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<br />ii.~~l.. Y:J S f1 1 !V ~~~~ i ~AV <br />'+'ORTGAGUr'~r FSi• rci[~h~{}Qk~?D _ <br />'ten re .~ - - <br />I ~UTSC~?E'R e~s DCR~ALD i?,T'pL ~SP,DGRTHE~ <br />dOR"CGAGY F : - <br />AVCO FINANCIA!_ SEFiVt(;ES <br />NE$RASKA <br />At1REED RAPE G"r' i:4iARGE G,i PRGr1itSSfrRY N03'E EXECiJT'ED C~NCL?RRENTLY HEREWITFI: The agreed rate of cltarg€ is?l%p€r month on that <br />pazt of th€ onpaid balance not exceeding $3tk}; 2 ~, per month on any part thereof exceeding 5366 but nai exceeding $560; 1'n'.K~ pas month an any part theaeaE <br />€xce€dbtg $504; but not exceeding $i066: and l% per month on any part thereof exceeding $1604 hvt nai exceeding -$3060. <br />S4iTNESSET4t, chat h4ar• agor(s), does mangage, cant, bargain, s€U, and convey, unto Mortgagee, its suzzessots or assigns me rouowueg acs.-rrne¢ ncu r• <br />in tF._ county of iii.i. , Sta[c of h'ehrasta, to wit: <br />LCT sQURC~3 i~ PLCCK gccrgfa3 C7) I~' DODO A`?D ?at~R~~tetL'~ A~?DIT?nfa Td .rCOD TIER, HPLE <br />-~.,i ~ Y <br />t ro z -t <br />~~ <br />m e'er ~ ~.~nc <br />ca -- tea =~~ ~ c - 4, <br />sw9 3 ~ ~ <br />o - a <br />-n ~ .~ r. <br />~ t4 ~ ^~ ~ <br />-•w <br />~ N ~¢'~ <br />tngettr.•r with atl~'`btiEtitfsi¢'si-e5~r0v~rn(Iytfg ~~„~r^~6r. #. hereafter erected thereon and ail screens, awnings, shadzs, storm sash a::d blirxts, and heating, YrgttUng, <br />plumbing, ga., ekeL~, veniU ds and air-corMitioning utuipment used {n connection therewith, sti of which, For the puryose of this mattg®ge. <br />shall be deemed fix~ttre - iici,.1•p f, and the hereditam€nts and appurtenances periainittg to thz property abawe described, and ail ssr€ais, <br />lanes, aiteys, Passaees, ways. ivat-?~-rs``;~~`c•a ts. tibrrties and privileges, whatsoever thereunto betongirg or in anywise, appertatnin,¢ and the rcwersions <br />and. r€mainders, all o[ which is refeaed to hereinafter as the "premises". <br />TO F1AVE AND T'O fiOLD the above-0escribed premises, with the appurtenances ant f:„tore s. unto the sai,i },arty.:.gce, its successors and assigns, Forever, for <br />the pssrp«ses an3 uses heteitr sri forth. free from aR rights and benefits ssrder and by ;i; t,.t of any tlamc~tcad Exemption Laws of itt^ Slate a2 Nsbraska <br />which inay be €nac['d, which said rights and he„eGts the said Merteagw dyes herzhy cvaressi. r=kale amt waivz. <br />94orrgagoT also assigns is :4lartgage+: all rots, ensues and pratits o: sai:i premix=. re>_rvina• the rig!:: to cotte.i and us€ tyre same. a-tl: or without taking _ <br />pas=+'saron of tiw pres>es. during continuance eC defauiY hen;under, and during rantinuasce .~f uch defer?ti autltor~L^g 34otigagcx to entcz trpou ~~. prentssss <br />andjer in vit€cE and enforce tn_ ,.:;ne :;i[hout regard "to adegnacy of any security for tF.e nndchirdness hcacby sr+:urrd by any 1swFu1 means izret5zdirtg <br />app ;inurrnt of a re;.€ivz•r in the name of any parry hereto, snd tr, apply the same terms Lost. and csi ~reszs of opezation ar•,d utUeciien, inrtuding reasns22tc -. <br />atfarne-v's fees. upan any indebtedness secured hereby, to such order as '<'tortga¢zc may determine. <br />f~GR Ti-IF.. PURPOSE. Or SECt'RING: fil Performan.:e of each agreement of Sfortgago: contained her'•it_ t2t Payment of t25e princnpai sum with interest, - <br />as provided ut auordance :with the terms and provisions of a Promissory kote ,' !.oars RgrecmenE chercv,:,fier referred to as "pxomisso[y note°) <br />dared ~~~~'~~~~ ti.r ~~7~ ,herewith rxe.ntrd by gtert,agar and payable ie the order of iicrtg3gec, <br />in the prin npa7 :aim of S ~QG~,...'