<br />:s'i~At~, OF, Ivt,Basei~.s, vonnty of
<br />Filed for record and entered in Nnmeriaai index
<br />oa ............................................................ at .,.............. o'edoCk .......,........ M,
<br />and recorded in Deed ileCOrd ..............................: Page ........................,.....
<br />............................................................ By ..,....................,.,,.... .......,..............
<br />County Clerk or Deputy CountyClerk or
<br />Register of Deeds Deputy Register of Reeds
<br />
<br />STATEfv9E~lT A"i~i"ACNEtI
<br />RE°RH.SKA COCU;!~Ei`;T,^?Y
<br />S7A±vtP TAX
<br />LI.~V N-U I~IV
<br />r".
<br />~SBY
<br />LEC F. TFiELEN and MARY VIRGINIA TIIELEN, husband and wife
<br />herein Called the grantor wkather one or Sara,
<br />in consideration of LOVE and AFFECTION
<br />=..,.eiee;: :raL ~.antee, dow grant, ha.~gein, se". ,,.....2y and ean,~rm nnta
<br />herein called the grantee whether one or more, the foliawiag deacribs~3 real pragertY ~
<br />Ball
<br />........................................................................ County, NebrsaTia:
<br />Lots One (i), Two {2), Three (3}, Four (4), Five (5)
<br />and Six (63, in Block Seventeen {17), in MacColl and
<br />Leflang's Second Addition to the Village of Wood River,
<br />Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded.
<br />Ta hace and E~, hoid the above deaCribed premises tagetlrer with all tenements, hereditamesta
<br />and appurtenances ihereio belonging nnta tae grantee and tct grantee's hairs and a~igns foreverr.
<br />And the grantor does hereby eovenast with the grantee aad with grantee's heirs aad a
<br />that grantor is lawfully seised of said premises; that they are frCe from enCUmbsanCg, .that: they are
<br />conveyed subject to covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations.
<br />easements of record and visible easements, if any, and zoning laBSS, rules
<br />regulations and ordinances:
<br />tha grantor has good right and lawful authority to caavey the same; and that grantor watssata sucl ve;2i
<br />defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />'.3ated P,e er °~ , 78.
<br />...{ o F. Theleri) tl~ary~rginia Thelen~
<br />STATE OF NEBRKA, County of .............F3.3.LZ....,.............................:
<br />Hefare me, & notary public qualified for said county, personally Came
<br />Lea F. Thelen and Mary Virginia Thelen,
<br />husband and wife,
<br />known to me to be 'the ri . ai person ar persona who signed Lhe
<br />fsiregoing instruucexrt; d ehu 3ez3ga~ the eaeoutioa thereof t4 be
<br />her_ or :their vr~luu t - deed:-
<br />.. ~itaeas mg hand ,: .~at~ 1f/ ..:lai+,~r:.,....1.9.~,8.„:
<br />_...a.v.K.,.,~.~,..4
<br />~' ':~PiilT~4R+'~s~n+dwc~~ .Notary Pnb1iC
<br />t4ttb E tYBRGH, fit. ..,.,. .,....,» .~.,... .. .,.»...........
<br />s;
<br />Caap~ EFC. bn. 15, 5919 """"- ~ t~
<br />1liy eommlasion! eapue~ ..,~,:~~,..... ~..~ ................ 19?...1....
<br />Form 2.2 elpprotred iry Neiiraaka State Bar A,ssaetat3on vdrew b wdt ow. Lla dn, xetr.
<br />