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<br />. .. <br />__: j ~8%4-~REAt EST~T6 f~iORTGRC.E-W#tM Taac Ciaatte <br />The Hatiman aene+sl guFFi! Haase, Liacotn, Nsbr. <br />-- ____ KNE3V4 ATT. ll+#~N' BY THE~aE PREiF~'S _~~ <br />j THAT Steven SC. Boshart and Janet M. $ashart, husband and wife, of 2ii1 Sherwood <br />Grand 'island, Nebraska 68$01 <br />(A4ongagor <br />- I <br />i ~. - <br />- j o; Hall X35 dart S~gte ~ Nef~raaka ,tiff conss'deration of the au>x of <br />Tlt~rty Six Thousacid i7oilars {$35,D40.GD) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .~ _ .: .T1~LI:.r4t2S <br />in `haled Amid, da hereby SELL a+ed CONYEY #~to pera3d i~, Eicher and Luetta M. Eicher, husband <br />and wife, as-joint tenants <br />{Mortga{Jes j ', <br />of Lancaster County, aced State of Nebraska the fadlawirul described prsixises ' <br />situated iz3 Ha11 Cou*3ty; and-.State of Nebraska to-wit: 1 <br />~ I <br />Lot Nine (yj H35hop Heights, 3rd Sub-Division to the Ciry of Grand <br />Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska <br />i <br /># <br />~- This mortgage covers all future advances of the parties hereto. <br />i' ~ { <br />1`he iuteerfica beinEt to coxvey hereby an absolute tine is fee simple inctudiRg alt the rights of homestead and down. <br />i D iiisl%c ~iidD Tt'i fxt3LD the premises -above drsenitred, siFia ail ties appurttxa»ces tJrer'ertu€a `betobgirsg <br />auto the said mortgayer asd to their heirs and asristtu, forever, pravidesi always, earl tteesa presest3 are xpoa <br />t esprrss cosditioa that if thr aforesaid mortgages , their heirs, e-sasa~ta!~s, ad~rsis?*atars ~ sss»gss s&aP <br />pay or caxse to be paid to the said mortgagee their heirs; esacsetors, adwei+Kistrators or assigiu; the s+ax a# <br />1325. Di3 ger month on the- 1st of each Dollars, paynble_ as follow,, to-a#eit: <br />aonth beginning with the 1st of Ilopars on the day of , rq <br />tecember, 197$, until ail bai- Dopers an the day of , rq <br />races are paid, interest will Dodlars on the day of , tq <br />ae 9~ per annua:. Dotdars on the day of , tq <br />Aopars on the day of , Iq <br />~t~a-t thrraaa ~ ~~ par teat par a+ess~m, patyabla 3ionthly all a€rordiruJ to tFia #aewr ami e~aet <br />of a csrtasv promissory rsats of said $tevea iC. Boshart and 3anet Hi. Soshart, husband and <br />~Cf+~, having a due date of P:ovembet 9, 1998. <br />hater=~«.q rues date tteith t€eers prescrs#s. and s3aaf! pay o!a taxes and mssesrnsatrts levied xpvR said real estate, a+ed ap other <br />rases; I a3rasrts lied upon this mortg^ ar the awte whir# this awrtgage is given to srcwre, bsfore the <br />sarnr breames delisgscart, dad h:sp tl~e bscstdiags oa said- premiss insared far tTu sera of $ 3b,000.C1i} <br />may, ~3~'ie' to said s~ortgagea, Bern thrsr presents to-ae veld, atberssdse 1a tae and rrtziua iaa fudi-fame: <br />lT IS FUI~TNEIi: arpEFn {r; ?'!u!s if the said rosartgagor sbsap fail to pay such taz~es ar procsae anon <br />~i~suraaaca, tba sand martgagrs may pay each taws awd procsae snob insxragtr, a+ed thr sum- so adrmucrd, with iret,Mest <br />a:. 9% per es+ert shall br paid' by said rsartEwgor, add _thit tMOrta_ shag stand as serxrily for thr• -.soma. (2j=7Yaa~#: <br />a frr to pay asy of . massy, rather p+"h'~F'='l ar interest when the saxes baco~r dies, or n fas7eaa to comply <br />a's;; =f the farms ~.rt~; s € a ~e of ray hsrrix seared to brooms dsea rani €arTert~ite <br />at oats at-the option of the mortgagee. <br />Sigs+ed this- ItJth dal' of November , rg78 <br />r _,~,, <br />pt. f <br />t'fl1l~;'4Tlil~ Rt <br />••- <br />- ~'i ~~+ ~+ anet. M Bc*shar t <br />......:..,fiuANBlf311t1F1D.-t.~t..... ....: ~::.: :....:. :::..... ....._.........................._........................_.._....---•----- <br />