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<br />Zp,3>oII...AELEA$E t)F ~®R,YG11G£-Carpc~r~~ Hallman rnd Felton & Wcl€, Wa4ton. Ne. 6b4fi1 '.
<br />.y ~.~-.-.+._.
<br />IN CONS717ERATION of the ¢a3mtent of the debt named therein, the i
<br />~y~ggp NATICH~I, BANK OF' GRlaND ISLAND, Grand Island, I3ebrask~ereby releases the mortgage made to
<br />~•lE C~ NATIONF~L HANK C>F GRAND ISLAND by Jay C. Stoddard & Dorothy J. Stb~larei ark -
<br />Clarence E. Ritchie & Deletes S. Ritchie ~
<br />on Eh¢ fa;ttnc~ing descrsoed root estate, to-wtt:
<br />bats Four (4} , Five (5} , Six i6} , Sr~r~t (7} , ari Eight t8} , in ~xiical. Park
<br />42~ard Subdivision tv the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />of Section..) _. , in Townshi¢ ,Range of the P• ~., FT311
<br />Cotatty, S pf c3.4ka which is recorded -iis of Real Estate ~Yfortgages, page . ~ _
<br />cf tka`retards v~sttsd County. as Doctan~nt #78-001866 !
<br />I~ TES`TI~O+~ZY Y1~T7F.REOF, the sa=d t7vexland National Bank of Grand Zsland has tanasd
<br />these.aresents to ke.exscuted by its ¢resident and its Cor¢orate Seal to be mixed hereEo this 28th
<br />i
<br />o - , rg 78 -
<br />ss ~ `~ ... --° .. ......:..... .. ....tom GRAbtt3 ISII3T~3------°
<br />„.
<br />. - BY-- -- --- --------- ----- - ---- ~~~ . _........, PYSSUIent
<br />.-...
<br />r
<br />...
<br />` _, ...... Attest ~~..Gety!G .... -- - -- - ---°-- ----- Cashier,
<br />ST,4TE'OF ..:~.,_.-..---- --tc-~ ............... ._ ----•--------~ On tdFis.---- 28th----daY of----s-...----°-°°-°•, rg--- 7$
<br />ass.
<br />kaazr, ...Gaon#y i before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for salt! 1
<br />..... _ ............. ......... 4
<br />Cannty, personally came...... M1Chde1 T.fiigglrts ............. _ ............. _, President of tie ~
<br />__,. ,.~ ~..~~ Is tom.,, wa
<br />Cnrerland Iva~~c}rt=v. B~,,, ,.,~ :a>.~...~ ..... .. ....... ._ ...------°-- ...:._- - -. a Corpara.~
<br />to one ¢ersonatly known to be the President and idrnticcl ¢erson whose ttame is ajTtxed to the nbov2 release and s
<br />ccknowledged the execution thereof to be his volnnta*y act and deed es sa+ch o~~cer, and tTav voluntary aa! v.. ~ssi2 ~
<br />of said Cor¢oration.
<br />• Grand Island ..:., in said Count tier da and ear
<br />Witness my hand and Notarta! Seat at._- - _ ...............~t' ~ ~, ~~ 3 J` y
<br />last abaoe written. /
<br />. / •:x~ ; I ~ ., Z ~; x's.!. -r.:...... ~: 1 ~ - ~ ~, 14otarp Fnklte
<br />-.......
<br />I ~ t,.. -.,.~ ~. ....-. 9- ---,-• -
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