<br />78---r d)[~$~15
<br />'~~ Mort~cACOx x~ft~~i~ trovF,xAvzs anll~ ~c~ES:
<br />~~_~ ,.
<br />That Ehe:MozEgiiear will jsaY iheutdebtedneaa ss.hereinM~iare, provided. - _
<br />~. That the2c~i+ar#gagor - the awller of said pmpeerty-in fee simple and has good right and lawfu{ authority Lo se{] and --. _
<br />e v the -sa ,nrYrRai: thF~ .amo;s tree x~'rIr>=r. of ~ v firer ar rr,r;ambrance: and-chat NForteaear wilt warrank-and'defend the- -
<br />title=c std-:pz:iaia a._sin=t. fhe claims of all p r.wn:r~w ho+n :r,+~.s er,-- --- '- -
<br />- - To pay irame3iately: vrhen iiue .and payab;e ail gcnerai iaYi•s; syx~dal .faxes, specisf axx'ssments, water charges, sewer~serv- _
<br />ice ahargcs, and-ofhrrrtaxes andeharges against sand pmpert~, anal all taxes levied on the deHt secu_re¢ hereby, and Lo fsirnishiho
<br />Mortgagee, aapott regiiast;_ cvr'fH the original or _dupliea#e, ceeeipfs ti~eteftir. °The i4ortgsgai agrees thin there !shah i;e addeii to T
<br />- each monthly-payment reau[red Hereunder or.-under the +vidi•nre~ of cieHi sern.sred hereby an amr-Tent estimated by the Mortgagee
<br />to fk. sufficient to cnaHle #He ttitotdga,~en_.to pa3i, as they become due, ail taxes: assessments, aatd similar charges open-the preen- -
<br />ises snlajeci Thereto; , ny ilefisiency IiecstTSe'n€ the insitffieieney of s;4ela additional paynfent5 a#9st1 be forthwith deptasitgri by i.hn
<br />hforkgagor sviEh the bfcxtgage? upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any de€auit under Chi. paragraph shaif He.;feemed a default m
<br />- payment of fazes, -aasessmen#s,- nr similar charges regvir~a- Hereuniier_ - -.- - - -
<br />THe Mortgagor agrees that there shaft also fro added to east: monthly payment of principal and entere:at...txquired here-
<br />under an amount estimated by the Mortgagee to be sufficient to enable the Mortgagee W pay, as it becomes clue, the ir,suranre
<br />++sut5eienry of such dditia_rai nay-
<br />,........, ar .,.: ra:: .,;,fie.' defiv~ ~d Le *_he MaNo _ p., xlehr.-_- t,nr.-a. __ of thU --- a
<br />ment-c 'shall be.forthwith~deposited Eay ibe Mortgagor with thv Rfnrtgagee open demand key the h€nrtgagee. Any det'auit under this
<br />paragraph shall be ric.-meed a default in the payment nt insurance Premiums If the poi Teti' or paIicies deposited are suc.H ss tiurare-
<br />awners nr all risk poticic-s, and the depcasiis xarrs inxufficienk #.u pay the .ntire pn•mium, the Mrrtgagee may apply the deiiassf to
<br />pay premiums an Hake required to Ire insured by this mortgage.
<br />Payments tnade by the Mnrtgagnr under the atmve pararrapha mac. at the apfian of the Mortgagee, tae held lay it and
<br />commingled with ether such funds nr its own funds €ar the pap~meni of such items, amd anti! sn ai,plied, such payenents ere hereby
<br />pieriged as security for the unpairi taalan~e of the maarigsge indehtedneas. -
<br />Ta prcacure, deiaver to, and maintain frr the tx•nefit c+f +.^-+~ AfurtKager• during the Sife of this mortgage criginai policies sod
<br />renewals thereof, detivere~d at ie-art inn days hefc,re the espira+.ion ~rf a,-,y Hoch *.~-,iic;es. irsunrg again<L fire and ;Ahcrr Toro cable
<br />]tazards, easuslkies, and tantinganci~ as the Mortgagee may regaaire, in an arnaunt equal to the indebtedness secured by tH~
<br />Mortgage, and in companies acceptable to flee Mortgagee. with aoss naya#ate cause in laver of and in form aeceptabfe to the :':fortga-
<br />gee. In the event any nnticy is not renewed an ar trefeve fen days of its expiration. the Mortgagee naaY proeu re insurance an the
<br />improvements, pay the pre;aium thereon r, and such sum shall became i..sr:rcliately <hte and payairx witH interest at floc rata ref
<br />forth ir. said Hate until paid and shaif t,e secured by this mortgage. Failure ova flee part of the Ssfartgagor 2a to rnish sucfi renewals
<br />as are Herein required or faitur2 to pay any sums a>]vanced hereunder shall, a! the option of the --.~iartgagea, constitute a default
<br />under the kerms of tH%s mortgage. The delivery of such p•,alictea shaif. in t"r,e +°vent of defax:3 t- constitute an assignment of the un-
<br />earned premium.
