OC}MES, AS JOZNT TEidltxTS AS TO THE <br />RImSPECTIVE SHARE OF HU59A.h'D AND 11MIIFE AND A5 TENANTS Ix Cd=ON OF THE IYHOLE, <br />herein called the grantee Whetfier one or more, the following described real groger#y is <br />.~~'.7! ............................................................. County, Nebraska: THTs SOtt~'~l iiALF 6F T7~~J`tPPH:EASf <br />QURR'FER OF THE NORTHl9ffiT QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST (ZUARTFR (Sy SE~ ~ ~~}, ALSQ <br />THE NORTH HALF GF THE NORTHEAST' QUART~i OF THE SOusHT#'EST QUAR', gl't OF i'fiE SOUTiT~'AST <br />QUAD (x~ iu~E~ slq~ sE~} , ALSO ox>~ AGRE OFF THE NoRTiI sr1~ OF TrlE ~tlnli IiAi~ OF <br />THE NOftTHEA; I" ~UAR.TBR OF THE SOiI'PIi4dE5T QUARTER OF THL SOUTHEAST f~UARTER (S~ IdE~ <br />s S~~}, ALL IN s1aGTIOx T~ExTY--ox~ (2~}, Ix TOx'~.'SiTIP T1L~EN (u} xcH, of RANGE <br />NIbi1E (9}, iNESI' OF TKB bTH PR3NGiPAL MER.IDSAx, COh"£A3NIxG 11 ACRFS OR LESS, E&Gi~IxO <br />IiOIYEVER, A STRIP OF OR.OUxD OF THE UNIFORM AII'DTH 4F ~y0 FEED OFF THE BEST SIDE OF SAID <br />12 ACRE TRACT, IYiTIGii IS RFSII2Vffi7 FOR A PL"HLIC ROAD Pil{Rl'EfUALL`Z. <br />To Lave and to hold the bbove described premises together with all tenements, heredit~atela~ <br />and appurtenances thereto belonging onto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever. <br />9nd the grantor does hereby goeenant with the grantee and with grantee's heirs and assigns <br />that grantor is lawfully seised of said premises; that they are free from enenmbranee F%GEPT EASFT$ <br />AxD R~T'RIGTIOxS OF RF..GORD <br />that grantor has good right and lawful authority to eanvey fire same; and that grantor warrants anti wilt <br />defend the title to said premiss against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />Bated ~t~ ~M ~ B !~ e14~ 19 ~~ <br />!~ f <br />.... r <br />i , <br />,~ <br />:~ ~ f .: <br />,; <br />aF~AL~Ih~E A. POEIS <br />4TATE OF hIF:BRASK.A, County of ......t'~ltt~.~...fin ............................ <br />Refere ;ua, a notary public gaal;*"led for said county, personally came <br />3_ J. I~OF..I~S ANL 0~'~°.ll;i h~ A. P^&..:5, :?tTSdAz~'D ANU ;FIFE, F.'asG'rl Ix ills Ax.U H~ €~T <br />RIGHT Axi? AS SPOUSE GF UGH firTix'F~t, <br />l~notvn to me tc be the identteai person ar persons whe signed the <br />foregoing ins~.,rnment and aeknov;ledged the ezeeutian thereof to be bis, <br />her or their voluntary got and dead. j y <br />R'ituess my hand an tarial seal ~~~,~{..,/„~.{..~... <br />w1afRAl919'FYs't - gtxtt ~ isensta <br />..._. ..... «. ... ............... Notary Public <br />cA~~tt ~. i:oaY ...... <br />asy comm. E~. AD1S122, is79 +~ <br />Tviy commission expires ..... .,„t~~ ............. Z9 ~.... <br />lrorm 2.2 Approved by 1ebraska State Bar Association FKilwt • Wall Qw. Iiaeotn, Nefrr. <br />