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_. _ <br />~ 52Sz-A-SECOND REAt_ ESTATE MOFTGAGE--Tax Clause tH€vised t962j 'Ro Finf`.m ., (Kn. re-7 ,. ,i;r,v tl~,~.a. 7 vain, tyu r. <br />~ IC~OW AL~ S1isl°c fi'x~ESP YRESE_YTS. `7'rtAT I or WF,. STAItiY-T,f:~ K. GtBff.k°it~ APB Ik~P+~IZB I. GtBRIE~, _ <br />1 f?tz~R31RID A2~ ~YIf~, EACH ZPt HZS AND FIEP. 4~~i RIL':HT AN£) AS SYCiIIS1s' GF ~GF1 ©Ti3~Et, <br />of ~~ County and State of ~}7~SgA , in con•,xdr: e=ti~.n ar the swat ut <br />r^L~'T"i ?'IiO~tSAND AND f74/1Q8 --~----~---~--. ----_~...~_M__..__._.___..._.,._ -- i:~{,i.La~s <br />is hand paid. do hereby SEZL and C0:3VEY unto <br />rerty r.: :ti50t=? Ak7h t.?I~nA S13E :TOH?~~QN, HrrSHA2~? A?a.D ~ITF~;, <br />inu~rt?ageet, <br />of f+'~R.~R Caurrty, and-9#atz of if~~ ,the fntlacring dc-seriaed p: Fniisas <br />situated in I'ft1LZt Courazy. and State of ATEBRASK,b to-:it: <br />~asT ~.A~ #~r T~ ~~rTsr f~TrARTER (~4} Q£ sECTIGN T~~~T~®.~ouR t.~~>, T©€~~ <br />'~f;:~i,~lE (g,2} NORTH, RANGE EI~~"VAS (11) SST CF T~ 6T~I F. ~., HkLL CQIINTY, NESRASISA. <br />T•he intentir>n being to r~me~y hereby an absoiufe title in tee simple including all the right_~ of homesLad and da:s:er. <br />TQ HAKE AIvD T{) HOLD the premises acoce descrit;ed, with elf the appurlenarces thereuntr, F~hsngirg unto ttre said <br />ntartgagec ur mart=•agees and tza his, her or their heirs and assigns, forever, provided always- and these presents are upon itae <br />express condition that if the said mortgagor nr mortgagors. his, her or their heirs, executar_r, admia+istratars ar assigns shall oaq <br />or cause to be paid to the said morlgagee or mortgagees and to his, het or their Heirs, execuf~rs. administtatars ur as..igns, G'te <br />sum of FIFTX T$OtJSATti'D ANTS NG~ 7,40 7?ottan, payable as follows. zr.-wit: <br />~l,Ea66.~$ plus interest on the unpaid balance due Dece~tber 3, 1979 and each Dece>Ilber :. <br />thereafter far a period of 10 years Frith the unpaid dalanct< due an the 1Qth year, <br />', with irtterr_si thereon. at $ per cent per annum. payable annually, aea,rding try the tenna and effect of the <br />t <br />promissory Hate with interest coupons attached of said llarigagor?. bracing even date with these presents, and ~ <br />shall pap all taxes, and any interact on, or maturing insfaliments of principal, due on any prior mortgage and assessments 3 <br />leered upon said real e~.ate as:d all -then taxes, levies and as-c?ssmz=r;ts ievioti ucn this mortgage ar the. note which ibis.; <br />mortgage is given to e;ecure, tmfote the sane becomes delingaent and keep Fhe buildings an said premises insured for the sum <br />$ .lass, if any, payable to such firs! mortgagees or this murkga~me, cr iwth, then these presents he void, <br />othe.^-wise to lee and remain in full faree- <br />t <br />:'7' iS FI?RTf~= AuRBFD {3} That i# file said mortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes and such interest on, cr maturing t <br />instaklrnents of princinal, due xrn any prior mortgage and practt re such insurance, then Phis mnctgagee may pay such tales and <br />such interest an, or maturity insfaltments of principal, due en such Briar mortgage and ptvcure such insurance; and f}te sttm <br />su advanced wills interest at nine oee cant shat he paid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage shaft starnl as seeuri#y °or zlre <br />same_ (2t 'f°hat a failure to pay any of said money, either principal ar interest on Yhis ar any other anion mortgage, when the 1 <br />same becomes due ur a failure ta? rumpty with aay of the foregoing agreement==., shalll cause the wht>te sum of money herein ~ <br />secured to become due and coElecttbte at once at the option of the mortgagee. t <br />IT FS FU'RTHSR AGA;3ED That said murigagee, pending fore-closure of this mortgage and after decree and pendfng <br />slay thereon ar appea? thFrefram and pending sate of premises mortgaged, may tray such tales and maNrsns; interest or matur- i <br />ing inatallmants of principat, un prior mortgages, procure such insurance and such sums shat} I~ added to the amount due on { <br />decree and ugun cunfirmatian of sale by the court ordered tax en out of proceeds of sale; ar if redeemed during slay, appeal <br />or sail, such amounts shall he collected Ytae same a_c though it were a part of ~tclr decree. <br />Signed this ~" ~ day of ,~'~.t~~_r-r~-{j..:~.L~ , 19 <br />/~,A~ ~2 of ___ , <br />r <br />._ .. .... <br />` ~ 1 <br />STA'I`E C!€..-f.:~~....._.......-.-.. County of. _.~'~-r".^4 ___ ....................; <br />-- t3eCure me, ~ natary-public qualified frrr said county, personally came B7.`AP~TJ~"j5' $, 0!TiA.IEN--AkTD -~1~--I:. - <br />fltBR77~4s HtISBAT~ID AATD iYIIrE, EACH IN HTS ATE} ?fit O~YET RIGHT ANI? AS ST'OUSE OF Ek,CR OTFfSR~ <br />krma-n to me W tie the. identical pertott or persona who sigrted the foregoing irsstnimeat and acknowledged the esewtion <br />thereof #n tae his. #fer or thetr vntunt$ry• art and eed ~ <br />Ir., <br />Witness my band an~ ri~at scat on..... .-~ .~.'~..{~ .... .. . ...... ......_-.-.... 1 <br />~ _ 41 <br />~;`ty cammissien expiros. _ ................._.... -.. ... 7J,~.... .....-_.... ------ ....... _ .. ;.; <br />~n i~ i'.la -c`)r - - - - --._:..-° --._ . ............ . - Eatered on numerical iadez and Sled for racdrd <br />ss. <br />£orrnty ._ _ . _. _. _- -...-_.- ... __... _.... _ ._- _...... ~ in the Register of Deeds tJEice of said ~t;.rrtty tlte_ <br />............:.._..~--.deg of:_....:._m..-...- - ..-...._- _.__~ 1~:._-.._-.., at....:....-.-..-...-.-.. --.,.-.-o'clock and.........- _..._ - ...-.minutes -.-....-..--°.-._..Nf:, <br />aitd recozded in i~oalc ...............:.._.::._,_......_...of-........._..-.-.-......_.__._-__at naae ---`-------- --- <br />-~----.::_,,..°•---...~-__: .............................._-.-___._..---£vzg. of Deeds <br />Bq-..--...-._ ....................-..._....-_.__....-...., -...--......-. _._.. _.-...Deputy <br />