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<br />`ylilS Mt3I£'I'~?.CE ,s Heads this.......... ~ 3th ...:......... day of .....December, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , <br />19.?$.>betsveetz#~reA/Io*t~sa_~, L~ViRENGE;,.hushand.anal.wife., <br />;,Np Ct~kSTr,%~f` r~.. SCGT.i,, . unmai`r. i mod:.......;herein "2~arra~er"}, end this A~aitgagae, #iotae ~edsraI <br />axis sred I,aan Associataan, a ~~paration orgaaized aad eaiating tinder the laws of '1"ite LTnit$d Mates of <br />Arrteriea, whose address i,9 32i South Locust $tt~t, Grand Island, Nebraska (herein "Lender") . <br />SVHEttEas, Borrower is indebted to Lender in tine principal sum of. ~ I.XTY. Tj~lOUSAN,Q, ¢1~ip ~1QI,149---~ -~ <br />---_------~--_-..---____~---------------------'Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note <br />dated..... Dewemlarat- . i 3, ..f ... {herein "Note"), providing for monthly installments of principal and interest, <br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable an.... J:znuary..1.,: 21304........ . <br />To SsctrnE to Lender {a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the <br />payment of ail other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the seearity of this <br />hfiortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (b) tine repayment <br />of any #uture advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof therein <br />"Fstttre Adva~tces"~, ]Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following descn'bed property <br />locatedsn the County of. , .........HALL ............................ State of Nebraska: <br />LGT GNE tl) AND LGT THREE t3) (N STRAW,3ER,RY LA,'IE SUBQ€VISIGiJ, CITY GE GRAND 25l=AlvD, <br />HALL GGtXdTY, NEBRASr:A. <br />which has the addt~ of... #-~l ~, EasT ,tii~h, ~pa..l.~~§tb ....... .......Grant! .f.s taod........, <br />- t5treett telty3 <br />... ~l~k"~5~~... ,~I:01...... flteriri "Property Address"); <br />tstate arw zaa co7e3 <br />'t't~~~' with aH the impmvaments now or hereafter et~cted on the property, and all easements, rights, <br />appnrtena:tCes, Tents, iayalties, mitteral, ail and gas. tights and prtsfits, water, water rights, ;.nd water stock, and alt <br />h?:,Jres €to~~ or hereafter attaelxed to the propeity, all bf tivhiclt; including replacernenis and additions thereto, shall be <br />dez:meel-tn s~ aad renxait ;# part of the prvp~rty ccivaFed 6y this Miirtgsg~; artd all of the foregoing, together with'-said <br />property (or the leasehold estate i£ Ibis Mortgage is on a leaseliolil) era: heeirt'referred to as the "Property": <br />Borrower covettattts that Bortewer is lawfully seised of tire. estate itereby aanveyed and has tt*.e right to mortgage, <br />grant and rntrve}* tip Property, that the' Property is uncncizmbered, :and chat Harrower wit! watzant and defend <br />generally the'title to the P?rupertY against all claims and demands; subject to any declarations, easements er restrictions <br />listed in x seliedttle of:exgeptions to coYerage lit any title insurance policy insuring Lender's interest in the Property. <br />~J$~R~~~--2 tc § FamilY--~/JS,-FNRIfif FNikIC tt11tF~6A t~SS119nAENt <br />