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~3[i ~ig~({ g (This is a legally bindi~rng contract. If no=t aunde~rlst~ogod, seek legs; advise.) <br />The undersigned, hereinafter designated as the PURCHASER, hereby affexs and agrees to purchase Erom the SELLER. the properfy sftucted in <br />the County at Hail, Sia?e of Nebraska, legally descrthsd ¢s: LotB 30 and 3I and 5 $ft . of Lt7t ~9, <br />Hawthorne Place Subdivision to [he City e£ Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />_ tocatsdattheiallowingaddress; 9$5 and 934 Sputlt Oak Street _ <br />,.;:1'_'~°`'t t^~._-,._~t3ag _ -..-"t;an ^fr~-3rd,-.?_C°. ri:en.=fr ;;h;i_„ti?:t.`_, ari:'~ San,^.-T.:,niP. 4Zd;na:' <br />g ,cos,tinny;tageiharwiihaffimprawutents <br />and appuYa_nces crad~•inctuding all fixtures and equipmenfrpermanertly attaehed, or with. the intent of being permanently attached to said <br />_ premises but no personal property being included except, <br />and to pay €cr the property the sum of $ 34 s ~Ol} • 0~ purchase price, upon the following terms and conditions: <br />Cash <br />- 1. DEPOSTT MONEY: The undersigned broker is hezelry authorized to present this offer fe the Seller. Tne deposit money hereby tendered is iri <br />the amount of $ ~Q, 940.0(1 ,in the {arm of Cie • .which is to be held fry Da-Ly Realty and Insurance, Inc, broker. and credited asr <br />the purchase price if the sate is consumated. - <br />2. PURCHASE MONEY: Payment of all purchase money shall be to Do-iy Reaiiy and Insurmue, Inc., broker, as agent fa[ the Roller. <br />3. SFECL4L AGREEMENTS' Special agreements betweer. SF.1'.L£R and PURCHASER are as toliows: <br />Hafl atijristment to be approved by buyer and check to be .turned-over <br />tc buyer. <br />4. TERMS OF OPFEII: In consfderatioa of the brokei s assistance to the Purchaser in the preparation ci thss offer andofhis presentation thareaf <br />far the Seffers acceptance, the Purchaser agrees that this offer is irrevocable untif4 J7h 78 at ~,_..P.M, and if not aecepied by iha Seller on _ <br />- - or before this date. this offer shall be deemed revoked and the derrosii shall be returned #oztttwith to the Purchaser. It fs unsler~cad .hat arty. - <br />wrdtten Acknowledgement of Acceptance recetvsd by the broker, within the time hmii stated herein, shall be bsrdirg as laatlt par#ies to t1iss -. - <br />grtreameII#:- - - - <br />- v. -BATE AND PLACE OF-CLOS1AiG: if this offer ss accepted by itre SeLrer and it title e~i Le conveyed in the condition required berettndai. the <br />- PmchBseragrees to complete the sale ON oc BEFORE - fi~ ]- f 2$_ Closing of the sale shall take place of the of:iee of Ikr-Ly Realty # - - <br />- Insurance. Inc., is v;ard island. Nebraska, or at a location agreed to «y Seller. Purchaser and Booker. <br />6. POSSESSIGN: Posssssion of the premises shalt tie given-to Purchaser innnediateiy foilcwing closing, unless otherwise agreed bereia. In <br />the avant of any title detect which Seller is making eiiorts to remedy. delay the closing herein. Purchaser has the option to take possession fti - <br />advanee of closing `uy delivery of the _F,aiance of the purchase prise to Da-Ly Realty and Lnsurance, lac. Broker. to hold pending the final elosittg <br />.erein. <br />7. T#~?MI'I'E 1NS?ECT10N: The Purchaser may of his owtt expense. within +~ • A. days after ratification of ibis offer, seavre a termite report <br />on said prapet#}•. IC the :apart shows a condition of live termite infestation and the Seller Is unable ar unwilling io correct said condition, then <br />the Puzchasex, at hts antian, ran cancel this otter, have his deposit returned and be released of all liability iteretmdez. - <br />9. TTI`I.E: The