78--~ ~[~838~.
<br />ORDINANCE idO. 6373
<br />An ordinance creatir.R Street Improvement District No. 455; defining the boundaries of
<br />the d#str#ct; and provid#rrg for the iafprovemcnt o~ a street wieh#n the district by paving,
<br />guttering, and all incidental work in eornection'thezewith.
<br />SECTION 1. Street Improvement District No. 466 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />is heseby created.
<br />SECTION 2. The boundaries of the district shall be as follows:
<br /> $egimzing on the northwest corner of Lot Eighteen (I8), Block One (I},
<br /> $rentwood Second Subdivision; thence running east along the nor*_F. line
<br /> of Lots 18 and 17, Block 1, Brentwood Second Subd#v#sicn, far a distance
<br /> of 299.35 feet, or 91.24 meters, to the northeast corner of tat 17, Block
<br /> 1, Brentwood Second Subdivision; thence running south along the east Iine
<br /> of Lot 17, Block 1, Brentwood Second Subdivision, for a distance of 53.22
<br /> feet, ar 16.22 meters, to the northwest corner of Lot 16, Block 1, Brentwood
<br /> Second Subdivision; thence running east on a lire parallel to and 149 feet,
<br /> or 3b.27 meters, north of the Hatch line of Brentwood Boulevard far a
<br /> distance of 925 £eet, or 28 L 44G meters, to the southwest corner of Lot ll,
<br /> flock 2, Brentwood Second Subdivision; thence running north along the west
<br />' line of Lot 11, 10, and 4, Block 2, Brentwood Second Subdivision, for a
<br /> distance of 181 feet, or 55.17 meters, to a point on the west line of Lot
<br /> 4, Block 2, Brentwood Second Subdivision, and one foot, or .305 meter, north
<br />----"-""'-" of the southwest corner of Lot 9, Block 2, Bren*_weod Second Subdivisinn;
<br /> thence xunning east on a line garalle2 to and 300 feet, ar 9i. 44 meters,
<br />~ north of the north lire of Brentwood Boulevard for a distance of 185 feet,
<br />o ~ ~ or 56.34 meters, to a point on the cast line of Sothman Drive, 14.09 feet,
<br />o rn ~ or 4.29 meters, north of the southwest corner of Lot 8, Block 3, P.rentwaod
<br /> Second Subdivision; thence running south a,iaag ti:e east line of Sethm=:*
<br />'~ ~ Drive, far a distance of 360 feet, or 108.73 meters, to the southwest corner
<br />} ;3 of Lot i2, Block 3, Brentwood Second Subdivision; thence running-scut};casCerly
<br />o ~ along the south tine of Lat 12, Block 3, Brentwood Second Subdivisinn, for a
<br />'o ~ 4 distance of 184.65 feet; or 55.28 meters, ra the southeast carnrr cf Lnr 12,
<br />~
<br />~ Block 3, Rrentwood-Second Subdivision; thence running south along the east.
<br />~
<br />< ~ tine of Lot 13, Block 3, Brentwood Second Subdivision, for a distance of
<br />.
<br />~ eight feet, or 2.44 meters, to the southeast corner of Rrentwood Second
<br />'~ Subdivision; thence running west along. the south line of Brentwood Second
<br /> Subdivision, for a distance of 1,544.58 feet, ar 470.88 motors, to the
<br /> southwest corner of Lot 2G, Block 1, Brentwood Second Subdiv#sion; thence
<br /> rcrnning north along the west Iine of Lots 20, 29, and 18, Block 1, Brentwood
<br /> Second Subdivision, far a distance or 337.53 feet, or 102.88 meters, to the
<br /> paint of beginning, as shay.. on the plat tracked Exhibit "A" dated 11-20-7$
<br /> attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference
<br />SECTION 3. T'3ie foliawirg street it the district shall be improved by paving, curbing,
<br />guttering, and alI incidental work in connection therewith:
<br />Brentwood Rou2cvard from Sothman Drive to the south line a£ $rentwood
<br />Second Subdivision.
<br />Said improvements shall be Bade ir. accordance with plans and specifications prepared by
<br />the Engineer for the City and approved by the Mayor and Council.
<br />SECTION 4. The improvements shall be made at public cost, but the cost thereof,
<br />excluding intersections, shall be assessed upon the lots and lands in the district specially
<br />benefitted thereby, as provided by i..,..
<br />SECTIOiv' S. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its
<br />passage, approval, and publ#cation, without the plat, as provided by law.
<br />