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1~ <br />1. <br />78-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ <br />_ _ 18th ifec~r:,o~r Ia ~ sad ~ <br />"ffSY SPiIIffi1MTUtiB'..r ma88 LnfD `day of _... i~---. <br />?f.4,-~~ A vai_ .~ s_i~...iY ~ ~~~. V.. ....1 ~ ~. T~i~f~+ 5... ..u t <br />..- i~e~ ,.a.. a z ~y:= s ,.~ .arib+-z.a-- sz . , ee~h _ __ sin zzre 3~. a•~'n ry$ht- <br />ad as s~ause of the ather,~ ~_ <br />of ~~i 7 - Ccc+asy. Ndoraslta, es mertgsgar ~ ,sale Grand Island T Cumpsny of Grand fsiand, a ixsrporstian <br />~ganir.ed dnd ex)stfteg ursder the laws of Nebraska with Its principal at7ice and plece of baaia~s at Gmmi iaLnd, Nebranga. as : <br />PlITNESSETFi: What said moregagor s ,for and le cronsldsraticrn of the sum of <br />**1'cventy `f'haugand Two Rtmdred Ten and t2a1i0Gths** f7ollansl8 20,2i0.00 ). <br />t~ r~eipt of whits' is 1•~reby acysnosv€e~lgsd, do , by theve presents marf_gage end warrant unto mortgagee, its suocessors and s~ffgns, <br />fc_erever: s14 the fafloaring described real estate. situated in the County of llal l <br />.and Stake of ivebraaka, to•wit: <br />iii ok Lot tuna {~} artd Nnrtheriy Thirty-eight {3$? Feat of Lat Ten {i0} <br />in $el*~ant ~dditian to ts:e C:.ty of nand Island, ?~=ii Coutttq, !~ebr=ska. .. <br />AN?l <br />Lat Six {5} in Block Five {~) fn n'indoiph's x.dditian to the Cite of Grand <br />Isianf?, Rail County, Nebraska. <br />Together with all heating, air condikloniag, fighting, and plumbing equipment and fixtures, including screens. avrniags, atom win>lews ato<f <br />doors, end window shades or blinds, used on or la eonnectfon with =aid property, whether the same are rmw located on said property or hereafter <br />placed thereon. - <br />Tf) HAVE AND Tt? Hf3LD THE SADdE, toget)n~ with eII and singular the teteementa, heasditameats ancf appurtenances thar~nto ~- <br />Ionging, or le anywise app~t$iaireg, farmer, sad warrant the title W Lhe same. Said morgagor ~ hereby ceveaant~wit6 said <br />mortgages that t he -~ are , at the de.(fverq hereof, the lawful owner '~'~ of the premises above conveyed and described, <br />~t'~ _s1 cf :. geed €~ ;~aa.~la ~.:ta af~..~-sita t~..~ . fry a-~ :~- of al? tE~~brerE, end that t p~ v wut <br />warrant and defend the title thereto forever against the ctanas coat demands of aH persona whomsoever. <br />PIIF.?VIUEI? ALWAYS, and this instrument is executed and defivexeal to nature the geymeat of the sum of <br />**1'6aenty I`hacs;sand Two aiundred Ter. and NaJi~:#ltity** L~allarst! 20,220.00 _~, <br />with interest thereon, together vrl#h such charges and advances as may be due and payable to said mortgagee under the texas and conditions <br />a# the !'Y note of oven data herewith and seeurad hereby. eaetuted by said mortgagor ~S__to said mortgagee, payable sa eapregaexl <br />in said note, and to secure the perlomsace of s!1 the terms and coaditiaas wataiaed therein. 't'he terms of said note era hereby incorporated <br />6~eu. by this raferanea. <br />ft is the iat~tfan a~ agceament of the parties hm'eto that this mortgage shall also encase any future advatzrsm wads to said martgagar8- <br />by said mortgagee, and any and aft imlebtedaess in addition to t3~ amount above stated whit!. said mortgagors, or any of them, may owe to <br />~: ~,°z~ge?, '~wever eyid~~al, who-tpsez by note. Faok acrnur±t ar at€uawi~. 'I`hfs ~itgage shaIl remain is €uH farce awl affect beLvrean <br />the part~c ~teto and their heirs, persaeal representatives. successors and sssigas, until all amounts secured hereuade+r, including Enlace <br />advanoas, are paid in fuL' with interest. <br />- The mortgagor~_ hereby assign..-_ lea said mortgagee alt rants and inenms arising at say sad a#l limas from said prapraLy sad <br />hereby au*..harre said moutgagee or ifs agv~t, at its aptiaa, upon default, to take charge of said property and txtlfeat all rsntx and income <br />therefwrora-and apply the caste to the paycneret t>f Interaek, principal, in~rarux pre~meums, fazes, asaeasfnasets, r~aa^s or-im8mvements <br />necessary W keep said property in tensniable coadikioa, or to other charges ar payments provided for herein or in the ate. hereby secured. This <br />s-~~ea? ales!! eoaaaus is fotaesxatil the undid balanr~ of _:aid no;z is fatly paid. The taking of po~assion hereuaclsr sha31 in sat raann+~ - <br />prev~t ~~retYaed said in tlm c~aetk.-n.of acid auras !'# fxacloaure ~ arbervti~. - - _ - <br />- The failure of the mortgagee to as~ty, any of ire eights hsteun$ee at say ties shaA eat be ccs:nstrued as a-waives of its right to aaeert the <br />eann~ at atry later Lime; and to insist upon and enforce stator camplsance wide ail tht ee:ra4 sad provisuasa of said trrs#e a:d of this mortgage. <br />If said r>agar s shaft wsar~ to be paid m said aoortgagse the entire amount due it het~mder, and undm- tta3 terms sad provisions <br />aa;fl a.;~~lx.~y ~, ixl;:diaz fe: advances, any ~t~~:s oP ee..~st= tf ~ e sr~±'h +i+a terms s~1 prnvi~~na <br />ther~tf, sac! if said % s shall cumpty with all the provisions of said note and of this enortgaege,, ih~ theca psesetttsahatl be void: <br />trttit~tviatety r~saala in furl forts ark Meet; and ask! mortgagee shallta entit)sd to the poeressaiaa of alt of said ptopatp, and fir: et'se ogtiaa. <br />dee'eara the wTsoianf esi5i nista aeiri eH imfe'ntechea~ aepreearkad. thereby m be iatatar2ietely due anal payable. and may forecloas--# motPgege <br />or_taka any other FagN actuea to pttitect ire-light. Appraieama:tt waived: <br />fihis oiuell be binding upon awl shall emerai to the benefit of the heirs. eaewtaas, admiaistaatorrt, sucoeaaors a~ assigns of the <br />r~pactivo psrtisee hcs~t[r. - - _ - _ _ - <br />Ill ~VITMEfiS WHCEREOF, said Mottgago*_~'._.. hsY~ -sat their ~_tht day end year brat atmve <br />wrttea p~ - <br />?"eAr,iieyn 3, Gaiyan. <br />