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<br /> <br />7~-~ 6~4tr`~`~ <br />THIS M[)ItTGAGE is made this............29th............. day of ... Decernbe r <br />19. ?~ ,between the Mortgagor, AGvES. R.. ,iii OH,..unmarr.i.ed ................................ . ..... . <br />......................................4hei~in "Ua:ros.~"1, and the A~ortgag~; €fcrras Feder' <br />Savings sad loan Association, a corporation organized and existing under the iawa of The United States of <br />Ar<terica, whose address is 222 South Bust Street, firand Island, Nebraska therein "Lender") _ <br />Wxett~s, i3orroweris indebted to Lender in the principal sam of.~t?R1Y, SEV~t~,THS~~SArI[J.AND. N.4/.it}G. <br />.... _'--- ---------- -------. ------°--.-::'~oliars, which indebtedness is evidenced by $orrower's note <br />dated..... DecEmber. 29f _i 978 _ , (herein "Note"), providing for monthly installments of principai and interest, <br />with the. balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on ...... Eck r;j~.~ . !. , . 2p~3...... . <br />To SttCURE to Lender (a) zhe repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the <br />payment of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this <br />Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and {b} the repayment <br />of any future advances, with interest thereon, made to $orrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof {herein <br />"Future Advances"}, $orrower does hereby mortgaAgLLgrani and convey to Lender the fallowing desen'bed property <br />loc-aced in tnu Coanty of ....................HH....................., State of Nebraska: <br />LOT FOUR (4) OF PEER PARK SUBDIVISION 4F PART CF BLACK ELEVEN (ii7 KOEHLER SiJi3QIV[StON, <br />6RR~iQ ISLR.NQ, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />5Ifl SoutFt Vine ...............~ran,~,?~IcRd,............ <br />which has the address af .............. .... <br />tsveetl [c~yt <br />Nebraska b88t? I , ... {herein "Property Address"); <br />-~ (st~ie spa z~a easel .. . <br />Toot?rtit:s vZith all the improvements rniw -ar hereafter erected rxn the pmperty, and a!I easements,. rights, <br />:nenar; ~r;~, royalties, mine.-d, c°. aitd gas rights-and-profits;-water; arater ;ice, and water-starts; and <br />fixtures Wont ®e her~fter attached to, all of which,.inetuding a~eplacements and additions thereto, shall be <br />deerried tci be and retna%ra a part of the propesig covered by this M@rtgage;-and all of the foregoing, together with said <br />ptsrpcrty (a>: the leasehold estate if this A~ortgage is. on a lease`Itold} are herein referred fa as tha "Property". <br />Harrziwer covenants tl~t Borrower is laarfuily seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to mortgage, <br />grartt- and corivsy the Property, t#xat the Prorty is untncutrzberarl, and that $orrower will warrant and defend <br />generaIIy the tide to the Property against lilt Maims aitd demands, subject to any deciaratians, easements or restrictions <br />1`asted in a schedule of exrepttaus m -coverage in-any bile insuiatice policy insuring i.enders interest in the Property. <br />NE~ltAS~-t to a F~;rr--r:, 7~-~wl~a~r~tr~tc oxt€a~r ixssaat <br />