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<br />Dar m6~er IF 4734 U opt~nal. <br />:9eclNn iaia. rfc+o aa, us.c. - <br />TH1s &It3$TGAfiIr, wade and executed-this .~/ day of •~ ~~,.~~~ $S ~L- , A. D.19 ~~' , <br />by end be€vieen Wi12~rd D: Bauer azxd Esther Bauer, husband. and wife, <br />3cintly aid each 3st them own right, <br />,, of the County of ball ,and State iif I3ebraska; hereinafter called the &Sortgagor, aid <br />FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND-LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN <br />a wryration arganized and existing under the taws aF The United States of America , <br />hereinafter catled the Mortgagee, <br />~I`i?T~~58ETA :That Mortgagor,- for and in consideration of the sum of THIRTY-STA TflOl3$AND AND- <br />NO/100-=-=------------------------~atlars {$ 36,DOO.t76 ),-paid by Mortgagee, the reeeipt of <br />which is hereby acknoic=Iedged,-has Granted and -Sold and by tYie~e presents does Grant; Bargain,; Ali; <br />Assign, Gonvey 'anrl Confirm uhto the Mortgagee,--its successors and assigns, forever, the fo~o~ving- <br />described prapei~ty; situated iu the County of Hall ,and State of I+Tebrasisa, to wit;- <br />West One-Half {W~} of Lot.. Fifteen {i5)-and the West One-half {W'~) <br />of the youth Thirty-eight and Fiva Tenths (538.5} feet of Lot ThirteezL <br />{13}, Black fi.~enty (20), in Unirrersity Place, an Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />of the :iixtla Prirceipa3 efidian, cuatai~ing Sn at2 CiCy Property <br />4~g~tll~r with the ~fu-r°ten~~ theteta be:~s;gingantt alf' ~t haw or hexes:tar attacha;t th*s ffr <br />used in txtinnection with the geniuses herein ~.cribetl atld ira addition thereto the fallowing-dearse`bgd <br />l~nasehold appliances, which are, Anc7 shall be deemed to be, fixtux~ and a part of the reatty, and are a <br />portion ssf the-eetrtrty f©r the indebtaedneas herein naentiuned: <br />