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<br />`TIiIS MtDIi.TGAGE is made this........ 2~th .....:... , ..... day of ..... L'ecember <br />29.78. , between the Biortgagor, ..i~(}NHLR . F... M) A,I.E R, . unma t; c i ed ............... . . <br />................. <br />................... . .................. therein "Borr+owar' ),- ana the a2ortgagee, Home I: ederat <br />s~vi aa~ r~u.° A:iat~n, a ~.~~.ra';~.. o~~.u.i~'' et:;ug n :der tii2 IaFe of ~'he Unit,~t stag o€ <br />Amerfica, whose address is 221 South I:acust $tr~t, Grand island, Nabrasica therein "Lender"i. <br />Wrtex~s, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of.. [k~.THRUSIitYG. SEVEN .i•1UN6REL! ANO. <br />Nt}.f. I ~Q------°---------°----.--:-----------t)vtiars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note <br />dated... Decetttl~er. Z~a..i 978..... {herein "Note"}, providing for monthly instaflments of principal and interest, <br />with the baianca of the Indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on.......F~pru~ry, . [, .200& .... . <br />To S~;u'xi: to Lender {a} the repay;rcni of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the <br />payment of all other slims, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this <br />I6tartgage, attd the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and {b) the. repayment <br />of any future advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph Zl hereof {herein <br />"Future Advances"), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following described. property <br />located in the County o# ............. NAI,t........................., State of Nebraska: <br />THE WESTERLY TWENTY-SMX :26) FEET OF LOT THREE (3) iN BLOCK SIXTEEN tIb} IN THE <br />ORiOiNRL TOWN, NOW CITY OF ^vRAi136 ISLANCt, HALL COUNiY, NEBRASKA. <br />h has the address of........ ~I.7. ,I~eSt. ¢th, .................... ...CZran(#, i s l.~Od .........: , <br />tsce~n tear <br />...Nebraska b88p I . {het~ia "Property Address"); <br />- - t&Y,teano Zt8 Codel - - - - <br />ToGe2tisx-with zilt :fhe imgrovemenis now ctr hereafter- erected crn the property> and alt easements, rights; <br />appurt.nances. rents, r~yatties, minent, oil and gas rights artd pto5ts; water; watee rights, and water stock, and all <br />fiz?„res _a orilPt af?xr aTM -he~+ .c ~ groperty,stl.ofyshish irt~>3dittgteplaceiriertLS as~i adiiitinns theres, shat': be <br />deemed to be end remain a part of thz prozerty covered by t?ds Adortgagc; snd ati of tits foregoing, togetitet with said:- <br />gropeP.y (or rite leasehold estate if Ehis Mattgage is,on a ieaseltold} ate herein teferCed to as the-"Propety". <br />B~rrs~ ct r,uc.^.artts Lh.~*_ Bot~ower is Iav~Futty sei~d of tf~ estate hereby: conveyed andlras rite right to aorig~tge, <br />grant and-convey rite Property, that the Ptopeaty h unencnmticted, and-that Borrower will warrant and defend <br />gei~ralty the title to the Frbpetty against nit ctaimsattd demands, subject to any declarations, easements or restactions <br />.listed in a schedatte of exceptions to eaverage'irt any titre instirancc policy insuring Lender's interest in the Property. <br />~EBR~--t m ~ t:~~--~; ~s~-utc uat tttttt <br />