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<br />ORDINANCE NO. 6374 <br />A.: ordine,.,... ~.reating Street _TmpravemRnt District No. 957, defining the boundaries of <br />the district; and providing for the improvement of a street within the district bq paving, <br />guttering, and alt incidental work in connect€on ther2arith. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PiAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CYTY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: <br />SECTION 1. Street improvement District Na. 9b7 in the City of Grand Zaland, Nebraska, <br />is hereby created. <br />SECTION 2. The boundaries of the district shall be as follows: <br />$eginning at a point an the east line of Brentwood Boulevard and 4tl4.tl2 feet, <br />or 123.15 meters, south of the south 1€ne of Brentwood Court; thence running <br />northeasterly an the northerly Line of Sothman Drive and Lot I, Sloek 3, <br />Bzentwoad Second Subdivision, far a distance of b49.67 feet, or 2i3.2b meters, <br />to the northeast eorrer of Lot 1, Block 3, Brentwood Second Subdivision; thence <br />Bunn€ng south on the east Tine of Block 3, Brentwood Second Subdivision, for a <br />distance of 1,210.51 feet, or 368.96 meters, to the southeast earner of Lot 12, <br />91ock 3, Brentwond Second Subdivision; thence running northwesterly along the <br />south line of Lat 12, Block 3, Bre_ttwond Second Subdivision, for a distance of <br />184.65 feet, or Sb.2B meters, to the southwest corner of Lot I2, Block 3, <br />Erentwood Second Subdivision; thence running west slang the Werth line of Lots <br />I3, 14, and 25, Block 3, Brentwood Second Subdivision, £ar a distance of 255 <br />feet, ar 77.72 meters, to a point on the Werth Tine of Lot 15, Block 3, &rentwood <br />Second Subdivision, and 5 feet, or 1.52 meters, east of the northwest corner of <br />said Iot; thence running north across Brentwood Boulevard slang the vest line <br />~ extended of Lot 13, Block 2, Brentwood Second Subdivis€on, for a distance of <br />o Q, ~' 179 feet, ar 54.56 meters, to the northwest censer of Lat 13. Black 2, $tentwood <br />.~ ~ rn a Second Subdivision; thence running east mans the north line of Lot 13, Block 2, <br />' Brentwood Second Subdivision, for a d:rt~,nce of 70 fret, or 4,336 metsrs, s;a <br />ex ~ the southwest corner of Lot 1I, blocn ~, Brentwnod Second Subdivision; thence <br />p running nnrth en a line parallel to and I25 feat, ar 3S.i0 meters, west ^f the <br />~~ ~ ~ west line of Sothman Briue, fir a distance of 6=ts feet, az 192.02 sseters, to <br />~ ' ¢ the northwest earner of Let 5, Blnck 2, Brentwood Second Subdiv€sion; thence <br />~ running west along the south line of Lots _ and 1, Block 2, Brentvaad ,Second <br />- e °~~ far a ~ 'f 2v~ feel, a' o^ 77 ,ncter' to <br />e 3i3~id€'v iSiaii, diStanic v ~ - teir >a7ist.i~cfii <br />career of Lot I, Black 2, Brentwand 5ecord1Subdzvisian;sthence running north <br />"' on the east lire of Bzentwoad Boulevard, for a distance of 167.3& feet, or <br />S1.OZ meters. to the paint of beeina`ng, as shorn nn the plat marked Exhibit <br />"A" dated 11-21-78, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. <br />SECTION 3. The fallowing street in the district sha31 be imprcved by paving, curbing, <br />guttering, and alI incidental work in eannection therewith: <br />Sothman Drive from Brentwood Boulevard to Brentwood Boulevard. <br />Said improvements shah be made in aceardance with glans and specifications prepared by <br />Che Engineer for the City and approved by the Mayor and Council. <br />SECTION 4, The improvements shall be made at public cast, but the cost thereof, <br />excluding intersections, shall be assessed upon the Pats and lands in the district specially <br />benefitted thereby, as provided by law. <br />s <br />SECiiON 5. 'i`bis and€rance shall be ixx force and take effect frcros and after Sts passage, r <br />approval, and publication, w€thout the plat, as provided by law. <br />SECTION 5. This ordinance, with the plat, is hereby directed to be filed irs the office of <br />She Register of Reeds, Hall County. Nebraska. <br />SECTION 7. After passage, approval, and publication of this ordinance, notice of the <br />creation of said district shall be published in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a legal <br />nc+:spaper published and of ger,erai circulation in said City, as pzavided by Pear. w, <br />meted ~~~'- i 1 ~~~~ <br />ar - ~. ~ . <br />,~ ~~jj t <br />ATTEST: i~.!'~City Clerk <br />