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<br /> ~~,~,< <br />ThisFr,~deettuse,Madebyandbetween I~ALKER TIRE, INC., bF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />____ __- ___.. ___ ____ __° -_--°___~ ether oneorm reherei rrefenedto mortgagor <br />..- - - - ~ - - t~a~e <br />arcl 1'F1E C)VERLARiD N61'CIONAL BANK dF Gf3AND ISLAND, bran Island, ~tebraska, hereina~ft2r referred ,. <br />to as Bank <br />'i'heMortga$orforandincansiderationaf(g...~.~.5nQp6,,-00) ---- ----- ------ .____ _-°------------ <br />ONE Ht3NDRED FIFTEEN THOUSAND AND N01iOQ---- --- --- -{~~ <br />---- '.°, ivI>.ARS,Paidbyth2~ ~. <br />the rss~ipt whereof is hereh} ackno;viedged, hue granted, bargained,.. Bald and conveyed. and by t}:e presents, d~€ t, <br />bargain, sell and convey, unW said hank, the faIlawixsg described real property si*.uated in the C,aunty of _._..._ . Ha 11 <br />aizd State of Itiebraska, Levitt: <br />The Northerly Fifty-four Feet (N54') of lot Five {5} in Block Eight (8) of Wiebe's <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall Countys Pebraska. <br />The Southerly Seventy-eight Feet (S78') of Lots Five (5), Six (6}, Seven (7), and <br />Eight {8) in Block Eight (8) of Wiebe's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br />The Northerly Forty-eight Feet (N48') of Lots Six (b), Seven (7) and Eight (8) in <br />Block Eight (8) of Wiebe's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hail County, Nebraska. <br />together wtth all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, title, claims and <br />demands whatsacver of the mortgagor af, in ar to said p°e!nises or any part, thereof; and said mortgagor does hereby cov- <br />enant, that the mortgagor is lawfully seized of said premises, that said premises are free from incumbrance and mortgagor <br />will warrant and defend the title to said premises against the claims and demands of ail persons whomsaerer. <br />PRDVIDEB ALF€'AYS, and these presents are upon these conditions: <br />WHEREAS, the mortgagar has executed and delivered tv the Bank .._... a Certal n py-or,ijsaory rate <br />dated December 29, 1978, for 4115,(300.00 at an interest rate to float 1J2% over the prime <br />rate ofi the Overland National Bank, adjusted at time of change, with a floor of 9.0% and <br />a ceiling of 11.0%. Payments of 41,289.12 monthly are scheduled, with payments to commence <br />~~,~able with the entire unpaid principal balance plus accrued interest due and <br />as agreed to maintain fire, windstorm and extended coverage insurance on said premises in amounts required and in <br />companies approved by the bank and with standard mortgage clauses .vhic'r, policies shall be delivered to the bank, and has <br />agreed to pay all tars and assessments levied against said premises before the same b^_came delinquent and to maintain said <br />premises. <br />Mow, thereoo-e, if the mortgagor shalt tompl}• with all of the previsions of ,aid note and the provisions hereof, theca - <br />these presents shall be null and void. <br />i•Iasecsr, ti the above note and lateral *_hereon ar any pa+nsents called for t%ereon are pat paid when due or ...may - <br />af Y :2 ena„is of this instr~-Pot a r rot c ..upii2 ,~ tea, - - .~ ..- - ,`:erEOf, at iss option- essay declare -the rc- <br />maining~haIance of said indebtedness due and payable andimay^maintatn an~ae~;on at law ar in equity to recover all amounts <br />doe and enfrrce the provisions hezeof.:n the event of the failure of mortgagar to maintain the premises, o- to msiatain <br />insurance as is above provided for, or to pay taxes or assessments, the holder hereof may advance the sum or earns aeee~ary <br />to obtain compliance and such amounts spelt be added to the asnm.:nt due on the stave mentioned note and bear in*ereat -at <br />t$e highest IegaI rate. - - - <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED, this mortgage sha13 ennsiitute notice hereof, that this mortgage is seturity far Hai only <br />the amount advanced cancurrertlp witF. the execution hereof i;ut ail future advances tivhich may be made at the option of the <br />parties ar their assib sup to the total amount stated ir. this mortgage, *.a the same extent as advances orsginaily made here- _ <br />under. Further notice is hereby given that the tenor of each $tortgage Dote including the interest rate, payment, mattirity, - <br />penslties, and other terms shell concurrently upon executior, L~evme a part of this mortgage. - <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED, that the said 3lartgagar shall and will pay all taxes Levied upon this mortgage or tksa debt <br />secured thereby, together with any other taxes or assessments :vhich may I*v levied wider the Laws of 24ebraska, against the - <br />said IFfortgsgee or the legal holder of the said principal note(si on aceaant of this indebtedness. _ <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREEB, if at any time; while the mortgage is in effort and the na+x f„r which this mortgage is <br />given as security, ar any Hart thereof, remains unpaid, the undersigned ?for±gagors sell. convey ar contract to salt the real _ <br />estate herein described, ar any part thereof, or the Rfortgai;-ors do rot have or cease to have title to said real estate er any <br />part thereof, then andzn any such events, the 'Mortgagee may, at it= option, declare the unpaid principal balance, and interest, <br />of the3tata'aec~red hereby immediately due and payable. Ir: the event that these premises are not now, ar should hereafter, eat - <br />l~•oeerupirria~y~agar then this instrument she!? constitute an assignment of rentals and serrice of a edgy thereof npou the <br />tacos-pi;yat I~a,su'fficient to require alt payment for rental or ass of the premises after date of such service to made to <br />^~° ~+, 29th -~ _..;iay of D2Certtber.... ..., is. 78...... <br />~'~ ~ ~sereg'!of (~ IdALKiR T~RE, ~1 . I$ ~..f,~" _E RAS <br />'~ ~ ~ / ~ OF.G~4 .. }fA <br />-=~ ?~ _ - - <br />S'tA2'E'4F -..-` .. .. ..._.._.. County cf -.. _. .: <br />- $efare m ;, ified for said county, personally came `»~jtt~ ~~?~ - <br />known -ta me #,- or persons who ..=.igned the faregos=sg instrument an seknawIedged the executioa there- <br />of to ba his,. o e vat as: d deed. <br />Rk3FARY ~g <br />....:., i9...__. <br />....Notary Public. <br />r <br />-~ ys <br />- SPATE OF _ ~.~A - .. _ - I a Entered on numerical index and filed far record <br />s. <br />County .... _.. .. ... ......... .. .. . ... ......... i - is the Register-of Deeds Elffice of said County the <br />- :..-_.....~ of...._...............-.-....._..---~--" Ig......_._.., at_......---.._..__._..._...o'elaek and..---_.._.._.... -. -.....-.minutes .,......._......._trt., <br />and recorded in $ank..-....,._ ...............___-..........of:.....-.-._.-.....:..._....__ ....__..atpage...._.......____......._._.._.._._............ <br />._..._ ............._...........__.........:....:...._.....-_,...._..........._.._Reg. of Deeds <br /> <br />