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Sl-flORT FORM Loan Number_ 400_,5 ____` ,~ ..,. <br />PROPERTY ff~lPR01fEME9VT '~~.~~'s--__.R. <br />Faaxa No. 2t t iRev. f 7 771 <br />~~~„` ~~ ~} ~ ,~ ~ o~ KN®W ALL MEN BY TIiEBE PRE9~:NT9 <br />"#`F£AT...fivoung W,_ St?h_ ar~~ ,YRr_-~~..Suh,..kikSl7aDd..anti.ssif~,...Jointly,and..e?:r~1...~xt..Sh£ix..~seui <br />rigf~C, ... ... <br />tisrei$after celled Mortgagoit;, is coaaiderataon a# #~ sues of.....k'QL?i3..~9ItSF~._Fi3tiR. Hr7amRFn .........__ <br />_..W. ~~RTY-~~cx,~..~Trn...4~I.~,~A------------~-- ~.-- ~-.r---:-_--~-------.--------.-~---~::--- ~z-z <br />{~ 4,448.48 )DOLLARS, the receipt of which is hereby ackaowtedged, do hereby MORTGAGE <br />and CONVEY an absolute title, including all the rights of homestead and isheritancx, naive FIRL'P <br />FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCL~TION OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, hereynafter called <br />Maxtgsgee, i~ successors sad ssaigas, the following described real estate, situated in...,.....H211 <br />County, State of NE$RA.SKA, to-wit. <br />Lot Sixty-Five {65), Le Heights Fourth Subcivision, Hall County, Nebraska <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the real ~tste above dea~-7ibed, wittn alt apgu.*teaan+~ thereunto <br />beloagiag unto the said Mortgagee, forever, ggzovided always, and this mortgage is apes the ezpreas con- <br />ditioa that if the aforesaid Mortga~ora, their heirs, e:.xcutors, administrators or assigns shall pay or cause <br />to be paid t8 the said Mortgagee, its successors or assigns, the griacigal sum hereiaabove set Earth, sI1 <br />acrnrigiag to the tenor and e$eat of a certain instailmeai noie of said iaiortgagors bearing eves date wlth <br />this mort_arage, aril shall gay lases sad assessments levied u~mn said real estate, and all other tease, levies <br />and asaesstnents levied upon this mortgage ar the note which. this mortgage is given to secure, before tl~e <br />same or any installment thereof becomes delingueat, their the mortgage to be void, otherwise to zemaia <br />?zi full farm, <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREIsD {Z} That if the said Mortgagor shall feat to pay such fazes, the <br />Mo ,ree may gay the same and the sum so adcsaced with interest shall be paid by said Mortgagors, <br />sad t~'s mo a ahail stand as seciuity for the same. {2) Tbat Mostgagora covesiaat with the Mortgagee <br />that they are~wfuily seized of said rest estate and covenant to warrant and defend the said rest estate <br />against the lawful claims of alt pet none whomsoever. (3} That is rase a# a forectoanre of this mortgage, <br />Clio plaintiff is such pmccedinga shall be entitled to take gpooeass on of the premises, pmtect the seats and <br />collect the rents, issues sad grofits thexeot. {4) That a fai3ure&to pay any of said money or say install- <br />ment thereof why the same becomes due, or a fal~ure to comply with any of the foregoing agreement, <br />shall cease the whole Siira of money herein secured to becoate due and exllecttbie at Dace at the opting of <br />#te Mortgagee. <br />Signed this.---•-----'7fday of...,~?.~~'~~ri~~~ ..............•---.-...--°........-.............-., 19~~' ..... <br />~ /Aj~''~r <br />....t~ng .A.. .- till-~'l's$!.-1.--~.. f. .~,,,-..~.._.-. <br />STATE t)F NEBRASKA <br />.:_..~.1~~.~,.__.._._._.......Cunnts. ~ ~ <br />'; - <br />...:..~......~..~... ~:~ :.~; ~.-:.... 1s~.?~. ~.:~fia imdo:aisiad, a Nate.-y Prb~: is aaa :ar <br />aa~ County, PeraosaIIY mme ..-.1~'ff.>uig.-iT~-.•.8]lIi_3aSi ynn ~__,Siah.,,_jw,8b3tui...yid..aS1.t®,•-•-•__..~.._..........___. <br />pey-ImoWra YO ttie t0 bB tL9 idealtlea€ pei»ame Wlioae AanlHa a1N a~iied to ti~a above and toi+egaing inetrumeat, m <br />znattgagose;-sad e&ek said iiuslrnmenE tki }~ $3D or bar volmitary act and doed. <br />dabs above ~ et ~~l~T°frS~~:l•s'tL1Sl.....Alehx.,lSk.2.-...__a..___-..__......_._-....._.-_ ............._..._... <br />~~F ~..:`~A~ <br />_ STATE 6F .3c~Ri.51tA ~' <br />My coinmissioa as iraa...._ ~~~+"~'sEe+: :-:~ -^~ <br />ti ~'.~ .:....... .......... .4~e.;temt,ar-A•-•i4if <br />