sal~xs to be eorsumated by the de livery of the usual Warranty Deed conveying a marketable title,fn fee simple andstiid Seller <br />agrees to furnish an Abstract of Title certified to dale of sate, ar a Title Insurance Policy, to date o€ sale and convey said premises to me or mp <br />aamixrees free and r_lear of atf liens. enctrmgrances or special taxes Savied or assessed. -- - <br />9. pEFAULT: Except as provided in Paaagxaph Fifteen (t53 of this agreement, ii either Seller ar Purchaser should breach ties agzeetrent; _ <br />liSuidated damages in tbs. amount of TIId (irJ'bl PERCENT of the purchase price shall be paid fry the defaulting p~iy fa the nondefaultlizg <br />pertly. Seller and Purchaser shad autftorize Broker in writing to release any and art manias it is bolding is eon-defsaiting party is the eveAf of a <br />liteaclt. <br />1(i, REMQ:'AL OF f'..'dCtIMBRRNCF$: Any eneumbzanc~s and specfa! assessments !e-vied or tniev}ed at Sala da#e, upon the property whidi the <br />- - seLer rs-zeiluired td:iemnve under this atfsr. naay be paid and disatrarged with the purchase money at the time of the t:lositag of ibe .gale,-oz i1 - <br />puzchaaer elects, assumed wit[i abatement of the pucchcse price. - - - - <br />- Il. FRQRATIO?dS: Al"t taxes and assessments which have become a Tien upo^ the land at the date a} closing-shalt be paid by theSeller. - <br />Irratuartce Preatiiuas tit iztsuzance isassfgnedj, interest (if marfgage is assumed7, rents (if now rentedi, utility bibs, real estate lanes, interest on <br />- m.,i tgugec.. ;Pus anc€:assessmeats. i# tuiy_ Khali be prorated and adiureri is lire d¢EC of closing. If the dosiag.of the title shall occur Ireiore the - <br />- - tar rate is it ed, the appr>rtioaicant of taxes.shull lee upon the basis of the-tax rate for the next piecedirrg, year applied to tfre latest-assessed - <br />valudtiou. <br />12- I4`ECHAIFlCB CI1±NS A?113 FF.F3SUNr{L FROFI~TY: At date of~closing. Seller shag #turzieli Ftucbasez with an tsRidavif'c~ crtf•ar evidence rhrz± <br />!here are no me.:lietnics-liens pteseatl ahths _propeziy and that there is ao passifrility of future meehaaics Italia ors t}ie premises t>°cause of <br />Seller's act tens. 'rho Seller-shall delitrez an urtannsmbered Bfli of Sate to all personal Qzopertg as the Prepertg-:whiab i$ fttc3tuled is this sale. <br />- i 3. RISK OF LOSS: The zislco# Icrss oz dsirtkage to the pzttmitfse by iige arbg tray oihermuse until the de&very of tba~ deed is assumed by 5elle= . <br />'.". "r?'T~: T7:odc.^wc::aLr1~;~sisv.^.'.:azgsfnaadsaladwlihtavsuaricy---#iitrstgratitc~ac#sin.pzuperformfarzecozd#ngan<ishatt.l~e.duly <br />executed, acknowledged end have.Revegtre$tamps in the properomauat ntiixvd thereto 1tY the Seller, at the $elTer's expense, tw ae #iifianirey - <br />_ to the Purchaser the fee sample title of the premises: rtes of aft atscumfixaircesexcept as herein stated, -Such deed shall beheld h} Dd-LgRaaIt}' - - <br />- and Irffit,#t~ice. Inc., Brake:, for delivery to P•atc:haser-ai closing. Purchaser shaR:pap fees farseaording deed rzPith Registrar of Deeds. Seiler --- <br />shell pap-cny other recording fees purE<:rcat to ctoairg. ..--- - - - - - - - <br />- --15 I}£F~RS'G~€ TITtI If-ob};^~ffaT. fc :ha tftla fs made, 7NSe3 upcr, a wxl2tea apinian of the Puxehasers attazney.that the title is not-in the <br />- - canditian required hereunder, the Seller ,hall have.'I'HIftTYt'90; days from he is notified of the particular defects claimed ei(fier (a1 to <br />- remedy the title or_(b1 to iefund the deposif-in full ieriziinatloir.a£this Agreetuent, ff he is,unahte to r~medythe title: pzovidedhawever, that- <br />Puiabtsser luny waiver such tills deEecL - -_ - - <br />