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<br />7~--: ~~(~~~-~ <br />hOJ:INk.N~E N0, 6375 <br />An ordinance creating Street Improvement District.No, 96$, defining the boundaries of <br />the district; snd providing far the improvement of a street within the district by paving, <br />guttering, and ail incidental work in connection therewith. <br />,BE IT ORDAlR'ED BY T1CE MAYOR AND CGUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: <br />SECTIOPi 1. Street Improvement District Na-. 968 in the City of Grand. Island, Nebraaka, <br />is hereby created. <br />SECTION 2. the boundaries of the district shall be as follows: <br />Beginning, at a point on the east line of Brentwood Boulevard and 125 feet <br />, <br />or 38.10 meters, south of the south line of Brentwood Square; thence running <br />east on the north line of Lots 20 and 14, Block 2, Brentwood Second Subdivision <br />, <br />for a 3istance of 265 feet, or 80.77 meters, to the northeast corner o€ Lot <br />29, Block 2, Brent*.:aad Second Subdivision; thence running south on-the east <br />Sloe of Lots 29, 18, and 17, Block 2, Brentwood Second Subdivision, €ar a <br />distance of 323 feet, or 48.45 meters, to the southeast corner of Lot 17, <br />Block 2, Brentwood Second Subdivision; thence running west on the north line <br />of l,ot 23, Block 2, Brent•«•aod Second Subdivision, for a distance of $0 feet, <br />or 24.38 maters, to the northwest corner of Lat 13, Block 2, Brentwood Second <br />Subdivision; thence running south along Che west iine o£ Lot 33, Block 2, Brent- <br />. vood Second Subdivision, for a distance of i19 feet, or 36.27 meters, to the <br />sauthves*_ corner of Lot I3, Block 2, Brentwood Second Subdivision; thene¢ running <br />vest along the north line of Brentwood Boulevard far a distance of 555 feet, or <br />269.16 meters, to the southwest corner of Lat 23, Black 1, Brentwood Second <br />Subdivision; thence running north along the west line of Lot 13, Block 1, <br />Brentwood Second Subdivision, for a distance o€ 119 feet, ar 3b:27 veters, to <br />the northwest corner of Lot 13, Block 1, Brentwood Second Subdivisiooz °~^-ice <br />running west along the north iine of Lt~*_s 14, 15, and 16, Black 1, Brentwood <br />Second Subdivision, for a distance of 30a feet,- or 92.44 meters, to the north- <br />west earner of Lot 16, Black 2, Brent•,.•aod Second Suhdivision; [her:Ce running <br />the westerly and r° t herly i~nc of Hlvck 2 af- Brentxsoad Second Subcivisfait, <br />~ <br />being on two sides af <br />Block 1 of Brentwood Second Subdivision, for a distance <br />of 910.25 feet, or 277.44 meters, to a point on the east Line a€ Brentwood <br />Boulevard, 240 feet, or 42,67 meters, south of the south line of Brentvood <br />Square; thence running north an the east tine of Brentwood Boulevard-far a <br />distance of 15 feet, or 4.57 meters, to the paint of beginning, alI as shown <br />on the plat marked E:chibit °R" dated 11-21-78, attached hereto and incorporated <br />herein by reference. <br />SECTIOn 3. The following streets in the district shall be imgzoved by paving, curbing, <br />guttering, and a21 incidental work coraected therewith: <br />Brentvaod Boulevard from tae south line of Brentwood Subdivision to the north <br />tine of Brentwood Haulevard in Brentwood Second Subdivision, and Brentwood <br />Prrive from Brentwood Haulevard to and around the c•sl-de-sac at the west end <br />of Brentvaod Drive, aatd Brentvaod Way from Brentwood Boulevard to and around <br />the cut-de-sae at the east end of Brentvaod tray. <br />i <br />Said improvements sha11 be made in accordance with plans and specifications grepared by the <br />Engineer for the City and approved by the ''xiyoz and Council. <br /> <br />SECT10id 4. The improvements shall be made at public cast, but the cast thereo€, <br />exeludfng intersections, shall be assessed ugon the lots and lands in the district sgeciallp <br />benefitted thereby, as provided bg Iaw. <br />SECTIOw 5, This ordinance sha21 be in farce and take effect from and after its passage, <br /> <br />approval, and publication, without the plat, as provided by law. <br /> <br />_ _ <br />- APPftOY 70 FGRtd k <br />- 2 - <br /> <br />~~~. ~~~ <br /> <br /> <br />Z~CaA~. ~~~r'~~i~~! <br />"~~ ~~ ~` <br />