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<br /> '�_��� 92- 100248
<br /> ���, TOU6THER W 1TH all the impravetncola now ax hemaiter crctitcd on thc property,und all easemcnts,appun�nunccs, i_
<br /> -'��i; ,, and fixturcs now or hereaf�er a part of the propeny. All replxements und uddi�ions sh�ll�Iw be covered by thi� Secudry
<br /> �j-=� Inswmen�. All of�he Pore�ainy is referred�o in�his Socu�ity Inswment�thc"Propeny."
<br /> - � � �"" BOItROWER COV�NAIV7'S tlwt Borrowrr ia lawfully t+eised of�he estate hercby��anveyed ond Iw+Ihe right to grant
<br /> - •'"` -�'' ancl convey the Propeny uM tlwt the Pmpe�ty is unencumbercd.eacept for encumbrancey of record. Borrower wur�nts and
<br /> :=� �,�=�: . will defend generally the titk to�he R+operty a�ainst all daims and demwids.subject to any encumbrances of reccxd.
<br /> �. THiS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenunts for national use nnd nem-uniferm covenaMx wilh �_- .r
<br /> '^t :. limited variationx by jurisdiclioo ta constiwte a uniform srcuri�y insirument covering real property.
<br /> •=��:, � UNIFORM COVENAN7'S. Borrawer und Lender cavenanl and ugrce as fallows:
<br /> ,;,,�:t r��'�=�'" 1. Prymeal of Pirindp�l aad Interesli Prepa}�aieat�nd Late ChrrQ�. Borrower shall promptlY PaY when due Ihe
<br /> ,.r.�.,...
<br /> �;'��;,:;;_ pri�cl of and interest on 11►e debt evidenced by t6e Note and any prepuymenl and lota charRes due under e we.
<br /> ,^� ' �' � Ftinds tur Tixes�nd lawrance. SubJecl to applicnbla luw or to a writt@n wa iver by L en d er.Borrower s ha l l p ay�o
<br /> , r.'`� ,. Lender on tha day monthly psiiynxnts are due under thc Note,unlil the Note is paid in full,a hum l"Fundr')for:(nl ye�rly
<br /> ".!,�r" �axes and assessments which may attsun priority over�his Sei:uriry Inauument ns A lian on the Pro��rny:(b)yesuly leaschold _ �---
<br />���_ ° '° payments or ground rems on the Property. if ony; Ic) yeurly hazard ar properly insurunce prem�ums; (d) yeuly flood �
<br />��,,,,�� .,_,�;; , ins�umce premiums. if any: (e)yearly mongoge insurance premiums, if any; and(� any sums pnyable by Borrower to _
<br />,��,_,� , _,,� L�ender. in accordance with the provisions of parAgraph 8,in lieu of Ihe payment of mortgage insurance premiums. These
<br /> items are called"Escrow Items:' Lender may,u1 any�ime.collect nnd hold Funds in an atnount not to exceed�he mnximum
<br /> „�'�"`° � amount a lender for a federully related mangage lowi moy require for Borrower's escrow account under�he fedeml Real
<br /> Estatc SetUement Procedures Act of 1974 us ame�ed from lime to time.12 U.S.C.�2601 at seq.("RESPA"),unless another
<br /> ��, law that epplies to the FLnds r:e�c a le.4cer umounG If so.Lender may,at any time,collect and hold Fund�in an anwum not to —_ _
<br />��: `'�"�' exceed the lesser amount. Lender may estimate 1he amount of Funds due on the basis of cutrent dota and�epconubla _ _
<br />��' '.'`�� esunutes of expenditures uf futuro Esctow Items or otherwise in xcordance wf�h npplicable law. ___._
<br />����` ��' The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposi�.c are insured by A federal agency,instrumentulity, a entity
<br /> ""' :'�;;;t.;. .. (including I.ender.if Lender is sucb an instiw�ion)or in any Federnl Home Loan Bank. Lender shall upply the Fands to pay �
<br /> "''•` ' lhe Escr+ow Items. Lender may not chsuge Borrawer for holding und applying 1he Funds. annuelly unalyzing the escrow
<br />�Z" '".:' ,
<br /> �'?��;•,• nccount, or verifying the Escrow Items. unless l.ender puys Horrower interest on �he Funds nnd applirable law permiis _
<br />'��`` � +: � L.ender w make such a chuge. However,l.ender may require Borrower to pay A one-timc charge for an independent real __
<br /> r:�.. • _ .:'
<br />�.•x_ -' �� � estate tax reporting serv ice used by Lender in cannec[ion wi�h this loan,unless applicuble luw providex othenvise. Unless an �j o=-=
<br />� ,: ..,� �:;.•::,:;,.�.