~._- and having the date of its final paymr~ni dne on t'~f rt:`7?r't~ `ter ;~~z -, <br />or as cxtznded. deterred o! reschr:dulcd by r€newal or rzfmance: t2} Payment at any additiartal advances., with interest thezebn, us may hereafter 5e <br />c.,ce,cu by '"-rtgagc- to •`"":`ag-' in a maximum sum of i_ j_NV) 4{; _;,;;;,, sn , azs f ._ ~ of thi> Mort ±ge: ia} Ths~ payment of any <br />;;ropey that n.ay oc a,ivam.ed~by the iiertz'rgee Eb afortgagor fee arty reason or tc ihu parties, -th [nt-nst r*_ttcreon, >s h_rc [;uZ amaunis are advanced to <br />peatec{ 31st security ar in accordanec :with 125r cbvcnanis of this klarigaee; (Si :1ny renewal, refm.ut n_a or r>ren>ien of saui pramissur±' n,•+r, ur any other <br />a_rzcmw-nt to pap whit-3t may b2 s+sbstitu red thwrefar. <br />tU pay mentn made; try ~fartgagar vin fix obfigafinn s=cured by this A2ar+gagr shall be appied ir. the faUaw~ing ardor: <br />l'IRST: Tn [hc payment oC taxes and asessman!s that may h. kvsd and ass.`sssd against std pram:szs, insurance premiums, repair, sled all otiret <br />~, _ ,~,t ec, be psid t+y the §furr-n,.or. - <br />~~ SP.CtJND~ To tliu ~paYmer:t of into=€s[ due on said Loan. <br />1'4118 D: [c the pat•menl of principal. <br />-fE3 PROTECI~ THF. SECtiR!TY 11LRE0€, ciC}RT. [;AC;ORtS) <'Ot'E'>:ANTS A':D AGREES' (i? to keep said pr miss-ss:tred against toss by fire and <br />ocher bar :eds. casualty and contingencies ap to the full vahrc_ of alt impsavemn;.s for the protection of Startcagec in such manner. in-such amovnrs, and <br />to such companies as tiartgagcc may Gum time: to innte approve. and that toss psocecds (toss eapenx of cotk•ction) shat!, at Murtgag~'s aplibn, be <br />applied on sand indrbtedn€<.s, wtirther due or not or to the reYrorti^n of said impracements. In event of toss 4futtgagbr wilt zivc immediate nothe t5y <br />r^.:v1 to t-5sz 4fartg:•-x.e~.:vh.: n5av mJ:c proof of toss iF no[ made yromet?y b- 4tarix.rgc,r, and czzh insuxanzr company romrrned a hereby authorirtd and <br />di=sc#ed to maze pat m+.*nt fnt such lass direetty ra fhc ;aarsgag-ee nrstead of to the hiurigagos. (?i 1'o payy a{i faze. and slxcnal assess2nrni; 6f arty kind <br />the{ have txcn or rciay he kvitd cr a-: s;~ssc:t upon ;a;d p€cmaes, and ro deliver [a Mortgagor, upon request aF the Moz*.gagee. thz official receipt shnwitrg- <br />payment ui ati arch rata n a-srssmant~ f?1 f t vent of dsfauli by i rtgagor under Paragraph. i a '_ abavr. M rtgagze, ai its option, ma}' (a) <br />place azcd keep. su.h msurxn_e atcr~ p:a vid.•d f,rr .. ~. ~_ throncnout th ht t [i.ia Nortgagr and po} the rea,onahtr p mtums end charges ther€for; (b) <br />pay ati said wxta sad aments wttttou{ dot€tmin.g the validity eltc=r€af: and ici PaY Bach [terra and sit si:ch diabursemenes shall be decmce4- a part-oC.: <br />ihz indebie.?ness secured b}' this 3fartgag:: ar;d sh:;Fl ix: immediately due and payable by Martgagar to .s-4onga;;ce. (4) To ker~p the baitdtrtgs and btt5er - <br />i^,:, cavernanrs ,^,ow cti;stipa «r hcre.,fi.