<br />mown as First Mortgage Bonds, 3~%o Series due 1978, of which Bands of the 3r/a% Series there were
<br />heretofore issued $1,000,000 priaapal amount' all of which were paid in full at or after maturity and are
<br />no longer ouutanding; and
<br />Wttt:aEns pttrsvaat to the terms and provisions of the Original Indenture and a Supplemental
<br />Iadanivre dated May 2, 1953 (hereinafter referred to as the "Supplemental Indenture dated May 1,
<br />1953"), the Company created a new series of bonds, to be issued wader the Original Indenture, and m be
<br />i~nnwn as First Mortgage Bonds, 3.80°ro Series due 1983, of which Bonds of the 3.SO~o Series there are
<br />issued and outstanding, as aF the date of this Supplemental Indenture, $700,000 principal amount and for
<br />which the Company received, exclusive of accrued interest, the aggregate sum of $700,000; and
<br />Wxt:stEAS pursuant to ehe terms and provisions of the Original Indenture and a Supplemental
<br />Indenture dated February 1, 1955 { hereinafter referred to as the "Supplemental Indenture dazed February
<br />1, 1955"), the Company created a new series of bands, to be issued under the Original Iadeantreā and to
<br />ba known as First Mortgage Bonds, 3.30°k Series due 1983, of which Bonds of the 3.30`,6 Series there are
<br />issued and outstandutg, as of the date of this Supplemental Indenture, $800,000 prinapal amount and far
<br />which the Company received, exclusive of accrued interest, the aggregate sum of $804,0(Hl; and
<br />WxEaEAS pursuant w the terms and provisions of the Original Indenture and a 5vpplementaI
<br />Indenture dated October 1, 1956 (hereinafter referred to as the "Supplemental Indenture dated October i,
<br />1956"), the Company created a new series of bonds, to be issued under the Original indenture, and to be
<br />known as First Mortgage Bands, 4'/s~io Series due 1983, of which Bonds of the 4'!e~ Series there are issued
<br />and outstanding, as of the date of this Supplemental Indenture, $1,300,000 principal amount and for which
<br />the Company received, exclusive of accrued interest, the aggregate sum of $1,300,000; and
<br />`v1'xEttttws pursuant to the terms and provisions of the Original Indenture and a Supplemental
<br />Indanttuc dated July 1, 1957 {hereinafter referred to as the "Supplemental Indenture dated July 1,
<br />1957"}, tlse Company created a new series of bonds, to be issued under the Original Indenture, and to be
<br />known as First Mortgage Bonds, 5?e°k Series due 1987, of which Bands of the 5~~ Series there v____
<br />nil ^f s,l'reh Nava haan redeemed and are no longer
<br />heretofore issued $l,5ixi,w0 prinuga, amount, a. .. .-
<br />outstanding; and
<br />VIt~EREws pursuant to the terms and provisions of the Original Indenture and a $vpplemeatal
<br />Indenture dated August 1, 1959 (hereinafter referred to as the "Supplemental Indenture dated Augw-t I,
<br />1459"), the Company created a new series of bonds, to be issued under the Original Indenture, and to be
<br />known as First RSorgage Bonds, 5.80% Series due 1987, of which Bands of the 5.40% Series there are
<br />=sued and ouutanding, as of the date of this Supplemental Indenture, $975,000 prinapal amount and far
<br />which the Company received, exclusive of accrued interest, the aggregate sum of $975,000; and
<br />'4VttEitEtc"s trursuant to the terms and provisions of the Original Indenture and a Supplemental
<br />Indenture dated July 1, 19bi {hereinafter referred to as ehe "Supplemental Indenture dated July I,
<br />196T"), the Company created a new series of bonds, to be issued under the Original Indenttree, and to be
<br />known as First Mortgage Bonds, 5Y,`.6 Series due 19"a7, of which Bonds of the 5'l.~ro Series tJtere era isstted
<br />and outstanding, as of the date of this Supplemental Indenture, $4,000,000 principal amount and for which
<br />the Company received, exclusive of acer,ted interest, the aggregate sum of $4,038,360; and
<br />V4'rtExE,+s pursuant to the terms and provisions of the Original Indenture and a Supplemental
<br />Indenture dated July 1, i96fi (hereinafer referred to as the "Supplemental Indenture dated July 1,
<br />1966"), the Company created a new series of bonds, to be crewed under the Ongtnal Indenture, and to be
<br />known as Fires Mortgage Bonds, 6'/.%u Series due 1996, of which Bonds of tlse 6'/.~ Series there are issued
<br />and outstanding. as of the date of this Supplemental Indenture, $3,500:400 principal amattat and for which
<br />the Company received, axelusiva of ae~ued interest, the aggregate sum of $x,469,445; and
<br />SYtiEREAS pursuant to the terms and provisions of the Original indenture and a Supplemental
<br />indenture dated September i, 1970 {hereinafter referred to as the "Supplemental Indenture dated
<br />September 1, 2970"), the Company created a new series of bonds, to be issued under the Original
<br />Indenture, and to be known as First Aiortgage Bonds, 9ilsiXi Series due I975, of which Beads of the 454
<br />Series there were heretofore issued $6,000,000 principal amount, all of which were paid itt full at or after
<br />maturity and are no longer outstanding; and
<br />2
<br />