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<br /> <br />THiS IiVI3EPPI'ITiiE, amde this lath day of Dec~bcr__ 18 73 by and between <br />Steven E, ~rrxald a:fd i>iaril.yn Atno3d, husband and wife, each in his and her awn right <br />..ed ~~ s~.u3~ of the ott:e;r, <br />Half <br />of Caua¢y, Itialareskg, aa_~rtgagor s,_, a~ Grand Island Treat C•asspsny of Graad.Ialaarf, a caz~ratian <br />organised and exF,sting user tlu• laws of hahreska with its printtipal of&te and place of business at Grand Island. Nebraska, m snortgsgee: <br />W ITNESSE'CH: That said mortgagor ~s : #~ asd in coasideratloa of the sum of ~ ._ <br />**Seven Thousand Sixteen and *~ia/I.4~ths*'•' Dolierals7.~lb.~{~ F. <br />the receipt of which se keceby ackaawl~god, do - by these presents mortgage sad warrant unto said ~rtgag$e,.its aucceesora-and seafgssa, <br />forever, aA the fal~wiag deacnlsed real estate, sitaeted in the County of Sial.l <br />sad State of *debraska, to•wit: <br />Lct Thirty-Four (34} in HYack nne (1) in 7a1e <br />2aush Second Subdivision, Ha1S County, ".ebraska. <br />Tagather with all heattag, air castditst>aing, Iightsng, sad ,plusabing eclesipment aAd fixtures, inr.Fuding screens, awnings, storm rgsd~ grrf <br />drxirs, and wiadaw anodes ar blinds, used on ar in connection with said property: whether the same are now Faceted as said pmparty or fear <br />pieced thereon. <br />Tfl HRYE ANB'I'O HQLD THE SA1dE, together with all and singular the tea eats, hereditnmsnta cad sPpurteaanses ihnto be- <br />tongiag. ar is anywise appartainiog, farevar, and warrant the tills to the same. Said margagor_~ hereby raveaant-wit}r said <br />martgagae that _...L he o ar~._, ai the delivery hereof. the lawful owsar ~ of the promises above eoaveyed and dea~ibad, <br />a~ dre seated of a gaol e~ indefaaatble estate of itthesitance therein, free sad clear of aD eacumbraneea, end that t lm° w~11 <br />warrant. and defend the title thereto forever against the cFainrs and demands of all persons whomsoever. - <br />Fic~i~ri ED nl.:,'e. i'3., and this inatrus~srtsa exeeatsd and deFFVered to sure tke payment of the sam of <br />**Sever. Thousand Sixteen and o11~4ths** Doila:siaz~Bl£~.4f1 _____l.- <br />with iaLerrmt theaaon, £o@ethez with such charges and advaae~ es may be due a~ papab~ to mortgagee vier ttx; teaxas and eandiiioaa <br />of the praminaruy note of area date herewith end secured hereby, executed by said mas•tgagor ~_ w said mortgagee, payable as ezgreaaed <br />in said note: cad to secure the p~fortnance of e1F the terms sad aoaditiona contained therein. The terms of said note are haseby inna•puastad <br />hiss hY this refteance. <br />It Fs tl~ iata¢stian and agreement of the party berets that this mortgage aha{1 also secure any future adverxs~ made to cold srsortgagar~ <br />by said mortgagee. sad any and al! indebtedama in addition to the amauat above stated whirl, eak! mortgagors, or say of them, stay ~e to <br />said mortgagee, however evident, whether by note, book account or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in fnp force sad ~[fect betwaea <br />the parties hereto sad their bales, parsanai representatives, suece_ssors and assigns, until ell amounts aecuavd hpaeuader. including future <br />advarscea, are paid m fuL with iateresL. <br />The mortgagorS..___ hereby assign ____ to said ~rtgagea sli rents end iacame arising at say and all tsrnts from saga property and <br />hereby anthorira said ~stgegee or ire agent. at its option, ugan default, to take charge of said property sad collect all remit oral itrcome <br />tlierefrvat oral Y tfia same to the pspmaat ~ ingest, priacfpal,-,saornace premiaais, farce, aaeeasments, resmsa or improvements <br />aeceseary to Free;, said property is tenantab€e waditioa, or to other charges or payments provided far herein or is the sore hereby secured. This <br />rent aeaigame~t shall coatiave is force erats3 the unpaid balance of said note is fully paid. 17ne taking of poian he:reaadier shall in sm manner <br />prav~t or r~~ sable aarrt.~agstt €a t2~ ~a o#aakl sums Cy far'edasure cx rRherwise, <br />- The faihsreof the mortgagee to-assert say ~ its righ3a heaeeuader-at any time shell not be umstrued ae s waiver of Fla light to smart the - <br />sa~ at any lster tiaae, em! fcs ir`aiat upon and exlforae strict o~nplsaace with all the terms and peuvisioaa of eedd note sad of this mceregage, <br />if said essmtgagor S shall cause to be paid to said mortgagee the satire aaxwat due it hereunder, surf under the terms sad provisions <br />said note hereby scooted, imetasfiog Purace advances, cad say ext~rakme or raaewafa thaeaf is accordance with the terms sad ptovfaiona <br />rheaaof; end If ask! e s shall mmply with elf the provisions of said sole and of this mortgag!ar theet iJaroe presmfa aheII ba vo"si; <br />oB;a~ssrisa xi rwnafs is fait Potts sad . and said mortgages shall ba.entitletd to the poaaaasma of alt of said ply. and may,: at its option. <br />decbue the whole of said note and aTF ' repreeanted try to he immediately dare aml payab~, cod inay forecloes this mortgage <br />ar false any atl~r to prtftoct its right. Appra6eemottt waFvsd. <br />This mortgage sfralf be biadiagupon sad shall ersrrr'e W the beaafit of Ehe heite, eatecntsrs, adaunnie;trssiazs, surcesaora sad assigns of-tiro <br />aeapaet9v°- parties boasts. <br />Ii•1 WITAFESS WHEItEf?F, cold Aiortgagors he Ve her~rntb set their hand B ttse dqy and year fs~t -above <br />~~ <br />