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<br />not extend or post.p5ne the due date of the rnanthtp in;italtmcnt* rcforred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof ar <br />change t-he amount of such installments. <br />Ifl. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the time for payment or modification o£ amortization of the sums <br />secured by this lortgage granted by Leader to any successar in interest. of Borrower shalt not operate to release, <br />in any tnantter,-the liabilit-y of the original Borrawer and fiorrote-e;'~: successor. in interest. Lender shall net be <br />required tir commence-proceedings against. such successar ar refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify <br />amortization of the sums secured by this 1lartgage Ity reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and <br />Barrawer's successors in interest. <br />ii. wpv: wur:aucro ciY" inuuv: is.3t u u',rcr ,'si2"' farb2ara n~ t"• IEru',.Cr .., ,...L,..,~mg any P.g°ii$ ^" clucuy <br />herCUli(ICr_ ar atherwlSe Afforded by 3ppliC6ble {S)C, 8[ta(1 nGt h2 :i ;5'al:'er 6t 0[ prCClllde the CxerClEe 6f any fl~ht <br />or remesy hereunder. The procurement of insurance ar the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender <br />shall. not be a waiver of Lender's right to seeelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this ?4fortgage. <br />IZ..Remedies Cumulative. All- remedies provided in this \Sortgage are distinct and cumulative to any other <br />right or iemedy under Phis llartgage ar afforde<t 'ry lap- or c~ctuits•, and may 1)e exercised concurrentIy, independ- <br />enf•Ig= or successively. <br />13, Siuaessors ~d Assigns Ballad; Joint amd Several Iaa3ilityr Captions. The covenants and agreements <br />tiareiaetrntaiued shall bind; and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender <br />and Harrower, subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. Att covenants and agreements of Borrower shall <br />be joint and several The captions and headings of 'the paragraphs of f his Mortgage are for canc•enience only and <br />are not to ~ used to interpret or define the provisions hereof. v <br />l4. Notice. Any notice to Borrower provided tar in this \Iartgage shall be given by mailing such notice by <br />certified lrtail addressed t.o Borrower at thc• Property Address stated belarv, except for any notice required under <br />paragraph IS hereof to he payee to Borrower in the manner prescribed be applicable law. Any notice provided <br />far ir, this 3lartgage shall be deemed to pace been given to Bara;cer :vL-cn „iven in rite manner designated herein. <br />15, Uniform Mortgage: C`aaverniag Law; Severahility. This loser o£ mortgage combines uniform covenants <br />for national ice and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu- <br />rity instrument covering real property. This Mortgage shaft be governed by the lars• of the jurisdiction in which <br />the Property is located. In the event that any provision qr clause of this Mortgage or the Note conflicts with <br />applicable law, such conflict shall not affect other j)rovisions of this Mortgage ar the :4ote wLiieh can be given <br />effect without the oanflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of the lfartgage and the Note are declares <br />to be ~verable. <br />38. Barzawar's Copy. Borrower shalt he furnished a conformed copy of this llartgage at the time of execu- <br />tion ar after recordation hereof. <br />17. Traasstez of the Property; Assumption. if all ar any Hart of the Property or an interest therein is sold <br />or trans#erred by Harrower without Lenders prior written consent. excluding jai the creation of a lien or enetrm- <br />branee subordinate to this ?vlGrtgage, jbl the creation Gi a purchase money security interest #or household appli- <br />ances, {c) a transfer by devise, descen± or by operation of let:- upon the death of a joint tenant or (d) the grant of <br />any leasehols interest of three years ar less not containing an opiion to purchase, Lender may. at Lender's ogtian; <br />declare ati the sums secured by this Alortggge to he. itn:netliateh- clue and payable. Lender shall have waived such <br />aptian to accelerate if, prsor to the sale or Transfer, Lender and the pel~an to whom the Property is to be satd ar <br />transfe,~ed reacl< agreement in writing that the credit of such gersoa is satisfactory to Lender and that the interest <br />payable on the sums secured by this :Mortgage shall be at se:ch rate as Lender shall request. If Lender