<br />__.-- -.__.___ -..____ ..__.. ,_ _-__- ___ ft~9L__E~IA7~. M9RTf~A:~-- -__ _ ._. - __...1oer1 Fi.e~.zoa yeti,..
<br />~~~ ) Gate December 22, 1978
<br />Richard W, Moffert {also known as Richard idayne Ptoffett) and Darlene D= Moffett (also
<br />oTiri wn as 'mar ene en se . o ett us an an wr e, an is a~ p e s so wn
<br />as Richard Charles Spiehs} and Diane Rae 5piehs, husband and wife
<br />- , Mortgagors,
<br />of Hall Nebraska r t`
<br />County. kn c idera- n n"
<br />the advance oP the pr±ndipai sum reel*.ed !r, the note hereinafter descr!Ged,rerei„t of 't+hirh Ss acknawl.eP;ed, hereby
<br />mortgage and convey to
<br />THE FEDERAL LANG BANK OF 4MANA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Credi# Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68104,
<br />Mortgagee (suG,7 ect to oil, gas and *:i neral rights owned by parties other Chan Mart,ga,~rs; existing casements of
<br />record: reservations in united s`.af.es snd State patents: and the rights Gf the public !r. atl hi [iw^y °.), th~f.^,11.^_wirg-
<br />~ieserioed real estate in Hall -county, Nebraska
<br />SAC. 7MP. R~.
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter of
<br />the Southeast Quarter (STr1'yiSE~), more particularly described
<br />as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point on the South line of Sand Section Twenty
<br />{20), said point being twenty-five {25.0} feet East of the
<br />Southwest Corner of said Southeast Quarter (SE%,.); thence Easter-
<br />ly along the South line of said Section Twenty {20), a distance
<br />of Six hundred Forty-Five (645.0) feet; thence deflecting left
<br />91°22` and running Northerly, a distance of four hundred sixty-
<br />five (455.0) feet; thence Westerly parallel to the South line
<br />of said Section Twenty (20}, a distance of Six hundred forty
<br />five (b45.0} feet; thence deflecting left 9Io22' and running
<br />Southerly a distance of Four hundred Sixty five (4b5.0} feet
<br />to the place of beginning
<br />All in-------------------------- 20 12N 11 Wbthl'.M.
<br />con t=lining 6.8$5 acrz ~, rn;re cr 1?ss, to gz*;,er with all aY the ri get, ti*_??, and 1 erect
<br />[r,aw owned cr heresfter acqu!^ed} - t tgag - ir, said proper irclud ng all Guii legs, ir.;proveme.^. to 'lxtures,
<br />cr appurtenances thereon ^ her eaft.er a e=_ Jt?ter cans ail water, ~ irr!gation, and drainage rights; rile ~teremarts,
<br />hered!tamer.ts, and appurtenances thereto~e.nd the rents, issues, c and profits wising from said la'tds; and {Sf
<br />the ,?artgagors~ rlgh is !n the public Gamain are required Gy Mortgagee .for seciri ty purpasesl all leases, perml*,s,
<br />licenses, or privileges, appnrten~.nt or pen appur tene,-!t to aald martEq.ged premises, now or nersafter issued, extended,
<br />mewed to tYie Mortgagors 'cy the '.!..^.1 fed s..a tee ar the state 1.^. ~:i?iich the above-desortbed property is iccated or
<br />any Tdepar tmer.L, bureau, er -sKency thereof.
<br />Fh iz- ..._. tguge ? s r i _n to , _tz<r.~ r _ v-__sor ::o Le „_ even date- here r+! th, _xecuted by MO rtgagars ~,. .,,.. t,;:.g ,..
<br />EP.,
<br />the princi,^al sum of THIRTY-ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100 - - - - - - - - - p,;ii,!.A3S
<br />Pa,'/able vsitn interest accardln€ +-o tAe terms c: ~31d note, tn2 fleet paymenr, he.+,ng due and Fay:iblo en the first tEay
<br />. January, 1449 _ _. ...,~ .,;. eye-...e s;iai~ ,.e .; :., pop the payment of ;aid pramissa,• Hate.
