<br />
<br />ORDINANCE NO. 6372
<br />An ordinance creating Street Ingrovement Yistrict Na, 167; defining the boundaries
<br />of the district, and praviding far the improvement of a street within the district by paving,
<br />nattering, and all incidental work in connection therewith.
<br />SECTION 1. Street Zmprovement District No, 465 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, ',
<br />is hereby created.
<br />SECTION 2. The boundaries of the district shall be as Follows:
<br />Beginning at a point on the west line of Brentwood Second Subdivision and
<br />106,11 feet, or 32.37 meters, south of the southerly line of Sothman Drive:
<br />thence running east on the north Line of Lots ZS and 24, Block Z, Brentwood
<br />Second Subdivision for a distance of 255 feet, or 80.77 meters, to the north-
<br />. west corner of Lot 5, Block 2, Erentwood Second Subdivision; thence running-
<br />sauth an the east Line of Lots 24, 23, and 22, Block 2, Brentwood Second Sub- !
<br />division fox a distance of 307 feet, or 13.56 meters, to the southeast corner
<br />of Lot 22, Block 2, Brentwood Second Subdivision; thence runnink west on t2se
<br />south line of Lots 22 and 21, Block 2, Brentwood Second Subdivision for a
<br />distance of 265 feet, or 80.77 meters, to the sauthceest corner of Lat 31,
<br />$Lock 2, Hrentwoad Second Subdivision; thence running north on the east line
<br />of Brentwood Boulevard for a distance of 307 feet, or 13.57 meters, to the
<br />point of beginning, all as shown on the plat marked Exhibit "A" dat?d i1/lti`7$ j
<br />attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
<br />SECTION 3. The following street in the district shall be improved by paving, carbing, 1
<br />guttering, and all incidental work in coanectian therewith:
<br />$rentwood Square from she east line of the existing paving on Brentwood
<br />Boulevard to and around the r_ul-de-sac at the ease end of Brentwood Sq<.,. ,.
<br />'Said improvements shall be made in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by
<br />tha_Engineer far the Citp and approved by the Mapar and Council.
<br />SECTION 4. T'ne improvements shall be made at public cast, but the cost thereof,
<br />excluding intersections, shall be assessed upon the lets and lands in the district spetiailg
<br />benefited thereby, as provided by law.
<br />SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage
<br />approval, and publication, vithaut the plat, as provided by law.
<br />SECTION 6, This ordinance, with the plat, is hereby directed to be filed in the office
<br />eg the Register of Deeds; Hall County: Nebraska.
<br />SECTION 7. After passage, approval, and publication of this ordinance, notice of the
<br />creation of said district shalt be published in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a legal
<br />aewsgaper published and of general circulation in said City, as provided by law.
<br />Enacted ~~~i ~ J. 1~1~
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