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<br />~x atu ssva
<br />~s-s 8-171877
<br />a cirtwzation uzE,anixed and e'as'3z'is.~,`-, ~°'~ ~ °~~'_ ~f ~" ~'~ of New fork, hereby acttn7wledges that a ceataisr itsdex+ture
<br />- FebF,vBry $r ...........................~,;............f..,., i9.72., made and executed hY .liW7,Rb..~.....1tUxm~ad and
<br />of mortgage dated .......................... .
<br />l3Faxg*lta~ $ttxntatod..hxn~~3,.aa',,,xixe,a..~~~h...ia~a~,~.~?~~~~.~;..~:~?:.f!3~..and:her.c..r~..e and as
<br />to THE Et}tII'£ASLE LI;:E liSStl°J4t*7GE BEZCIE't'X OF TEIE l3NtTEl3 SF:ttTES, xecotded _Mareh 3t3a.,_....-....ty.72
<br />Hall Sta,e af....~cbraaks._ ...:..................
<br />in the ornce ar` the.ncraeding Vie; cf tf:e County nf.,...._ ....................................... . _ - -
<br />....., at page 1~~,.........af tiie r~mds of said C:eunty, is xedeewcd, ps:d s+&..sgrasftgd and.~tiseharged,
<br />in Hack-..~~..,.......
<br />is felt; and it hereby releaser the islattgage and consents that the same be rance,ed and discharged of record, hT the-
<br />~ecotding f}ffrcer thereunto dutq authorized by these presents.
<br />~iG'tt68 ~Ei~. 'I'mo EQtliTAHLE LIFE SSSt3RAtVCE ~flCtE'I1' OF THE ItNITED STATES
<br />has }xretrato caused its corporate seat to be affsxeal and these presents to tr:~ signed by its duty aut3eorived ate«r
<br />ttkE ...................................................... _..... ~ . .
<br />~'~` ~'tT?.':'-e I.ts~ >'~citt~ar~rF
<br />3'~'- FE€~ `Q,c TYtiE LtAt't'FEI7 STATES
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<br />Fieg. of u.:°~:
<br />~r~ ~ ~.
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<br />Can this .._......1~!.-.......day of .....................Aiavembei ....-........, t9,7E3.., ixefote me, a notarj yuhtic in apd for the
<br />Ccaarnip atsl State, per=.~nalty ap x:. .;.._ viat~l~~.... ........ ........ . ....... . .....: ..:..__ .....,
<br />... ...
<br />tc ,. ~,, ~;; fly ~.,o~,,, to ~ ap ~ident of THE Ef~UtTABi.E LIFE tR.cSC3R.r1NCE Sf7CIETY aF T'HE" III+tITLt3
<br />STrtTES, the Cotpotation de~xibed in srsd that executed the f~9~S instcwucnt, haviAg authority to exente such inst~-
<br />i~tt, wha, ~anttg by rrse duty svirotn, did say thax Ire is a tre resident of Tt-IE E~Ltf`1.'t4HLE LIFti ASSLERItNGE
<br />St~t:;IE T Y vi• "i`FiE iii TS'Fc~, 3T'A.'YF.B. and tfaat the rat sfhxed tv H:e irstriament is tht t ciapot~te scat of t}te Cntporati<ui,
<br />aud~ iristn-runt vras:sigtted aitd sealed on hahaif of the Corporation 6y zuthoru-p df -its Board of I7irators; and-
<br />- the- ice resident acknowledged that he atu} the Corporation exenated the instrument as his free -and sotuntary art and deed
<br />~ znd a t{tc fe€ aitd v4tt#ntaxp act, and deed c€ the Co€pztation fai the- uses and- purposes -therein exp~essed.-
<br />~__.,
<br />it ,.~ r~N'ri5 my hand atxd uotariaE seal the day and gear fast above v~rittNn,
<br />- --~.
<br />~ ~~ ~.
<br />- - fxric;~scYn aSfs.xt.l - - "~`~ t _ ., la:,r
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