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services which may be furnished by the Owners or others ro such tenant upon his/her rcyuest, in addition to_ the <br />facilities and services included in the approval rectal schedule. <br />(c} The Secretary wil! at any tints entertain a written request for a rent increase properly supported by substanteating <br />evidence and within a reasonable time shall: <br />(i} Approve a rental schedule that *.s necessary to compensate for any net increase, cccurring since the last ap- <br />proved rental schedule, in taxes /other than income taxes) and operating and maintenance cast aver which <br />Owrtershaverr>effectivs control: or <br />(ii} I?sny the increase stating the reawns therefor. <br />S. (a} T'hs criteria governing eligibility of tenants for admission to Section 8 units arid the conditions of continued accu• <br />panty shy be in accordance with the housing Assistance Payments Contract. <br />~ (b} The maximum rent for each Section 8 unit is stated in the Housing Assistance Payments Contract and adjustments <br />~ in such renu shall be made in accordance with the terms of the Housing Assistance Payments Contract. <br />,,,, (c} Nothing contained .herein shall be construed to relieve the Owners of any obligations under the Housing Assistance <br />Payments Contract. <br />f'e b. (a} If the mortgage is originally aSecretary-held purchase money mortgage, ar is originally endorsed for insurance under <br />any Se;,tion other than Section 231, Owners shall not ir. selecting tenants discriminate against any perm or persons <br />by reason of the fact that there are children in the family. In the event the mortgage is insured under Section 231, <br />Owners will give preference or priority of opportunity to occupy its dwelling accommodations taelderly persons <br />and handicapped persons as defined in the HEN Regulations. <br />(b} 3f ihs mortgage is originaAy endorsed far insurance under Section 22T, Owners shall in selecting tenants give to other- <br />wise eligible displaced persons or families an absolute preference ar priority of occupancy which shall be accromplfshed <br />as follows: - <br />(I} Far a period of sixty{b0} days from the date of original offering, unless a shorter period of time is approved <br />in writing by the Secretary, all units shall bs held for such preferred applicants, after whisk-time any unrsstt~ <br />units may be rent<_d io non-preferred applicants; and <br />(2} Thereafter, and on a continuing basis, such preferred applicants sha31 be given preference over non-preferred <br />applicants in their placement an a waiting list to be maintained by $te Owners; and <br />(3} Notwishstanding the grnvisians of paragraphs (i}and (2}, for 30g of the Section 8 units; the Sectiatt 221 or <br />Section 233 accupsncy preference shall be accorded only to those individuals qualifying a> very low inr^.~, <br />as speeiftert n the Housing Assistance Payments Contract. <br />(c} Without the prior written approval of the Secretary not mate than 2S~o of tlrs number of trrtits itt a project insured <br />under Section 233 shall be occupied by persons other than elderly persons. <br />(d} Ali advertising ar efforts to rent a protect insured under Section 231 shall reflect a bona tzde effort of rite Owners eo <br />obtain occupancy by elderly persons. <br />7. Pdonprofit Qwners agree that no dividends of any nature whatsoever will be paid on the capital stock issued by the corptr <br />ration. <br />8. Owners sltaL net without the prior w~:tten approval of fl~~ secretary: <br />(a} Canvey, transfer, or encumber any of the mortgaged property, ar permit the conveyance, #ransfer; ar encumbrance <br />ofsueh property. <br />(h} Assign, transfer,, dispose of, Gr encumber any personae property of the project, including rents, or pay out any funds <br />.except from surplus cash, except for reasonable operating expe~tses and necessary repairs. <br />(c} Convey, assign, of transfer aay beneficial interest in any trust holding title to the property, or any right to manage <br />or receive the rents and pmGu from the mortgaged property. <br />(d} Rernodel, add to, reconstruct, or demolish any part of the mortgaged property or subtract from any real or personal <br />pra~try of tits project. <br />{e} Isfake; or recaaitrs and retain, any distribution of assets or any income of any kind of the project except surplus cash <br />end except on tl-xe following x~nditians: <br />(I}- All diszritru#ions shall be macs aniy as of and after the attd of a semiannual or anniial Ftseel period, and only as <br />perttiitted ley -the- Iow- of the apglicable jurisdiction; and,: in the-case of 2 ?invited distritiutfon mortgagor, all <br />distributions in-env one fisc8t yeai shall be iimiteil to-six.. per sentutit on the -initial equity investmsnt, as de- <br />teitriisied try Eke Secretary whicit:shall ~ stimulative; <br />{2} No disttitttttion.ehall lee roads-Pram borrowed ftmds, prior to the completion of the project or when there is <br />. any default under this AgreeistsnE irr tander ttte note ar tttariga~; <br />-- 2 - HUO-93865 f6-77) <br />