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� •�.-� :.�.'�� .�... '3_:. . ..- o.=y+�1w�� .. <br /> . ' " - - ,!5-iwtdW.�r,...,_,�-: <br /> `1 I_ . ' -- ------ . .- . <br /> -- �'- .._:r....r.� <br /> -�� 92-- �oo2�s � <br /> -�'.��� TOGETHEtt W[TH all thc improvementx nciw on c�rcafler ereclod an tha propehy.w�d all caumeMA.appunenwues, <br /> -_= and fixturcs tww or hercut'tcr a piut of the propeAy. All neplxcmcn�s and udditiona slwll �Ico be covered by thin Secuuity <br /> -�-- ----- lnwrument. All of the forcgoing ia referred to in ihis Securlty InRaumcnt as�he"Property." <br /> _ BORROWER COVENANTS thal Borro is unencumubcrcdi e cc f'fw enaumbmnccs f re ord. Bhorrow r wBhwr�wtts w�d <br /> _ and corwey the Property und that thc 14apeAy p� <br /> ,�. <br /> — will defend gencrally the title to!he PropcKy�Buinst all clnims ond drmands,subjac�to any encumbrances af record. <br /> ' ' , �" ° THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambfnes uniform covcnaa�w for natinnui u�c und nan•uniform cavencmla wlth <br /> - limited variations by judsdiaian to con��itutc a uniform secudty instrument cavering rcal pmperty. _ <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und Lender coven�nt and ugree ag fo��ows: <br /> -- = ot Priac) 1 Aad Ioterest:Prepnymeal Aad Late Clu�ea. BoROwer shpll pmmptly pay when duc�he � <br /> ioeat <br /> , 1. Hwy Pa <br /> —_..F�u�.k�};;�•.:. : principal af and interest on�he debt evidenccd by tha Nae and any prepaymem and late charges due undcr the Nate. _ <br /> �•,,•� Z� F�pds tqr Taxes and IosurAnce. 5ubject to applicuble luw or to o wrinen waiver by l.�nder.Bamwer shall puy to <br /> -----°!••�__ '� Lender on tlw duy manthly pnymenta um due under the Note,unlil thc Na�is p�id in full,a fium("Funds"1 for. lal yeariy <br /> �-��*- ��-�-� . �•� wues and assessmenta which muy ottuin priori[y over thia Security Innlrunnnt os u li�n on the Propeny:(b)yenrly leasehold <br /> �`"��=�:• paymc�ts ar ground rcnta on 1hc Prapeny. it'enY: lc) yearly haztud or property in�uranca p�miums: (d) ycarly Oood <br /> — insurance premiums, ii any: (e) yesuly moAgoge insuronce premiums, if any: and (tl uny suma puyabla by Borrower to <br /> -- -�—-,,:.. - <br /> -- Lender,in uccordance with thc Provisions of pamgmph Ileu of ihe payment of martgage insuronce Exemiums. Thase __. <br /> Ri�.�;�� items arc called"Escrow Items." l.ender muy.w any dme.collecl sind hold Funds in an amaunt not to exceed the maximum <br /> _..�,_� amount a lender for a federally relnted mortgage loan may requine for Borrower�s escrow account under the fcderal Renl <br /> ���r:�•. Estate Senlement Proced�res Act of 1974 ns amendcd Gom time a time. 12 U.S.C.$2601 et seq.C'RESPA'7.unless unaher <br /> �s�;�� <br /> �''' law that appliea to the Funds sets u lesser amount. If so,Lender m�+y.nt s�ny time,coll�ct und hold Funds in an amount not to <br /> —.•�T..:}YJ -' <br />-- ��„�_.,;;�- exceed the lesser amount. I.ender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basia af curren�data und �ewona e <br /> `���'�`� estimates of eapenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with opplicable law. � <br /> -�d:�'T"1' The Funds shnll be held in an institu�ion whose deposils are insured by a fedeml pgency,inswmenialfry.a'entity <br /> - --'�?�,u�;=�;,� �"� (inelading Lender.if Lender is such an instiwtion)or in any Federo� Home L.aun Bsu►k. Lender sh�ll apply the Funds to pay �:.:-. <br />__,�_ -�--.-.-u-- � the Escrow Items. L.ender may not charge Bomower for halding and applying the Funds,annunlly analyzing the escrow c <br /> - -_—,�;. _� �� account, or verifying the Escn>w Items, unless i.ender pAys Borrower interest on the Fund.s and applicabie law pem�its <br /> Lender w make such e charge. However.L.ender may requi� BoROwer to pay a one-time charge for un independent real — <br /> ��.�;' �"���. e s t a t e t u a re p o e t i n g s e rv i c e u s e d b y l.ender in connection wi�h this loan,unless applicuble law provides otherwise. Unless an <br /> �'�`��--�°�� - agreement is made or applicabie law requires interest�o be paid,Lender shall not be required to poy BoRO w e r a ny i i N e re s t o r --- <br /> •}•• "`f`- <br /> ___—�� �fi ?�``�`";;��� eamings on the FLnds. Borrower and Lender may agree in wnting.however,�hat interest siwll be paid on the Funds. L.ender <br /> �'�`�%�`'`'� shall give to Bortower,without charge.un nnnunl accounting of�he Funds,showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br /> ��. . <br /> .