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<br /> <br />nunZNANCE N0. 63?6 <br />An ordinance creating Street Improvement District. No. 969, defining the boundaries ~ , <br />of the district; and providing for the improvement of a street within the district by paving,f <br />guttering, and all incidental work in connection therewith. ~: <br />i' <br />BE ZT ORDAZh'ED BY THE MAYOR AND COllNCZL OF TH£ CITY OF GRAFdD ISLAND, NEBRASKA: ` <br />SECTION 1. Street Improvement District No, 964 in the City of Crand Island, Nebraska, ` <br />is hereby created. <br />SECTION 2. The boundaries of the district shall be as follows: <br /> Beginning at a point on the east line of OLde Mill Subdivision and 325 feet, <br /> oz 99.06 meters, north of the north Line of Stagecoach Foad; thence running <br /> south on the east Line of Olde krill Subdivision for a'distance of 325 feet, <br /> or 99.06 meters, to the southeast corner of Lot 21, Block I, of Olde k+ill <br /> Subdivision; thence running west along the south line of Lot 21, Block 1, of <br /> Olde Mill Subdivision for a distance of 237.58 feet, or 41.934 meters, to <br /> the southwest corner o£ Lot 21, Block 1, of Olde Mili Subdivision; *_hence <br /> running south an the south groivngation of the east line of Wagon Road for. <br /> a distance of 30 feet, or 9.244 meters, to the center line of Stagecoach Road <br /> right-of-way; thence running west on the center line of Stagecoach Road <br /> right-of-way for a distance of 5fl feet, or 18.28$ meters, to the south pro- <br />.. ivngation of the west line of Wagon Road; thence running north on the south <br /> prolongation of the west line of Wagon Road for a distance of 30 feet, or <br /> 9.144 meters, to the southeast corner of Lot lb, Block 3, of Olde Mi11 Sub- <br /> davision; thence running west on the north line of Stagecoach Road for a <br /> distance of 300 feet, or 91.44 meters, to a point $ feet, or 2.438 meters, <br /> west of the southeast corner of Lot 20, Block 3, of Olde Mill Subdivision; <br /> thence runniz.g rozth on a line parallel to and 8 feet, or 2.43A meters, worst <br />~ of tke east line of Lot 20, Buck 3, of Olde krill Subdivision, for a distance <br />i:a of 132.5 feet, yr 40.38G meters, to a paint on the north line of-Lot 20, - <br />m ~ Biar'~ ~, o% Gide krill Subdivision; ttzence running west on a line parallel to <br />~ and 232.5 €eet, or 40.385 meters, south of the south-line of MzI2 River Road- <br />;'- d for a distance of )95 feet, or 242.315 metes , to the southwest corner of <br />w Lot i, Bieck 3 of Oide e:ill Subdivision; thence running north on the west <br />~ iine of Lot 1, Block 3, of 02de Mill Subdivision for a distance of 132.5 feet, <br />~ -z or 40.3$5 meters, tc the northwest corner of Lot I, Block 3, of Olde Mill <br /> Subdivision: thence running west on size vast prolongation of the south line <br />d of Mili River Road for a distance of 40 fee*_, or 12.192 meters, to the center <br /> lire of Blaine Street right-of-way; thence running north on the center Iine <br />'--'---'-' of Blaine Street right-of-way for a distance of 60 feet, er 1$.288 meters, <br /> to the vest prolongation of the north line of 'rill ?.fiver Road; thence running <br /> east on the west pro2orgatioa of the north iine of Miil River Foad fcr a <br /> distance of 40 feet, or 12.192 meters, to the southwest corner of Lot 26, <br /> Block 2 of Olde Mi11 Subdivision; *-hence running north on the west line of <br /> Lot 26, Block 2, of Olde Mill jL'bdiYlS i.On fOt 3 distance of 132,5 feet, Or <br /> 40.3$6 meters, to the northwest corner of Lot 25, Block 2, of 01de Mill <br /> Subdivision; thence running east on a Iine parallel to and 132.5 feet, or <br /> 40.385 maters, north of the north line of Mill River Rvad for a distance of <br /> <br />' 1,095 feet, or 333.156 meters, to the northeast corner of Lot 14, Block 2, <br />-ore of Olde krill Subdivision; thence running south along the east line of Lot 14, <br /> Block 2, of Olde Mill Subdivisicn for a distance of 1s2.5 feet, or 40.386 <br /> meters, to *_he southeast corner of Lot 14, Block 2, Olde krill Subdivision; <br /> thence running, east an the east prolongation of the Werth line of Miii River <br /> Road for a distance of 193.96 feet, or 54.119 meters, to the east line of <br /> Clde Mi21 Subdivision, being the point of beginning, all as shos-n on the plat <br /> marked Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. <br />SECTION 3. The following streets in the district shall ha improved by paving, curbing, <br />guttering, and all incidental work in connection therewith: <br /> Mi12 River Road from the existing paving in Blaine Street to Wagon Road, and <br /> k'agon Road from Mill River Road tc the existing paving in Stagecoach Road. <br />Said improvements shall be made in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by <br />the Engineer for the City and approved by the Mayor and Council. <br />SECTION 4. The improvements shall be made at public cast, but the cost thereof, <br />excluding intersections, shall be assessed upon the lots and lands in the district specially <br />benefited thereby, as provided by law., <br />