<br />Any suns received try the `rfarkgagee fay rea.an of lass or damage Insured against ma}• t>e retained Hy the ~ •tgagee. -
<br />and applied toward the pa~a,znf of the debt hercHy- sz-cured, cr, of the uptio : of the 'rfarfgagee, such sums Kiiher whaify of en
<br />par+ ;nay tae paid over to the Marigagor to tae used ro repair surf: buildings ar to build'new twildings in their place or far any -
<br />ofiaer purpose or abjee` - ~+' ury v ,...~ afcartgage v,•ith:-.,. ak£actirF •he ,.~,.:gin tt:e ,..~feg y ra ri;e Putt a..___•,t s___, o:t rn
<br />_ h°---
<br />hy before sucH payment ever ataok place. -
<br />To promptly repair, restore «r rebuild any buildings or improvements now or hereafter an the premises which may he- -
<br />ccame damaged ar destroyed; to keep said premises in good condition and repair and free fmm any mechanic's lien nr ether lien or
<br />claim of Ilea not expressly subordinated to the lien hereof: rot is suffer or Hermit any ontau-ful use of car any ntaisance to exist an
<br />said property nor to permit wasfe on said premier. nor to do any other act whereby the property hereby r~``o55nveyed shaft taecor;,~-
<br />Tess vafuab-e, nor {a diminish ar impair its va}ue by any act nr emission i<, act, to coanply with all requrremert€a of •~,sq~~ ~espeeC, ~~
<br />Lo khe mortgaged premises and the use thereof. -- - ~ - - -
<br />THat should the premises ar any part tHereaf he Taken or damaged 'toy reason of any public improvement or condemnation
<br />prace~ing_ or under fhe right of e_rninent domain, ur in any other manner, the Mortgagee shaif be en#itied to all rnmpensatioas,
<br />awards, and any other payment or relief therefor, and shalt. Ise-entitled, at its aptian, to rnmmence, appear in end Ixnsecitte-n 'Its'
<br />own name any action ar proceeding, or to make any romprarnise or settlement in connection with sucte taking ar damage. Rti-such
<br />e;~erii-r~t:aatio,:. aw-~s,-da.:iag`o.-right af-.action ar>;i pr~eeds are hereby-a.~iyned to the Mortgagee, rho mau; a#Ler-~Jtditeting
<br />thercrirom all its expenses, re}ease any. moneys sa received by it or appiy eHe same an an_v iztdebtedness set`irred hereby- The: Mort<:.
<br />segos -ag-sees to execute such further-ass-ignment~s a:` any comper..aiion, awards, damages. and rights of action and proceeds as-.the.
<br />Mortgagee may require. - -
<br />That in case of failure to perform any of the rnyenanis herein, the Mortgagor map da otx the Moetgagor's FseHetf ei^ervtHing
<br />sa oevenant!>d; that the Mortgagee mau also da any act it may deem aec~x~ssary ko protect the Tien thereof: that the Mortgagor wifi
<br />repay upon demand-anY moneys paid-or di=horsed Tay the ?vfortgagee for aria of the abaoe purposes. and such moneys ttigeElior with ~._
<br />intrrest tHrren:t ai the rate provided- in raid note shall tyecame so much additional inde#ateciness hereby seccured and may ;He its-
<br />niuded in any decree foreclosing this mortgage and be paid out of fhe rents ar proceeds ui- cafe of said premises if-not-etEsar-+uise~-:
<br />paid; that it-she!! not he oh~tgalory upon the Mortgagee ire dnyuire into the validity of anY lien. encumbrances, or Claim-in ad-
<br />vancirtg moneys as abuse authorised, but nothing.herein contained shat! be comtrued as-requiring the b}ortgagee -to-.tulaance any
<br />tnarteys for any such-purpose star to do any act Hereunder: ant that Mortgagee shalt not incur any persona! Iiability: because-cf ally-_ -.
<br />!bins it rosy do ar omit to do l~reunster.
<br />In Lhe event of the default by-a4lnrtgagor in the payment of-any installment. as required by the Nyte-aecurod~heretay, or
<br />in the performance of Lhe obiega±ion in this mortgage ar in the nose secured therebjc, tbe.Mtirtgagec shall.be entitled tr. deriare the
<br />de6f. severed HgreHy due and payable without notice, and. the Info;tease-e ei+alt be erskitled at iia nptipn; without aotiee. either. by itself
<br />ar by-a receive Eo _tre aPPuinted by #he. court thereof, and without regard to the adequacy. of'any~secutdtY for flee intlebtwlnesc se-
<br />curn# hereby: io eater, span and take pos,;essiar of the niritgaged premises,-and to eclleet-and tecelYe the resits: issttc-5 eni3 profits
<br />t..~r: snd-aFrls, tN~ ra•ne,.i~ east;af fret-ran-and...ri,rtt~don. uronthe ihr~btediiesa ttecured-Dy Lhi>s rnnrt~age; said. rents,
<br />ie~res'and PriiPtta 1Sring htrreby assigrfeed to the Mortgages as feirther^ aectirity far the-`payment of all indebtedness secu?ed'heceDy.
<br />- The Mortgagee obeli Have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire far the puspoae of repairing, said pr®m-
<br />ises; reittang ftaa,sarrtn; rntlecting the rents, mvenues and income, and ik may pay out of said incarlle ail expenses incurred in- r~~f--
<br />ing and mana~ieg t2ae sarie urtd af-culfi:=e#ing the renEais there€mm:-'t`he -balance remaining, if-any, shall tie app]Sed- toward the
<br />ttiacharge.af the mortgage indebtedn~. This assignmenE is to terminate and become Wulf and void upon releiise of rhea mortgage.
<br />