�'�-�-�' , �;,; purpose for which each debit ta th�FL�ds was made. Tt+a Funds are pledged as additionnl security for all sums secured by �_ <br /> - �� , __ —.. <br /> _� _�.;��.��- a.°` this 5ecuriq inswmnnt. -- <br />.c:,�T;� �i� ,�:�.}� If the Funds heW by L.endor eaceed the amaunts permitted to be held by applicable luw, Lender ah�ll Account to <br />-s�:" , ''�s�'`ea1r;Y": . <br />;,..,it . Borrower for the excess Funds in acco�dance with the requiremente of applicable law. If 1he nmoun�of the Funds held by r <br /> --- •na:.vs :< •' Lender at any time is not suf�cient to pay�he Facrow Items when due,Lende�may so notify Borrower in writing. and. in <br /> �,;'�:= °��;5�' such cnse Bamwer shall pay to l.ender �he amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall moke up the �• <br /> �. -.. _,.:: . ; deficiency in no more than twelve monthly puyments,ut l.ender ti sole discretion. z <br /> • Upon payment in full of ull sums secur+�d by this Sewrity lnswment,Lender shull prornptly refund to Borrower amy , . � <br /> .�� '. . ° ' Funds held by I.ender. If,under parngmph 21,Lender shall ncquire or sell the Propeny,Ixnder,prior to the acquisition or �°�. <br />- . • st►le of the Property.shall Apply any Funds hald by Lender at the time uf acquisition or sale as u credit against the sums <br /> _ _,;,o,,,�r,;; �, , secured by this Security Instrument. —_. <br />- •� ,�:° �� aW. 3. Applkatioa of Payments. Unless applicable luw provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under � <br /> ;�;�; . ', parngrnphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to nny prepayment charges due under the Nde; second,to amounts payable undar - <br />__ y ;, � � , paragraph 2:third,to intereat due;fourth,tu principal due;nnd lu�t,to any late churges due under the Note. _� <br /> `' � 4. Chat�es; Liena Bortower shall pay all tuxes, nssessments, chsuges, fines and imposi�ions attributable to the <br />-= ;��.�..•. . .y.-_ <br /> T"_.. <br /> • property which muy anain priority over this Security Instrument,und leasehold paymems or ground rents,ff any. Borrower ��r <br /> .:�;,�. : ��Y.�• shall pay Ihese obligutians in the munner provided in purs►graph 2,or if not puid in that manner,Borrower�hall pay them on <br /> ' ,�.,`�r,� ��`'� ' time directl to Ihe rson owed a ment. Bortower shaN promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under <br />- '`' " 'f'`�'�'%"�"' this ra ra h If�rrower makes�hese pnyments direc t ly,Borro w e r s h a l l p r o m p t l y f u m i s h i a L e n d e r re c e i p ts evidencin g <br /> ":_;;-; . 1;�, C Pu B P . _ <br /> •�` ���t <br /> -.�i m�.,,�... +.5.�,•r... , the payments. <br /> �-�����• -::`: . � ' Borrower shall promptly dischorge any lien which hac priority over this Security Instrumen�unless BoROwer:(a)agrees �:�•_ <br />_�.c._z fi.:; �.. <br />"Y4f}-y'� '�• . �, t;;...•• ,. :,, in w�iting to the payment of the obligution secured by the lien in a manner ucceptable lo Lender,(b)contests in good failh the �� <br /> -----���� �`�'��r�°�+•_ lien by,or defends agninst enfbrcement of thc lien in,legul proceedings which in thc Lendcr's• opinion operate to prevent the ��-^ <br /> �--�,.. .,� �., <br /> �;�.;'• •s't:'..- '��'?,;- enforeement of the lien;or(c)secures from ttrc holder of the lien an agrcement sutizfaclory to Lender subordinating the lien _ <br />•�: . ', � ' to this Securiry Inswment. If Lender determines that nny purt of the Propeny ix subJect to u lien which may uttain priority �: �:� <br /> �"`- ' %" ' over�his Securiry Instrument,Lender muy give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Bortower xhall satisfy the lien or take _ <br />=���;�` `��° ,.�� one or more af the actions set fonh ubove within 10 dnys of the giving of notice. <br /> 5. Hazard or Property Insur�nce. Borrower shull keep thr improvements now caisting or hercafter erecled on the <br /> � ,��yti• ' '. Propeny insured against loss by fire,huzurds included within the tertn "extended coveruge"and uny other huznrds,including <br /> ����,�'��•'G. , floods ar flooding. for which Lender reyuires inwrunce. This insurance shall he m,iintaincJ in the umounts and for the <br /> ',`,�,,�. Fam 30l8 9190 fpuRt:aI�/�Res1 <br /> t. ;� �� <br /> �i��'f��, . ti '- _1'•��",.r�': <br /> ' _ _" -�',. •• - <br />� ..O •. .��•f��/�`°�r�.{!e.'r- .. . , . ' ' . <br /> �` . 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