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<br />~~ <br />Business Corporation Act and any enlargement of such powers <br />r.onferred by subsequent legislative acts; and in addition <br />thereto, the corporation shall have a21 powers and rights <br />not otherwise denied corporations by the laws of the State <br />of Nebraska as are necessary, suitable, proper, convenient <br />or expedient to the attaining of the purposes set forth <br />in Article IZT above. <br />v. <br />AUTHORIZED SHARES: The aggregate number of shares which <br />the corporation shall have the authority to issue is Five <br />Thousand (5,000) Shares of Common Stock and the par value <br />of each of said shares shall be Ten Dollars {$10.00). The <br />issuance and acquisition of stock of shareholder shall be <br />governed by the provisions of the Act. <br />VI. <br />INITIAL REGISTERED OFFICE AND INITIAL REGISTERED AGENT: <br />The street address of the initial registered office of the. <br />corpora*_ian is 191b South Locust, Grand island, Nebraska <br />68801, and the initial registered agent at such address <br />is William 3. Stevens. <br />VII. <br />CORPORATE AFFAIRS: The affairs and business of the <br />corporation shall be under the control and management of a <br />?'word of Directors consisting of not Less than two rar <br />more than four to be selected by the shareholders. <br />VIII. <br />DIRECTORS: In the absence of fraud, no contract or <br />other transaction between the corporation and any other- <br />- person., corporation, firm, syndicate, association, partner- <br />. ship or ;Dint venture shall be wholly or partially in- <br />validated or otherwise affected by reason of the fact <br />that one or mare directors of the corporation, firm, <br />syndicate yr association or membersvf such partnership <br />or joint venture, is pecuniarily or otherwise interested in <br />such contract or transaction, provided, that the fact that <br />such director or directors of the corporation are so <br />situated yr so interested ar both, shall be disclosed, or, <br />shall have been known to the Board of Directors of the <br />Corporation. Any director or directors of the corporation <br />who is also a director ar officer of such other corporation. <br />firm, syndicate or association, or a member of such partner- <br />ship or joint venture or is pecuniarily ar otherwise <br />interested i^ such contract cr transaction, axay be counted <br />for the purpose of determining the existence of a quorum <br />at any rieeting of the Board of Directors which shall authorize <br />any a;~el~ contract ar transaction a3'3S~ in the absence E)f fraud, <br />and sv long as he acts in good faith, any such director may <br />vote thereat to authorize any such contract or transaction <br />with like force and effect as if he were not a director or <br />officer of such other corporation, firm., syndicate or <br />association, or a member of such partnership or joint venture <br />or pecuniarily or otherwise interested in such. contract yr <br />transaction. <br />IX. <br />NAME AiaD AADRESS OF INCORPORATORS :_ The name and address <br />of the incorporators are: <br />