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<br />0FDYI3AtICE NO. 6370
<br />Aa ordinance to amend Seetian 2 of Ordinance Na. b275 which created Street Improvement
<br />Matziet No. 441; to redefine the boundaries of the district; to repeal the original Sectia
<br />2; wad to provide for an effective date of this ordinance.
<br />SECTION 1. That Section 2 of Ordinance No. b275 be, and hereby is, amended to read
<br />as follows:
<br />"Section 2. The bormdaries of the district shall be as follows:
<br />Beginning on the north line of Stagecoach Road in Riverside Estates Lnit No. I,
<br />being 1,945.63 feet, ar 593.03 me*_ers, east of the northwest corner of Regency
<br />By The Green Subdivision, Street Improvement Froject 73-P-6 ends in Stagecoach
<br />Road at the east beginning of this district; thence running south on a line
<br />perpendicular to the north line of Stagecoach Road is..mediately west of the
<br />beginning of this district for a distance of 360 feet, or 109.723 meters;
<br />thence running west or. a Line parallel to and 300 feet, or 41.44 meters,
<br />south of the south line of StagecoacE: Read for a distance of 592 feet, or
<br />180.442 meters, more ar less, to an ease. line of P.egency Ry The Green Subdivision
<br />thence sunning south on an east line of Regency By The Green Subdivision for a
<br />distance of 100 feet, or 30.48 meters, more or Iess, to the southeast corner of
<br />Lot 2 in Regency By The Green Subdivision; thence running west on the south line
<br />of Lots 2 to 7 inclusive, in Regency cty The Green Subdivision for a distance of
<br />839.38 feet, or 255.846 meters, to the northeast corner of Lot 8 in Regency
<br />1 Ey The Green Subdivision; thence runninP south on the east line of Lots 8 to
<br />g 13 inclusive, ir. Regency By The Greer. Subdivision, and the south prolongation
<br />~ ~u of said 'ire for a distance of 1,^vi7.28 `eat, or 310.Ob7 meters, to a point
<br />m ~ 170 feet, ar 51.816 meters, seuth of the seutheast corner of said Lot 13;
<br />thence running southwesterly on the northeasterly nralangatian of th^ °nutherly
<br />1 .-~e a Tine of Lot 14, and on the scutSerly pane of Lot 14 in Regency By The green
<br />- 1 . p 5:Tbo'ivisian far a distance 6f 509.27 feet, ar iB5.7"v5 meters, to tite sauth-
<br />> westerly corner of Lot 14 in Regency By The Green Subdivision; thence running
<br />O z ¢ - notch on the west line of Regency By The Green Subdivision. far a distance e
<br />1,819.11 feet, ar 554.465 meters, to the rerthwest corner of Regency By Tl.e
<br />.~~ Green Subdivisicn; thence running east or. the north line of Regency 3y The
<br />Green Subdivision to the southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of *_he
<br />-- - Northwest Quarter (SEzt:W~) of Section. 28, Township lI North, Range 4 best of
<br />the bth P.A*. ,; thence runnirtc northerly along the west line of the Southeast
<br />Quarter of the Narthc:est Quarter (SE~D:,d~} of said section far a distance a£
<br />300 feet, or 9i.C4 meters; thence running eastezly on a line psra11e1 to and
<br />300 feet, or 41.44 meters, north of the nor*_h line of Stagecoaci~ Road for a
<br />distance of 615.45 feet, or iB7 Jv meters; thence running south on a line
<br />perpendicular to the nazth line of Stagecoach Road for a distance of 300
<br />feet, or 91.44 meters, to the point of beginning, all as shown on t!ae plat
<br />marked Exhibit "A" dated 31IOJ78, attached hereto and incorporated hereby by
<br />reference."
<br />SECTIGN 2. This ordinance, with the plat, is hereby directed to be filed in the
<br />office of the Register of Deeds, Ha11 County, Nebraska.
<br />SECTION 3. That *_he original Section 2 of Ordinance No. 6275 be, and hereby is, tepee:
<br />SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its
<br />passage, approval, and gubiication, without the plat, as provided by law.
<br />Enacted ~~~i Z ~. ~~1~ ~... ~
<br />ATTEST:
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