STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of ....................................................:
<br />Flied for record on ................................. L9 ........ ut ......................,..... o'rioek ........................ &I.
<br />and rssordad irs tha Dssd 1#seord .........._ ..................... Page ...........,.....,...........
<br />................. ~y ............. ... ...
<br />Rogistsr a£ Dssds Deputy Register of Deeds
<br />
<br />iA€ti EWOL"uT and VIOLA E. E~fiOLi}T, husband and- wife, each in his and- Fier awn
<br />right and as spouse of the other------ ,herein eaHed the grantor whether azre ar mare,.
<br />ineansideratianof One Do11ar {$1.QO} and other.GOOd and valuable consideration,
<br /> fr~~ ~,~:.te~, does aaa , bargai.~, seal sanvsy and eo°,.firm unta EDYlARD L, JAeyDA and
<br />CLARA R. JANDA, husband and wife,
<br />as joint tenants with right o£nn starvivarahip, aad not as tenants in common, the following described. real
<br />property Yn .............................~Cl~~:........................ Caunty, Nebraska:
<br />Lot One {1} in Black Six {~~ in Bonnie
<br />Brae Addition to the City of Grand
<br />Island, Ha11 County, ilebraska.
<br />n ;~~~~~?~ aCCii`,iEitiT,`,~Y
<br />STkpalp ~ 4X
<br />~~~~
<br />To have and to hold Llse above dsserited prsrssises togsther ~
<br />and appnrtsnansea thsreta IssIanging untss the graatees -and to t€zeir assigns, or !o the 3teira and- s~igna
<br />o; the survivor of there forever,
<br />Aad grantor does hereby covenant with the granters and with their signs and with the h8aa
<br />and aa~gns of the survivor of them that grantor is Iaw£rally ssised o£ said pressises; that thsy are Tres .from
<br />~hr~
<br />that grantor has goad right and lawful authority to Canvey lire esme: and t1saL grantor warrants and wilt
<br />defend the title to said prsmises against the lawful claims of alI psrsans wlsomsoecer.
<br />It is the intention of all partiss} hereto that in the curet a£ the death of either of the grantees,
<br />the entire £ee tills to this real property ~balE vest in the servicing grantse.
<br />Dated December ,~(o Is7B
<br />.................................................................................... ..... ~ w~Cr. '..~f..~...~ ..
<br />.,,CARL ~W L~
<br />STATE OF .,....:......~.~a~.~~..~iT~ ......................... CoL:.*aty af ...............t~A.{..~................,.........._.....<.:
<br />Before-me,s notary pnblia qualified #or said county, persanaity came
<br />C~R~ E1~t3LDT ~itd V-IQLA. 1r. E:~OLOT, husband astd wife,
<br />k~~:~r. t%: me to fie ±he ideut*eaI pm'aon.or-ins who signed the foregoing imstrusnent -and aekaowledged
<br />the'eaaeutin,: t:hereaf to be Iria, her or their vaismtary aat-and deed.
<br />~.
<br />4~itness trey. hand and -iro 4 ....}~ ~ ~ ~ I9~8,.:..,_...
<br />~ .,
<br />,.:.:..... _ s. ,. ........,. .......................... Notary Public
<br />commission supir+es „FtEU.Y.:4:...~:.5~ .............. 19.~'.~,......,
<br />Form 4 '~ Ta bs approved by Nebraska State- Bar :#ssosiatiaa ~8qe a wOsx °'• ~°"~°' ne°`'
<br />