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<br />_ ..
<br />163-,4--WAFtRdiNTY DEED (RGViBtd 5961} 'rhe Hnifnra» arnerel 9¢pp17 H¢¢ae, Iiacoln, _7abr.
<br />~~-.2 ~ e t ~~ : '? ~ KNQW ALi~ ~vIEN BY THESE PR,ESEIVTS:
<br />T$:~TSarWe,Ki.rk U. Arnold P+Ianila B. Arnold, husband and wife o.f each other, !i
<br />Tim L. Dur.n Kelly M. Dunn, husband and wipe of each other
<br />,herein caned the grantor whether one or more,
<br />t
<br />in consideration of Thirteen Thousand Five Hundred and no/104 Dollars(:~13,504 40
<br />received from g antes, do hereby grant, iaargail, sc1l, Canvey and con€irm auto
<br />Rieic A. Duering, iec:a A. Duerirt;, Y,usband and wife of each other,
<br />a r
<br />i ;i
<br />. herein coiled the gran#ee whether one or more, the foliawing described real groperty in
<br />Couuty of Hall State of i~Tebraska
<br />f,at Fifty-six (56} ir. Rawthorne Place, ceing a subdivision of part of
<br />the Northwest quarter (?hr~} of Becticn Twenty-two (22}, Township >;'leven
<br />(11} ?icrth, Range ~?ine (9) rtTest of the nth P.th., in the City of Grand
<br />laland, Ball County, :?ebraska.
<br />S?A~M9? 1~iX '
<br />a~. ~~ t~ ~ ~ ~~?~
<br />~ ~`°
<br />4
<br />To have and to hold the above described premises together with all tenements, hereditaments and apgax ~
<br />tenanees thereto belonging unto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br />And the grantor does hereby covenant with the grantee and with grantee's heirs and assigns that grantor F~
<br />ig la~v€uily seised 6f said premises ; that 'they are free from encumbrance ~ x r e pt r e s t r_i c t i oxi ~ -and
<br />covenPnts.
<br />that grantor has good right anal lawful authority to convey the same, and that grantor warrants and-wi21 defend
<br />the title to said premises against the iaw€nl claims of all ger ens whomsoever.
<br />Laud ~~f ~~ 19~~ / r
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<br />` STATE OF ................~......., Gaunty af...-....................: ( i
<br />Before me, a notary public quaiified for said county, personally came
<br />` Kirit. G, Arnold ~;anil& 3, Arnold, husband and wife
<br />Tim L, Dunr> Kelly ?•'„ Dunn, husband and wife
<br />-iCnawn to-nee Lo be the identical person ar persons who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the s~ `
<br />exeeation thereof to be his; her or their voluntary set aseeT deed.
<br />r >t2 ~ notarial -seal on .. . /: ~ ~'~
<br />t ...
<br />„ENE' f,t_ dT4R't= J n p
<br />1- ~ r~./J-~~~,~."C~"~ ..IYOtary Fi1bI7.E
<br />1
<br />m,ssia. 31y calaamssfon bggi~.... ;~f: } -: . ..... . ......... 19.E ~` - 'i
<br />~ObCr S: 39~% 1(
<br />5Td.TE 47~ ... . ; ... , .. }
<br />ss.
<br />~~ metered 6n nets6erical index snd filed for reearti in the Register of Deeds Office of-said caanty the (
<br />..:.:,:.....:day of.. :....................I9......,at.._........o'eioek and...,...:...minaEee M .
<br />,:
<br />;e and re6arded in Bosh . ..:..:.. . ... . ...... of .-.:.: ; .....:. , .... , . at gage.........:.. ,:...
<br />Ei
<br />,~
<br />~' ,. .......... ,Reg. of Deeds
<br />By .... ...... ..............Degaty 1
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<br />