<br />-_ _ _
<br />Sn~REAL ~~TATE idO1f3T~A~€-#W73h Taz C~nsa~s~l.. ..___.,___.-___
<br />
<br />The I;nff oa be l 6a, plx ~a~ . 1.lttealn Naha
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<br />KNOtV ALL MEN BY TIiESE ,tx12ESENTS; That Wayne N. and Bonnie J. Busboom
<br />of Hall Coraraty, and Sfata of Nebraska , an cansideratiaw of the scars: of
<br />Seventy Five Th~ius~nd and Noj100------_~---------------°-°-------___---__-_--DOLL.dRS
<br />iss kcrrd laid, dQ keraby SELL ar:d CONVEY unto Grand Island Production Credit Association
<br />of " : P.ai i Coresty, Stets of Nebraska the foi~mrixg described premises. situated
<br />isa 6f611 Corar:ty. and State of Nebraska , ao-rxit:
<br />The .West half (W z} of the Southeast quarter (SEa) of Section Thirty-two (32~, Township
<br />Nine fig) North,. Range Nine (9) blest of the Sixth P.M. except the right of way of the
<br />St: Jospph-AND Grand Island Railway Co. and the Tract deeded to Dennis D: Busboom and
<br />Linda Busboom as recorded in the Register of Deeds Office as Document No. 76-000319
<br />The mortgage debt as shown stands as collateral security for certain note or notes
<br />described in a collateral agreement of even date signed by the mortgagor. The mortgage
<br />debt may be accelerated at the opetion of the mortgagee upon the default or-non-payment
<br />of notes, renewals or extensions provided for 9n said collateral agreement, and the
<br />;aortgagee may in such event proceed to exercise any rights it-may have hereunder the
<br />sar~€e as a default in any other obligation or covenant contained in this mortgage.
<br />T see sr~t~sianoe~ng to eoay 3seravy era aisci:+ta title fsa .€ :n~.ie, i~~.~;.g alt tla ~L~:.= of 1~~. ~=tom a~ dom.
<br />TC? HAVE AND TO FIOLD the premises aborts dasrsitrad, with std the appsrtexanses tkererntto beksnying,
<br />unto tlta said rxortaagae(s} and to his, leas ar their hairs arui assigns forever, previdad aievays, and tkese prssaxts pre.
<br />rspoa the express condition That if the said rraortgagar(s}, his has ar t#ais kairs, ezetrrfars, cdrnispstsrtttoss rar szrss
<br />shall pay or cause to be paid do the said xnortgagte(s}, his, her ar Cheer haws, axecutoss, adtxirdstrators ~ assigtu, ta}e
<br />principal sum of $ 75,000.OC1 payable as foliotus, tozvet: December 15, ig$3
<br />j~etk interest a.:cording to the taxsirr arat affat3 of the se<nrtaogors u.~ittaas promissory r3ate be~sng es~sn dais zaith Pkssa
<br />~ pr-srR;s_r~d-sr ~,' { ,-rid ;ax~r assasstrants is~.eva :Qtns seed real estate, cad ai# other taxss,-tasaes and assassrxairts
<br />~ ~~ ~semsa th=x +sra+'teeyr cs~;#ha assts zrhieh this mortgage is gevan to secwe, before the same betafnea dati~snt and
<br />t~ l3xslaaw.,s rsr sad prasnrse insured for tks sursx of y --°- toss, if amy payrabte ~ the` d
<br />~~sa, t-ft~ jrzca_~-es~s~~,~d void, atkarxesrss #a br and remain iS fait farce,.
<br />[r f 11` IS ~'L ?'' i&.F' AGREEI3 {r} That if t#s sad rnartgagpr snail ftdl tc ¢ay seek -tales or pronae sick at-
<br />` ~~:e, ±A_r rid rsortsa Y pay k s }mare mss, alEd tlsa swan sa ndtxtnced ndt# rarY
<br />paid by gages, aml this iuarfs shall stanit _as_ assrrty ~' tka agste.
<br />[ -~at --- pcr rant., sl~sti #a re said nwrt
<br />(rJ Tnat a faitsn^e to pagr.aa}gr of .iasd ~ta>aey either prisECipat or interest inters tfu lama bstotnae;due, ar a frit7rara to-
<br />jccsmpiy u~isit oily of tna fr~agoiaag agrsenwsits, ~ tea tke'aakole"ruYa of metaey ltarei>i saeiarsd to a4arrr~ daa
<br />ro:tect°:lrtr cat ante at the aip#mr of -the antrx#g~gce:
<br />~~ ~
<br />5'!sd this day of , ty,
<br />Ix prase of _. ~~~d~-c-.• ._,_...._...:
<br />. - ....._. ......... ...._..... ... ,...:...... ..._ ........:. _._. G-~r ~+~~ -s-garb.....................
<br />on' tFSb3o~i._._..._..........
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