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ff$%2--LEASE <br />.at+ Huffman uen«rn! 9u-97y Fluuex. Line-oln, time. <br />THlS INDEh~~l2~t,4`1'..iade this lst day of December .j4 78 , b.MUeen <br />Timothy J. Casey and Ramona R. Casey <br />¢ari ies of the first part hereinafter referred to as tensor, and <br />James L. Bryant and David E. Swift, dba interstate Underground Sprinkler <br />Comparty , ¢arties aj the second part hereinafter referred to as lessee. <br />1slITNESSETH, fihat the said lessor, in consideration of the covenants of the said lessee, heret`najter .set forth, <br />da or does by these presents lease to Phe said tessee, the following described property, to-unit: <br />Lot B, Block 38, Packer and Bart`s Second ~dditian, City of Grand island., <br />Hall County, Nebraska and more commonly known as 125 North Grace Street <br />TO HALE AND TO HOLD the same unto the said lessee front the lgt day of December <br />. 19 7&, to the 30th day of November . as} 79 <br />And the said lessee, in consideratior. of the leasing of the premises as abox,•e set jtrth, ca.;•enants and agrees with <br />the lessor, to pay the said lessor ns rent for the same the surrt of Three Thous<~nd Three Hundred <br />and 00/100 ($3,300.00)__________________________°-----------------DOLLARS <br />payable as follows, to~crit: <br />$275.00 on the first day of December, 197$ and $275.00 on the first day <br />of each month thereafter until the last monthly payment on November 1,_197 <br />~ deposit of tine Hundred Dollars and 00/100 ($100.00) shall be paid to the! -_ <br />Lessor to cover any damages made to the building and/or grounds by lessee <br />during the term of Chia lease. <br />Lessees hereir. have the option of renewing this lease under the same tarms~ <br />and conditions as stata~3 herein for a period of Six (6) months or <br />'t`welve (12} months which+>_ver the lessees prefer. <br />The said lessee further covenants with tlse said lessor, that at the rxpiretian of the time mentioned in this lease, <br />peat€able ¢arszssion of said prensises sltnll be given to the said fessor, to as good condtt:on cs they now are, the usual <br />Near, inevitabl€ arcidrnts end loss by fire excepted; and d1Fat ttpan the non-payment of tF:e u:l=ote or any portion of <br />the sand rent at the tirxe when the same. is above premised tone paid, tF.e said lessor tray at his, her, their or its <br />€lcctian either distrain for said rent due, or derlare this tefuz at an rod and recover tassessian a.s if the same xers <br />held by forcit+le detainer; the said tessee hereby SSUi£riny any notic. ej sxrh election or any demand jar the. ¢aseession <br />of the said prrntiaes. <br />AND IT 1S i•LfRTHER COL'ElAhfTED Ah'D AGF.EED bet^u•een the parties aforesaid That the lesE <br />will pay the water charge;3, ,general repair of the building; painting of t~ <br />building, maintenances of the fences and grounds, taxes and all special <br />assessments; and that the lessee will pay all other utilities except <br />;cater charges, maintain thr building and grounds in safe condition, and <br />keep in force all necessary insurance that will protect the lesssar's <br />property. <br />The covenants herein shad extend to and be binding upon the hrirr, exertators and administrators of the parties <br />to this lease. <br />GG'itress th€;hands ztnd seals of the patties ajoresaid. <br />', .y <br />~.-.> { ! s <br />Two thy <br />..................... SEAL <br />ey <br />.~. f _ - -.-.SEAL <br />.ti ..... t <br />D i E. ~iaift ' <br />~' <br />