<br />®~1`GAG~
<br />~~°'"ttiirs~p 7~
<br />.7~"iiiS ME)IiTGAG~ is made this.......... .29th :... ,......day of ....... Decembe r
<br />ly..-. between theNiortgagor, .Jf+~i4.v,.~Ri`Iv?Trt"`)cri ~i~~,~E,TT'f,A..GftANST~)t~i,,hus6and,an~~.wife, aaci;
<br />n h i to and her rain , r! gh~; ,~rtd. as .. {~,~--; "uoF mower"), artd the hiortgag~, iia,:te P'~lsrsl
<br />s~l ~ ~*ietion, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of The United StatPS Of
<br />E4aserica, wb~ address is 2~1 ~xtth I;o€uat Sit, €it~attd island, N~resl;a !herein "Leader"1.
<br />WxttaEas, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of. FORTI' ,THOl15AFdD, AND, N6J {00--------
<br />. - ....... ' . . ~ "° - .' . -:'......- . "-.Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note
<br />dated...ReCetnbel'..29,, . l97$...... (herein "Nate"}, providing for monthly installments of principal and irterest,
<br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable an........F.ebcual`y, .L,..200$...: .
<br />'i'a S~ciraa is Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Nate, with interest thereon, the
<br />payment of all other sums, with intetest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this
<br />Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Harrower herein contained, aril (h) the repayment
<br />of any future advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein
<br />"Future Advances";, Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following described property
<br />located in the County of............NALL . .......................... State of Nebraska:
<br />which has the addmss of.. _ ..:... 43 t != Ca (yin. Ro~tj . . . . . . . . ........ . .... . ..raeand..ts Land ........,
<br />25treet; tcitrF
<br />Nebraska 668t1i .... a . (herein "Property Address"},
<br />Tsst=>t~'aes vritli aH the improvemertts now ar hereafter erecf~l on-the property, .and all easemeats~ right,
<br />pp.'r,3; :estss -'nya~> d==.t« bit a~td-.gs ri~#s and.-profits; ~iafet', water;rig a:td meter sttrsk; ~d -all
<br />fib now--or hereafter atta~ttsii So-the property; all, of wfiieh, ittsfuding°replacetne~s aad additions thereto, sltatf tie
<br />deemed to be`and remain a part of the property coveted by this Moitgege: and all of the foregoing, tiigether witFt said
<br />propci~ty fort the ]easehoid estate if this it4ortgage is alt a leasehold) are. herein referred to as the "Property".
<br />?8arrawer eovetiazats ;that Borrsawee is lawfuilp-seised of the estate l~reby eon~~eyad and' has the right to mortgage,
<br />grant Anil ixmr!ey the Prcipertp,-that tha Property is uneneumberai, that Be_:ower wilt warrant and defend
<br />generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subject to anydeclarations, easements or restrictions
<br />listed in a schedule of exceptiatts to coverage in any title insurantx policy insuring Lender's interest in the Property.
<br />(fk~j~-t to 4 fa~aitY--175-ft~1111FtG ~1lli6b~t 1l~iRU#tE#fl'
<br />