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~?~~, 11 i:~ ~3 ~ .~ ~' <br />11~I~I~B'GA~E <br />THI~^ Mf3RTGAGE is made thia ..............28tfi:... ; of ...... ~everber ............ , <br />1878.. , between the Mortgagtrr, ..RONALD . F .. l~l L4.ER, . unyna r. r i ed .......... . .. • . <br />..:........:........................:.ihereitt "Borrnwer"3, and -the Mortgagee, Hoare Federal <br />Savings and Loan Asaoc~tion, a corpnratmn organized and esiatirig under the laws of The Utt{tad States of <br />America, whose address is 221 South Locust Steeet, Grand island, Nebras)ca therein "Lender"). <br />Wa~~s, Harrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of. ~'C~.fY. N,iNE ,THOUSf{ND _TitlO, HtAVrJ,r't~D <br />ASE} ,~ lQ(i 0ti-------------------,---______.~__-l~llars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's rtMe <br />dated..ReCeRtb~r. ,~$, , J 9,78, , , , , , , (herein "Note"}, providing for monthly installments of principal and interest, <br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on.... ,February, ,i,, .208, . , _ , , , . <br />'Fo SEt-[rtte tci Lender (a} the repayment of the indebted»ess evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the <br />gaynrent of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect fhe security o£ this <br />Mortgage, sad the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (b} the repayment <br />of any future advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pnrsuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein <br />"Future Advances"}, Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following descn"bed property <br />located in the Cotmty of............ HALL .......................... State of IBebraslta: <br />THE SOtJTEiERLY SEVENTY ONE FEET (S 71') OF LOT EiVE f5), BLOCK TEN (iO) IN T'riE <br />ORIGINAL TO61N NO1: CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />:. 420 Nest Gtr? brand _tst~nd___,...,, <br />which has the address of ................... . ........................ ....... .., <br />tSrneatt icity3 <br />.. o Netaraska . . . . . . . ....... (herein "Praperty Address"}; <br />- - iTatatR end ZtP Cotlej - - - - <br />Toat:xa~a with all the improvements new or hereafter erected- on the pmperty, and -all easements, rights; _ <br />appurteaaaces, rents, royal, mineral, -oil and gas rights and profets, water; water rights, and `watt:r stock, and-.all - <br />frztures norv oc ereafter attached fa the.propetty; sit of which; including replacements and additions (hereto; shall be- <br />deett~l to be aad remain-apart of Ilse property covered by this Mortgage;-and all'of the foregar`ng, together with said <br />(,rrioperty (or fate leasehbid estate if this Mortgage is_ori a Yeasehald} are herein referied to as the "Property„ <br />rrawercbvcrtanis drat Borrnwer ~ lawfully sued: of the eststte IterFiy conveyed and-has the right to martgage, <br />grant and Canvey the,Proparty,-that the.Property-is unencnmbered..and that Borrower will warrane and defend <br />.generally the tittle to the Property against atl claims and demands, snbjectio any decIaratians, easements or restrictions <br />- listed in a schedule of exceptions to eaverage iri-any title insnranc~ policy insuring Lenders interest in the Property. <br />N~8Ra5Kll-t to 4 FemF1Y--6/7S-FNA9AliNLMG tlNtt°8RM ttl3lRttMEMT <br />