<br />T ..
<br />SS-A-REAL ESTATE NtOf2TGdGE (Corp.)-Nlith Tzx Clause (Revised t9@2} 7'ha IiuHmxn Gaps,e! Supply Fiausn, fin~Iu, Neer.
<br />j KNOW AI.L MEN BY THESE YFtESENTS: '#'liat 5t, Paul's Lutheran? Church FoUndatiori of
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska, Inc.
<br />i
<br />a cor{mration organi~ecd and existing under and by virtue of the fetus of the Stare of Nebraskasn
<br />r consideration of the sum of Forty-two thousand and no/104-°------------------ DOLLAYiS
<br />in hand paid, does hereby SELL and CONVEY unto
<br />'s Commercial National Bank & Trust Company
<br />- ~ i of Fall County. State of Nebraska the following described premises sitmaied
<br />~ in Eall county, and State of Nebraska , to-wit: Part of tl'
<br />' ?Southwest Quarter tSW;} of Section Seventeen (17}, in Township Eleven (il}
<br />~Narth, Range Nine (9} West of the Sixth P.M., more particularly described
<br />fo?Iows: Commencing at a goint on the North line of said Southwest Quarter,
<br />;957,5 feet West of the Northeast corner thereof; running thence West an sal
<br />~NOrth line, 352,5 feet; thence South, parallel with the ease line of said-
<br />- tSouthwest Quarter, 640 feet; thence East, parallel with the North line of <_
<br />~SOUthwest Quarter, 352.5 feet; thence North, parallel with the East line of
<br />- ;said Southwest Quarter 640 feet to the place of beginning; reserving, hawse
<br />a strip of ground s'0 feet in width off the West anti South ends of said tree
<br />.for a right of way for a public road; said tract containing 5.18 acres, moo
<br />for less. Also commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter c
<br />;the said Southwest Quarter; running thence West, along the North line,of ss
<br />;Southwest Quarter, 352>5 feet; thence South, parallel with the East line ai
<br />isaid Southwest Quarter 640 feet; thence Eastr ara21e1 with-the North link
<br />;said Southwest Quarter, 352.5 feet; thence Nor~h parallel with the East ls.f
<br />of said Southwest carter 64Q feet{ to_the place of be innincg~~ reservingt
<br />owe e*- a strx o~ groan 30 fee in wid it off t e E s~ a d.siauth a r3s ~~
<br />~rac~ fbr a rig~Ft of way ~or a pu~la.c raa~; said ~rac~ conttaining 5.~8 acrE
<br />The intention being to convey hereby an atrwiute title in fee simple. more ar less.
<br />- TO HIVE AND TO HOLD the premises atmve described, with alt the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said
<br />St. Paul`s Lutheran Church Foundation of Grand Island, Nebraska, Inc.
<br />j and to 3.tS heirs and assigns forever, provided always, and these presents are upon the express condition that if the
<br />! said St, Paul's Lutheran Church Foundation of Grand Island, Nebraska, Inc.
<br />I or assigns shall pay or cause to be paid to the said
<br />j Commercial National Bank & Trust Company
<br />hairs, executers. administrators nr assigns, the sum of Forty-two thousand & na/lOQ----Dollars, payable as
<br />#ollows.tcYwit: Forty-two thousand & no/1CQ t$42,flOQ.CO}______________________
<br />------------------------------------~uar~ an the 27th day of December , I9 78
<br />- - Dailats as tl:e day of IE
<br />- _ Dollars an the day ofi 19
<br />Dollars on the day of IS
<br />Dollars on the day of , I8_
<br />-- with interes# therm at 9.5R per cant per annum, payable 12/27/78 ara~iy, acrording to t#ae te-nar aril eff~~t
<br />of t2re promissory Hate trieh~interest'~eeupen±s-attacirsti of said
<br />i St. Paul's Lutheran Church Foundation of Grand Island, Nebraska, Inc.
<br />bearing even dais with these presents and shah pay all tasz;~s and assessments levtied upon said real estate and all ether fazes,
<br />_ levies azai asessmerfs lza5ed upon this mortgage or the ncie whi,^h this martga~;e is given to secure, before the same bectames-
<br />delinquent. cad deep The buildings un said premises insured far the sum of S 4 2 , fl Q fl , Q Q 3osa, if any, payable to -the
<br />- said mortgagee, then fhese presents to be vuid, otherwise to be arul remain in fuL €arce.
<br />??' IS €LiR?'HEr`t At~REED, (1} That if the grid mortgagor sisal fail to pay Bach taxes or prtuttre such ?nsttratFCe, the
<br />said mortgagee msr' paY such taxes and procure such insurance; and the :sum so advanced, with interest at ~ • 5fl per
<br />cent shall tx: repaid by said mortgagor, and ibis mortgage shalt stand as security #or same. f2} That a failure to pay air of
<br />- - said money, either principal or interest when the same become due, ar a failure to comply with any of the foregoing agree-
<br />- ~ menu, shalt cause the whole sum of money herein secured to become due and coliecttble at once a! the option of theCiXaha~~
<br />f:ti uaITNESS WHEREOF, the said St. Paul's Lutheran Church Foundation of Nebras}
<br />_~ j lies hereunto caused its coiymrate seal to ba affixed and these presents to be signed by its ~eCre'taII'y & ~].Ce
<br />this 30th 3aY of June , is 78. Pres.
<br />sigaad,, clad and delivar2d in presence ~€
<br />~ ~--~~i.~~~ _, ___._. St, Paul's Lutheran Church Foundat3f
<br />Sect',
<br />~'I'ATL OF ................ Pde}3XaS~Sd . .. ,County of .. i3a1
<br />-€ - Before me, a Watery pui5lic' ~uas=bed in saki cauntY. perenaSly game - _
<br />Secretary and Vice Presidantaf
<br />~t~ Paul's 3~u~h pray ~hta~rrdhtiFaf"~ dati~on o~ ~ r~nd -Is,~and, Nebra~ka~, Inc?~aa'Qd'~"O1i
<br />newt; to me to a en e 2 an n w ss~~ a aregotng tnsttument, artd a aw edged the eseeutioa
<br />ibe,f tb ire-?tie volun#ary act and deed as cue rand t3t~ vo ' y'..et and deed of-said crorporation and that ire ~r
<br />-pnrate seal-.was-thereto atTixed by ifs authurity~ ,~. at -,- ; .:,,w
<br />''
<br />Wiiitesamy hand and tariad seal or ~- i ne ,3,~ at ~ .-. ... .., .., I9...~$_.
<br />.- ~f
<br />?.fy txxiamisaioa ewes.-....:{ ->~-..°'.~-°-..., I5:y... :.: :s..~:y:~-- .-..: t-.~`.~.°tz-f --•-----.....NotarpPutsirc
<br />I ~1
<br />E i S`PATia CiF ....,._..-.___........--.._........' Entered oa numerical index and fried £or record
<br />j, Cwaty ... ... _;; •---._..:.. ......... ~~ in the 7Regiater of Deeda-Ogles of said Connty the
<br />l --' :................::..day a€..........._..........._..-.....-.._......., I9.-,:....._., sk.....--..........___.........o'cloak aria............_..........._._.miautes -......._...°---....M„
<br />and recorded in Hook-.._.------- .........................af.....~.._....._....°°._--°-°--._at page....-°°°--°-°----°°-°--_...
<br />:.~ ........................._......_...._......._...,......................_.......Reg of Deeds
<br />,:
<br />i
<br />- By ....................._........................_......_..............._._.._...._...Depvty
<br />,~
<br />at
<br />ii _
<br />f#
<br />