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<br />STtiTE ©F' NEBBA:tI£A, Cannty af ....................................................: <br />Filed far record om ...................:............. 19........ at ............................ o'clock ........................ 31. <br />and reaarded in the Deed Bzeord .................._............, Page ............................. <br />.........................................>.....,......,............................. By .......................................................................................... <br />Bsgistsr of Deeds Doguty Roeistsr of 17eeds <br />17~-~ Q ~ e is f ~~~1~~~~s~l~1~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ <br />FRA"SK H. ROBERTSON ANG MARY 3. ROBERTSON, husband and wife, each in his and her uwn right. <br />and as sgnuse of the other, <br />berets eaIled the grantor whether one or mere, <br />in consideration of $t.00 ONE DOLLAR AND LOVE AND AFFECTIGN-------------------»:...______ <br />received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and aanfirm nntn <br />FRANK H, ROBERTSON AND MARY g, ROBERTSOP~, husband and wife, and SUSAN KAY 6i0N, <br />an unmarried person, <br />as joint t~tants with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following described rest <br />property in . Na,l, ~............ t"~EBEtASi{A L~Cfit::U?r1Ei~T.A,4Y <br />................... ,........................ County, Nebraska: STAP~tR TAB <br />THE SOUTHERLY FOUP,TEEN FEET (!4'~) OF LOT PflNE (9i A'v^u <br />OF LOT TEN (i0) IN BLOCK TWO (2?, Ail iN WEST PARK ADDl7t0?d 4 <br />TO THE CITY OF vRAND ISLA;JD, HALL COUtdTY, NE3i?A.S~~4. <br />To have snd to hold the abavs de~ribed premises together ss~ith all tenements, ltereait~menta <br />and aggnrt~snees thereto belonging nuts the grantees and to their assigns, ar io the heirs and assigns <br />of the survivor of them forever. <br />.had grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with ±heir assigns sad with the heirs. <br />-and assigns of the survivor of them that grantor is lswzally seised of said greaeisos; that they are free froffi <br />~br:aoe except '~. easernen#s and , est~ ,~, tuns ~, ~ ec-or„ <br />that grantor has goad right and lawful authority to convey the same; snd that grantor warrants and wilt <br />defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of al] persons ulaamcc,av~r, <br />It is the intention of all parties hereto that a the event of the dsath of either of tue pros#ees, <br />the entire fse title to this real property shall vest in the survivir8 grange. <br />Da+.ed Geceanber 2•^,, 19?8 <br />....... ........« .. i^" <br />Frank H. Roberts n <br />;,_ _ <br />r~Aary g.'r'~r'.tson !!! <br />ST'!t`£1. Ok ....,,....,.~,E5R72.~`.t::~ ................ Caanty oP ..,....HAk,l,..._..................._..._...,. <br />Bafore me, a notary public qualified for said county, persanslly came <br />Frank H. Ro~eFtson and fi,+~ry B. Robertson, husband and wi`e, <br />k' ;•"' * . = c-ao b2'f,~a 9d2utiva: pagson or ~rsana who- migned the faregaing instrument and aekuowtoagad <br />Else erecutian Eherea# to be ~, ber or their and does. <br />' ~'t~ zn~ hana_and atstarsat seal on - .~T'Y!lilTk'C .~d~ .:. ., 19 ~.8 ....::. <br />(,r~ , <br />` t~noaa~x.szae.a .......:~5•"''`;-..~...~.~.~e,.JIL`!-~.,,~..!...... Natsrp Public <br />t. e~tsc <br />~f!9~me. Nwr. as. t97s ~ cammi~ion expires .....~f ~.!,~.. ...., ~s.~.~......... <br />Farm 4.2 Ta ba approved by Zebraska Mate Bar ~asoeiatian r s wde a., cancan, zaecr. <br />