-; .re~t~_! :r ,<<.:i cZ.sndit=r=n anfl repair, not [o t.arttmit or suffer any waste or ary us€ of said premises contrar}' to <br />re=_trnc~ttons of n:_ort, or contra-}' ro k a~. a;~3 to pezntit 31c:rigaere to enter at art r°s~nabk. rim€s for the purpose at itspectirtg rise pmmi~,a; not to <br />remavc or'i~h ens bui!dirty, !het n; it -lie-•t p"_r;tptiy and i:• - -„~>i snd workmartfike mas5prr any buildings w::ich map- be damaged br destroyed <br />the ^.:t^,d t- pav, w25 r €.:di sai,r rrataF,or pc.fnrmcd 2na n ;~ -~ls Curtis2te,t ihcrcfet ISi T[sst ha will pay, promptly i}tc indebtedness secured - <br />:tem>z}, +inca per'fuzm nit ot~t r 7r tif;aiians rn foil compbanw ,verb thz~ <tm- of said Pramis. vr}° tiatr rent then '.4vrEgag~: f5} That the time-oF-payment-af-- - - <br />th. L.9ebteine:s herett} x:.und. ar et any aortion ths:zeof. ma} trc- cx[ertdco er renewed, and any portions of L[e premises herein desen~bed ttlay, witltou4 <br />nofic~~_, ~ !etess€d from the Lien borer*f, without r: ~assng or after ring 4,e pcrsunat 4lability of say person at tfie priorip• of ibis Mortgage; ('<) That-he - - <br />does hereby farever warrant and will fox+'<•er defend the title and prssrssion rhezeaf agatlt>i the Wxful .'lsn`'ux at' any ar5d all persons whatsrxver. - -. <br />t4 (TL'Ait.l' L-r.,-R1. D •ruea?:.£7 :f Lnr_ -,a? u~r=.=agar t;aFg ?,ut .ar n._~cf :;, ray i:<statt_.u tc on slid P*om;swn' Note as the same. may htseaft€r <br />ti~.r~ dne, or upcrt dr.# u t, prrfor-,rarr of ~~y agr•ants5i herev5dz ar upan - M •ar ether d spmrt5on of rite premises Fxy 6iartgagor, ttr ~rotrtd-any <br />a;:tion of pr€SCW.ding t~ ftixt in an}' caurl [o enfarce any ie=n on, :.a[n against et inu•tvst in [irZ. p[~-r: Wis. thin all ums owing by Eh2 Moatgsgar [o. thn <br />5turigag€e und€a this bfor:gage br under the Promiwsnry Note seroreci itemby shalt immediately become due and pay able at Osz option of ate >14brtgage€, - <br />cn tree apptiratios of the i#ertgag€e. or assignee, ar any atft..r persurs u:ho may be entitled to the monies dot [hereon. in such €vent tli€ tiortga„2€ shall <br />have ti5e tight irvncsrintely to fnre~krx €isis mcrtg,; ~e 6p a5n+ptzin! t;zr !ha! puspbse. srd such campfaint may be Prosccu4ed to judgment and execurioo <br />and sale for the cotkction cf the where amouai of Om hxiebtctin€ss and tntceest thereon, meindiitg rusanabl€ attorney's Fees, any amounts advanced -, - <br />Yarv;;~.t t., it5is-tt:artg.Y.., of suit, and costs cf sa,~.. if per-.^:tt.d ±:y !~-. <br />f~# ir. the ant zsid premises ar sold s4 a fareciusure sale, Fdotrgagatts) shad #re fiab}€ for any deticiencY remaining afPn sale df the premises if pertnitted by <br />law. and apgUCation o[ ttte.praceeds of slier sate tb ttre indetxtedtress sacutr~.i and to the expenses of foreclosure, includtag Mortgagee's masrsnabk attorney's <br />ftt«s and legal expena€s ii aliotred isy taw. <br />{3} A4uFtge_rsc strait he._sahtxpga~d t4 Lire- ben of any autl ati prior erivvinbran€rs, 1FCru s>r charges paid and discharged from th€-pracreds.of the Ibatr <br />ixereby..setrareed, and -even thuugti-slid-prior Liens have been xe~ased of rscotd, th€ tepaYrnent ref said iiuizt5i€drt€ss-sfiail lee-~ctrred~isY_suchUens on [he <br />punions crf said pte[ttiseS aFfecied Ltttsr€bY to rate exterz! of such payments, respecitvely. - <br />(4) tiltenvnv:r:- by the terms of this -instiument. ar of -said Pramissary Note, Mortgaga°u is given any option,. such oniion may 6e exenis€d when the right <br />ucrues ar at arty time thereafter, and no-acceptance by Mortgagee of payment of indebtedness in deFadlt soak[ constitute a waiver of an}• default then <br />exististg and contit:uing or-thereafict accruing. <br />a4-a4)6 FREV. a-Tat NS <br /> <br />