<br />Thin mortgage is subJedt to the provisiars of ;aE EAA" CiF?r .T ACT a.^.G a?1 acts amendatcry thereof or suppiementsi
<br />r?;ereto. T'ne Fraaeeds of the leer. secure,: hereby wail Ge ;;led fer the parFases specified in the Mortgagars+ sppli-
<br />~atien for said loan sad authcri2ed Dy said Act.
<br />i:'se Mertg agars. and each of them, hereby wa*~*•a^.t t i they :se .*ee -,rn°*'s o -na ;ncrtgaged cell property; that thEy
<br />.:iii defend fns "tie against ail cia!mants wiitu;tseecer, and that said property is free from ail encumbrances; tt:at
<br />*.hey will k°ep all the improvemerts, fixtures, and aFPurttrarces accused and in gaud repa.Sr and Fermat no cots of
<br />waste; and the;,: will relinquish all rigY.ts of homestead in slid premises, and covenant and agree with the Mortgagee,
<br />as Paliows:
<br />(~} ^hat that' will pay when due ail Mixes, 1._... Judgments, or assessments which may Ge lawfully assessed against
<br />the property herein mortgaged.
<br />'2) That they will in3lrs and keep insured buildings ar other 4mprovements now nn or Which may hereafter bs placed
<br />4n said premises to cite satisfaction of the Mortgagee, such in-s;;ra_nce policy shall be endorsed wit, a aortgaga clause -
<br />with the ions thereunder tc be payable to the Mortgagee. A;;y sums received may be used to pay for recanstrubtlon
<br />of the destroyed improvements: ar, if pat sr. applied, may, at the cptlon of the Mortgagee, Ds app/lsd in psymeat of
<br />any indebtedness, mMtured-or un.'natured. secured by this mortgage. ~..
<br />-.!3' :b pay all-.rents, fees.; er _ri,.~gos paw due ar to Deaam= du=_ under the terms of eaah lease, permit, •`^Qpse, or--''.,
<br />Fr1v11sge on the-pllbiic domain which is appurtenant or nonappurtsnant to the martgagsd premises, which has-teen
<br />.issued, eztendsd,or renewed-by the 4nited States or the state in which the above-described praperty..is located: end ;'
<br />to perform and oDSSr1e every act, doverant, eondktian, and sLip'ulatian necessary to keep each of the Sams in good.
<br />standing and tit-take-every necessary step to seders the reissue, renewal,-ar extension of each of tail lams; and to-
<br />assign; waive, piedge,or endorse--to the 14ortgagsa -esrh -lease, permit, license, or prlvilege.-1f Martgagarst rights
<br />Sh public domain ors required by Mortgagee for security purposes, I
<br />(4) -T_hat in the-.avsnt the Mortgagee is a patty-ta any litigationaffecting~th2 security ortlle-lien cY-its mart- _1
<br />gage,-islciuding-soy suit-Dy the ~=tgag2s.ta foreclose this mortgage or arm suit in which-the-Mortgages-may be named f
<br />a party defendant in which it is okllgated to prateai-its rights or Sien, including condemnation end barikavptcy jj
<br />' proeeediitgs, rile Mortgagee may incur expenses-said advance payment far abstract fees atta^hey fees {except to the
<br />extent-proh.bited~by-lawj, lasts;-.-sxPenseS,_astd other charges. - --- - -
<br />- {57 RT;at in tits event the M.ortgagars fail tc Pay when due 8:ty Lazes, liens, ,gudgmea~s,-or assessments, or fail to
<br />maintain insurance as-herelnbefare-previdad, cr. fall to pay rents, lass, or charges u.der the terms cf any lease,
<br />Rermlt, 1-icense, or privilege; cr Mortgagee Ss re4uirsd to-incur expenses-*ar abstract fees, attorney fees, casts, 7
<br />expenses, and other charges in connection with 1l Ligation,-Mortgagee msy make such RaYment orprev!de su^h insurance,
<br />or incur such ablfgatibn, and the amounts-paid-therefor sisall Depome a part of the indebted,:ass secured hereby due 1
<br />snd payable immediately, and shall-Dear interest from file Bats of payment at the same rata. as provided for default.
<br />1r. the Hate.
<br />