tics waived <br />the option io accelerate provised in this paragraph 17 and if Borrower's successor in interesi has executed a wzii- <br />ten assumption agreement accepted in writing by Lender, Lender shall release Borrawer fmm alt obligations under <br />this i~iartgsge and the I~Tote. <br />If Lender exercises such option to accelerate, Lender sfiall mail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance <br />with paragraph 14 hereof. Such notice shall provide a period of r,ot less than 3t} days from the dale the natiee is <br />marled within which Borrower may pay the sums declared due. if Borrower fails to pay such sums prior tv the <br />expiration of sucfi perm, Lender may. ccitirout tt"urther notice or demand on Borrower, invoke auy remedies per- <br />mitted by paragraph i8 hereof. <br />:fax-L?~tTaoa~t ~at~xat.°rs. Borrawer and I~nder further covenant and agree as follows: <br />19. Accelerations Remedies. Except as provided in paragraph 1" hereof, upon Borrower`s breach of any <br />covenant or agreement of Borrower in this Mortgage. including the covenants to ltay when due any sums secured <br />by this lortgage, Lender prior tG acceleratia.t shall m.iil natiee to Borrawer as lrovided i ; parngraph l~ hereof <br />specifying: 11) the breach; t2) the act-ion required to cure sue}! breach; (31 a date, rot~tess than thirty days <br />from the date the notice is mailed to Borrower, by n-l;ich suci~ breach roust he cu:•ed; anct i41 that failure to cure <br />such breach on or before rise date specified in the notice may result in acceleration o[ the sums secured by this <br />;Mortgage and sale of the Property. If the breartt is eat cured o:; or before the date specified in the notice, Lender <br />at Lender's option play declam all of the sums secured !ry this Mortgage to tre immediately due and payable <br />without fuivher demand and ;nay £areclose tills ~tartgage try judicial proceeding. Lender shAtl be entitle€# to collect <br />in such proceeding all expenses of fareetosurc. inetu<ting. hrrt eat limited ta, casts of doculreatarv eviu'enee, <br />abstracts and title reports. <br />39. Borrower's Right to ReiEtstate. iiotwithstan=fing Lender`; acceleration of the sums secured by this <br />Irfartgage, Borriireer shalt have the right to have auy Proceedings begun by Fender to cnfarce this :!I'artgage dis- <br />eontirived at any-time prior to entry a€ a cnfo;rins; this 3lartgage if: {ai Borrower pays Lender all <br />sums avttir-liwauld t~ then due under this ~ro_*tgag:, the I~ot,• nd Hates szcuring Futurr Advanvec; if any, had na <br />acctteratian occurred.; (b) Borrower cure, all breaches of any other covenants or agreements of Borrower con- <br />twined in thie ~iartgane; (e) Borrawer pays alt ressonablc expenses incurred b_r- Lender in enforcing the covenants <br />and agreemeti#.s a€ BgrroQer contained in-this 1,€ortgare and in enforcing Lender's remedies as provided in para- <br />graph It; h~rea#, inclgding; but eat Limited to, rnasanable attorney's fees: and fd) Borrower takes such action as <br />Raider may reaaonslaip retluire to assure that the lien of this 3ortgage, Lender's interest in the Pioperty and <br />Baasa~r's obtigatios_to gay-tee sums seamed-oy this ~ioetgage sha[i continue unimpaired. Upon such-papmeat <br />"byl~arza,_nr_t;ris Ivlvrtgage and the obligations secured hereby shalt-remain in felt force and effect as if <br />Hai aacelerstias tied accursed. <br />2v`. a Tiaa~~. Fipptouitameaaf of Receiver- ien$i?<r is P~essioa- As ndditiorial security here-` <br />under, Barrrrwei herevT sea to I:ender_Lhe rents of-the Property. pro~~idecl that Barrowei• shall; Briar to scceler- <br />ation untiei }iaragzaph 1$ hzseof or abandisnment of the Prapert}i, have the right to collect and retain such rents. <br />sic they 6eeaaie due and payable. <br />Llpoit aelerstirn under pa_*egrapts I$ harersf-or atJandgntnent of i!ie Property, -Lender; in person, by agent <br />or by judicially appuintsd receiver shall be entitled to enter upon, take paaaession of -and n}anage the PrGpert_v <br />and to collect the rents of the Fraperty,srtcluditrg those past due. _Ail- rents coliectecl by Lender ar the receiver <br />shalt be applied first to payment. of the-casts of sranagement of the Property and coitection of rent,, including, but <br />eat limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on receiver; bonds and reasonable attorney's fees. and then to the sums <br />secured by this i4fortgage. Lender and the receiver shall be liable to account only for those rents actually received. <br />