t1HY . 1l ~L/ ~ i
<br />}
<br />FGn ._.,U.. ,,:7~SiVr;i), .,,so undc., a:}- ~i . ,..,,::u,. i; „ , .,fiL F5 ~"; , ~.,., itL- ~i7..'I'ul~, r:r,O:';,rru'..c,n
<br />~rr;nni3u:1 r::,, ex,iui_nr• u;;derr t.I;a i:,.a of the iiu~ted St.,.,,-:, d,;es her~:by cur'ify that a coal
<br />aeta:.~s daort~uaa rcu o.•nad tf it, dut~si Becetaber 2, 1932 , lauds b3 Bon T. Lindstrom
<br />and-Betty J, Lindstrom, husbaxxd and wife
<br />ae ~_:: tgaaars, to ui~la :ua ~oryora.tis: ,
<br />us :n,rt~eigfia, and r~.ccr d,sd xx;s i?oc=.iasi^nt io. , in bock i;o. 1S9 ~
<br />i'a~a t:o. 1i98 , iu the Ui'flea of L'ua Register of Deeds Hall Gourty,
<br />-:itatP ~f tiTebzsska and t}v bii.t~•LrU iii :+itti the.indottodiiasa-thereby
<br />s~~ur»:.', fcxliy pnic, sritt.sPicd rind di:ic'r:~Lr,,v , ird th•: Reg~ster of Reeds is
<br />~trrchy i.uthcrizad a;ii: dirvcLvci to raiausv and discrargv the some upon record.
<br />t i.t+ di ;;:a;S rii:.ii:.;.'', said Fr:1'r:iv,, t«,;"ICi;c;:i. ",;:ii',i.,,, .. ;s5.-,._ ;I T.ri;« has cuuscd -ita corpordts
<br />(3va1 Ue ..era tp iLf~ixed, ,:.. `.{ p13 ^.:t~u .^, ..u .43 it:i.., 't OJl1'S Ji ;I.:f:x t0 tiii: 3!! r6 ~ -
<br />; L .. -„ ,, assts by ita
<br />»saleLa.rit Vica ;'raaidvnL and uttr~;,°„vd 5J~ .ts „ssistunt Secratu-;,~ at i.:ilCFip;a, Illinois,
<br />^i
<br />L.. 8 ~~. dfxy (if ~LI~ in. iu. i~ ~g .
<br />wll'tiYa,S3:,i:i: i:,:li.:L~t~ :;»IG«iii:s ::~,'i{.t:r»~"' is$~s~{ilsc~.>.fii- -
<br />i
<br />i1i7. y`CIl H.IS;kF1JlLt$9-°.~,.,-:...__..._...._...-,
<br />Y ,:..
<br />ILa »ssistt>nt Viee ~iaal~eszt.° `.
<br />` ~ ' f"°
<br />Si yam`'
<br />»saiatant SecraLnr"F~ '
<br />~~.~' .
<br />:>
<br />STnTa u? 1LLI:~UI5 j
<br />~S
<br />~Gki. L. G%iirt j
<br />=, A. Key Bernan a l;otu:y i~ublic in and for said Count. in the State aforesaid,
<br />do haraiiy cartiPy that Karen A, Runnels },er:;c•rr;ily rtnavn to ma to by tho »aaiatant
<br />~ii:e E'resident ~; i.v;iviL ,',1i.`Ji}». i~v:,.vkG[; »SSGG'In1'Iit«, a corporation crpunixsi7 and exiat-
<br />irg turiar thv iuva of ttir. United :it+stes, and j}QZ.pt-h; I~F.~iChie parsrnsslly knave to eis
<br />to be the »ssistant Secrvt~cr.• of :said cnrix>raLion, anri i;~rs :n,slly Knnun Lc ~v to he t,`.o aai~e
<br />pose ::s vcosa nwuea aro sui;seri;r,,,:J *.o the for±:i;~ir,~; instnreser;t, up;,var€ad aefora r>rv this day
<br />i•". '~~ ,,. .4.. se:•ar , f,c.,~. ..lx~::~;a:a Li;rLt ~ti v.,;,h 1,;3uiit;,ant '.'i-^a i'ratiiuant i.rid ;:ssifitnnt
<br />s~cretEL.^f, that a1Y,nad.cind s?r+livar~d tI:a slsidninstruae:.t as Assiatunt Vica FrvsidenL arid.
<br />;+s¢ietazit Sacr;_*Lary oP acxid corp. ration, ar.:i ceased Ltio eozpnruta seal of said corrwra•tipp -
<br />to ba rPfixeci thereto, r~ur:iu,cnt to a~,+_t,,,*±t,y f,iue^ h; t,".o u,ar:s ar ~ccT_nra vt ~~id
<br />~~or}~oratinn ua tt,vir Prue riid volur,tn.-J uct, and us the free unit voluntary-act red-dead of
<br />aa'sd crporatian Par- the uaait- find i;urpoaaa Liiorcin eat Perth.
<br />.+''
<br />Slvon anc4asr i~~ heca' -iFnd official neat. ttifa 21 z:,sy of 4ti~ Zr#~ may;`, '
<br />N i ~radreaa is ?,'~ .:oath '.Faoktir i?rivc,. Chicrago, - I31:nois bCfbU6 ? .. -. ,
<br />~~ .6~iseina axpir~ah oa ~us2e 2$,'3$2: ~ :~j ~~~ ,s'
<br />-;.
<br />ay errar. - 'r
<br />tt~tury Ytihli€z ~ ~..,
<br />Benrs.d Y. Bdnlv~ss®F ~
<br />T}iie P.1rTk vas ~ropared an8-cs}>pro-vad h; } , littornoy, 1; South ;'acxar I]r:i~c,
<br />i~aicap,o, ltiizioia bu(?C?b. Type or ~riut Kalov-all sir;nrituros, ttie na~oa of parLiea
<br />ese~utin~ ttii~ izi>3truteeut iuclttdinH tizo notary public anii vitneasos.)
<br />