<br />7~. ~°~$~~ l~~RTG~I.~T
<br />THaB btt?Ii.'FCrt1G11 is med®tttis... ...... 2 I si-... _ : , dadv of December,
<br />~o - rani , ~a~nYu`,,! ~a~n rt~SA"; A. I~,YH€W -~=l~F'a~3u-a '~ i'fc -- C~ i
<br />1J ' `?. 158Lw~n Gnu MO1tQa~aP v~rc . t°. %' ............. ~ . ! ~ . . -
<br />_ h € ~. ~n~l _h~tr o~~trl ~ht; and, as ,spouses `"t?~..~",;~~ Ll~~ It~arf~ Fta.~e s'~eatl
<br />wings a i~ r-sCtattan, a ootg~arataan argaaixed anti existing under the Taws a# ~`he f3tuted Slates ai
<br />A.erit~ why srtdiess is 223 South I,aettetSt. Gr~i I~lead,l~lebraska (herein "i.end€r"}. -
<br />Wtens Harrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of . Tl~ 1 RTl`, F I,YI~ , TyOl~~I~R .~ { 1y~: ~ll~l}I~D
<br />- Ai~t~i, ~t4}/ 100---------_______--_°--___~____~allars, which indebtedness is evidenced by $orr<iwer's sate
<br />~~, ; December 2t ; , 197L . , _ _ , {herein "Nate"), providing fcr monthly installments of principal and interest,
<br />witlt'ihe balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, d+~ and payable an.... Hgri 1 . !,~ 2430$ _ _ _
<br />_ 'i'o 3ECtnts to Lender {a} -the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced b} the Nara, with interest thereon, the
<br />payment of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith io protect thz security of this
<br />Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and {b} the repaymment
<br />of any future advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof {herein
<br />"Future z+tdvattxs"}, Harrower does he~byLmartga~e, grant and convey to Lender the fallowing desedbed property
<br />. bated in the County of ... a ........ .:. . ...................... .State of Nebraska:
<br />LO? ~'td€NTY FIV€ 425} VILLA M,RR DE€ SUBDIVIS1t~tV, HAIL ~L$+3TY; lv€i3l?AaKA,
<br />206 South Vii 1a -Mar Dee- :_., : Grand, Is;1an ,.,~,~
<br />which-has the address af .......... . ................... - • . ~ .. .
<br />tserese7 IettYl
<br />....A32hrasita ...513$01, .... {~r°ta "`Ptxtperty 1§ddress"},
<br />TacETt;~x with all the. i~proverseats rmw cu hereafter er~+eted on 4$e proPeiEy, atsd aU easements;-,sights,
<br />2pr„~:ten~nr:~<, yYnt~~ mp~wtii~~ ~*sr, Sal ~€td s-rig ~n~-~?rt3$f~, water,, i~8t~€_ r1g~, ~iHI water .~t€iek, and all
<br />fixtures naw or hereaftee attrtCltect to t~ prciperty, a!1 0~ which, incittding replacements-and additiorns Ehereto, shall be
<br />~ecmecl to !te and n:'naita a part of t;te property caveretl by thin R+lr~rtBa$e>-and all of -the foregoing, together with said
<br />property {or the leasehold estate iE ids it~Eoetgage, is oil a lehald} ate lirerein refert'ed to as the:"Pranerty".
<br />Iic;rro~•er ccveoarts Cs<:t a3oircwer is lawtull} scisetl of the estate hereby conveyed an€i has-the right to rnartgage,
<br />- _ grant and eorrey the Prapvrty, that the-Property is iu~neumbeeed; and-.that Borrower wi1? warrant and defend
<br />generally the;ills ta.tfie Property against aEl claiu>, and demaiuls, subject-many dectaratiotn, easements or restrictions
<br />listed in a sehedttle of exceptions to coverage in any title insurance pokey insuring Lender's interest in the Property.
<br />N~~SKA-1tc~~~~h~-sr~s--nlr~RtEtt~ale ts~l lrls~ot~~tr
<br />