<br /> agreement is madc or applicnble law requires inter+est to be pAid,Lender shall not be required to p�y Borrower any interest or �_
<br />��� �� �'°1•�-'x. ,..':�,`;,;;�,;` caminga on the Funds. Borrower and l.ender mny agree in writing,however,thut interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender ---
<br />�'�'. . �.r,.^,: •. ' . . � shall give to Borrower, wi�hout charge,sin annuol accounting of�he Funds.showing credits und debils to the Funds and the E�i�
<br />•+�:''' � °���-� ' purpose for which esich debit ta Ihe Funds was mside. T he Fun d s arc p le dg e d es a dditional securi ry for all sums secu�+ed b y �.
<br /> j _ � �.._':�c•.. .. C
<br />��—,_• ._'_4��- . 1�. ._
<br />>.;�-.,�: j,.,•.,, . . . , il�i�S2�:iiiliy IiiSiAiiiiCiii. --
<br /> <<���, . If the FLnds held by l.endar exceed the amounGs petmiued to be held by applico4le luw, Lender Fhall accaunt �o _
<br />�. '' � � � �..:. ..
<br /> ��• f�. � $ •:� • Borrower for thc excess Funds in accordunce with tho requirumantF of�pplicable Inw. If the amount of the Funds held by Y���_
<br /> �,��`" � � ��`�': Lender at any time is not suf ficient to pay the Fscrow[tems when due,L.ender ma co notif Borrower in writin und.in _�
<br /> y. y g, ►�,�:.�w
<br /> �,r�:,-;�':
<br />; ,,;,;y�.;�•• such case Bortower shull pay to Lender 1he amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall ma{:e up the _
<br /> • •�':;,5,•, deficlency in no more than twelve monthly payments.a Lender's sole discretion. -.---
<br /> :• • Upon payment in full of all sums secured by ihis Security Instrument,Lender shall prompUy refund to Borrower any ^�°� ;
<br /> ;... Funds held by I.ender. !f,under paragrnph 21.Lender shull ucquire or sell the Property,Lender,prior to Ihe ucquisition or
<br /> sale of the Pm .shall upply nny Funds held by Lender ul the time of acquisition or sale us n credit against tha sumA �����
<br /> _ '. PertY
<br /> � ;•.�: securcd by this Security Instrument. '"
<br /> '�°'` 3. Applkatiot� of Payments. Unless npplicable Inw provides otherwise. All payments received by Lender under ��
<br />,. ,�;`;;`,' .
<br /> , , , aragruphs 1 and 2 shall be applied: first,to uny prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounts payablc under '' j.
<br /> � , .�,;I'�•.�,�': paragraph 2;third.�o interest due;fourth.to principal due;and lust,to any late churges due under the Note. ...-
<br /> ���-.;�
<br />�;'; , '�:,;::`�,.,;;, 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower sholl pay nll taxcs, nsse�sments,charges, fines and impositions anributeble to Ihe o.,-
<br /> ' �'r`'�' Property which muy attain priority over this Security Instrument,and lensehold payments or ground rents, if uny. Barrower ._•_-
<br />. , . . ���, ,: �
<br /> . . ... shal)pAy these obligalions in the ms�nner provided in parugmph 2,or if not paid in that munner,Borruwer shull pay them on �r`�--
<br />�:'� . • ume dimctly to the person owed payrnent. Borrower shnll prompdy fumish to Lender all notices of umaunis to be paid under ��'= -;
<br /> Ihis paragraph. li Borrower mukes these payments direcdy, Eorrower+hull pramptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing '-��
<br />.{;• the payments. �`•��'�-
<br />« Borrower shall prompUy discharge nny lien which has priorit�•over this Securiry Instrument unless 8orrower.(a)agrees �'`'=�
<br /> ' - '��'�;" in wri�ing to the p�yment of the obligaiion secured by ihe lien in a maoner ucceptable to Lender,(b)contests in gaud faith the --
<br />��- ' '�'1i;,;;�." lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in.IeRal praccedings which in the Lenderl opinion opernte to prevent the
<br /> t: " '�•�t'�•� enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an ugrcement sa�isfuctury ro Lender sul+o�dinating iha lion ��-��::�
<br /> �`'�l;R i;' lo this Security Instrument. If Lender delermines tha��ny pan of the Property is subject to a lien which rnay utlain priority
<br />� •:���<<�'srrr.,. over thia Security Inswment,Lender moy give Borrower a no�ice identifying the lien. Borrawer shall satisfy the licn or take ,�="�'-
<br /> � `� r one or more nf the uctions set fonh atwve within 10 dn s of the ivin of notire.
<br /> ',`_.,l;;i��� Y R R ,.
<br />• • "'t: S. Ha�rd or Property Ineurance. Bortuwcr shall kecp the improvcmenls now exisiing or hereafter erected an�he i,
<br /> Property insurcd ogainst loss by(ire,huz;ud�included wi�hin the�crm"exlended coveragc" and uny other hazards, including
<br /> ' .' , . , floods or flooding, for which Lender reyuir�es insurunre, 'T'his in�urance shull be maimuined in the amoun�s and for the ,_
<br /> . , �
<br /> :i,; • Form302tl Y�S1Y ��wYe�r�(6Mixesi I'
<br /> ,';,�t';';;:i��� t; ,'
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