<br />~ ~°~' $~ ~ ~ ~ SEI~flNi3 MORTGAGE
<br />This Mortgage is entered into between l~.snald €i. ~n anti IJel fuze Bishou. Ht>sband. Uztd
<br />iVife (herein"Martganor'°} and
<br />- n~r~or_. ~ri~m A-Tu?!'I`~^~?.A? ~~ '.I~ ~' t~?~,?.%~ Z ~.w-4I~ (aereip `„~~"i.
<br />Mir is indebted to Mortgagee in tteee principal sum of $ 1? _`~ •~ ,evidenced by Mortgagor's note
<br />dated 3211af'7$ (herein "Piote") providing fur payments of pritrc"rpat and interest, vrtth #3te batarree ol'the
<br />indebtedness, it not sooner paid, due-and payable on~~~t ,
<br />Tusecatre payment of Ute Note; with Interest as provided therein, the payment of sil other sums, with interest; ,
<br />advanced-by Mortgagee- to :protect-she security of'tkris Mortgage; and the performance at the covenants and agreements of
<br />t8e Rfortgagor cantalned herein, Mortgagor does-hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee-the fiidiorriUg described .
<br />.. -_ troperty located in Hall- County, Nebraska:
<br />ZYIe North Fifty Feet (N50'} of Lot Four (4}
<br />and the-South 2Wenty-.Five Feet.(:i25'} of Lot
<br />Five (5}; Iu~eria3 Village Second Subdivision,
<br />City of Gra[td island, Half County, I42bra5ka:
<br />Together with ati buildengs; impmvemxnts; fixtures, sa`reets; alleys, passa6-eways, easrmcnts, rights; Privite~_ ~ _~d .
<br />ap.enances locate;. ri€zreon or is any~w7ae pertaining thereto, and the~er:ts,issues- and;pza6ts; reversions ana! >isdevs
<br />#herettti arelnrbng, fiat riot ~isrtited to,:heating and cooieng eggipnzeent anst such peaonal property that is-attached to rise
<br />- - rrnprflierne]iSB ~ a8 W COrtBilinEe'a iixtrrr~, iii at- x~hrch,_ indGaing regia~YenrHl'a a`mii audttxous us~cva; is aces uc~.az.-.+ - - -. -
<br />to he"apart of the real estate secured by -the Lien of this Mortgage and all of the foregoing being refernyl to herein as the
<br />~Pron
<br />Mortgagor fUZther convenants and agrees, with Mortgagee, as follows:
<br />i. Paymeat~ To pay the indebtedness and the interest thereon as provided in this Mortgage and the Dote..
<br />~. '!lam ~ the ovt~er oC the Prs~erty, has the right and authority t4 moreD~ the Prsrpeity, and
<br />warrants that the lien created hereby is a first snd-prior lien on the Property, except as may otherwise be set forth bere"rn.
<br />ii 'lre Property is snbeet trr a Mo=-tgage wherein
<br />u the Mortgagee, recorded at -hook , Page ~ of the Mortgage Records of t:truintp,
<br />we`oraa`aa; which rrtgage is a lien prior to tree lien created hereby.
<br />Ather prior items ce encumbrances:
<br />~. T`axea, tsne9sments. To pay when due all taxes, apeciat assessments and aU other charges ag;last Ehe Property
<br />Ord, upon written demand by lblartgagee, to add to the payments required under the Note securedhenby,sue~ amount ae
<br />maybe autfleient to citable the Mortgagee to pay such taxes, assessments of outer charges as they become due.
<br />#; Insurance. To keep the improvements no:v or hereafter located on the-crept estate described 6ereia insured
<br />.against damage.hY fire ~d each other hazards as Mortgagee may esquire. In amounts and withcompanies aecepta2ile tit the
<br />~orrgageea and wttlr ,tam-paypble to rite Mortgagee. ]n rye of-ices under sorb policies the Marts authorr~d to
<br />ad;usi, eciiee.~t and Eo~ipPCiirti~;'i0 its disete~on; aP :deltas thereunder at its "sole option, authortzedtoeiWezap~yihe
<br />proc~eeda _to-the. restoration of the Property or; upon the indebtedness secured hereby; but_payments hereudez shall coo=
<br />linos u.-tits"tltea3ttn88Ebn~iltier'ebY sae paid in-[nll. .
<br />~. C~ F.sr><aw Ro_ Taxes and titwir_nce. Notwithatatidu~-art}firing eontaiaedin paragraphs 3 and~k'heeeaf to the _
<br />con4r~ary, hfort~$tyFor rJraT~ pap to the Mertgage<~ at the time d8 Raying the mon#rly installments of ptirrclpaN and irtteies:,
<br />one-tweifah of tine yearly taxes,'aasersments, Iiarard nr;Ut4nse pre~iUms;-and. gtiiuad teats (if auyl whichm>zy attain a -
<br />priaritj over th~a Mortgage; a7i as n~:onaDly estinwted tram time to trine _hy Litz Mortgagee. 'I'lte amoun4w so pall shall be
<br />held by t"se Mortgagee without 6nterest ared applied to t9e payment of tKe it,~ms .n it-spirt tc c~hich sudh' emourts were
<br />deposited. i'fic sums paid to Moetgager ftereuuder-are pledged as additional security for the indebtedness secured 6y this
<br />Ivlortgage; Mortgagor shall pay to Mortgagee the amaurit of any defreiency between the ectrtal taxes, aede_ssment$, irtstuance
<br />frerniums aRd ground rents and the. dept;+sits hereunder withfn 1C days aStcr demand is made=upon h4ortgagor requesting.
<br />payment; titr~rof.
<br />(i. R¢psir, htsirrtenaace end Uae. To prantptly repair. restore or rebuild any Iruildings_ar improvements now or
<br />hereafter on the Property ~ to keep the PioFertp in goad condign and repair, rvithoUt waste, and free from mechanics or
<br />utt[et iierts rat az~ea;ly subordinated.to the lien hereof; rat trrraake, suffer or pemrit any nuisance to exist, nor to dimin-
<br />rah of #mpair 4fie value nt the Property by any set ot-omiseion'to act; and`to comply with all requirements of law wikh
<br />~ to'tRe Pzopercy.
<br />