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<br />si~~r:~9 <br />~~is~ ~fl ~~~~ <br />~~ <br />~'hne murtga,~o ~saade +up~:eaJ~ased t~eo tftie _ ~~~ ~~~ of >rt~jt-'"~`° <br />~~ ?8: , 4g ssui bstwena Orville '.Iulme and Doyle I3ts1~ <br />t&ea~eisxafter referred to xa tisortgagor) anti the Adatiaietrator of the Small I3vai$as AdtQiaistrata~m, as a~ey of'tbe <br />Gover~aent o£ the United States of ~tuerica (be=eiaaftcr refereed to as asortgagee}, xwlre ataintaflmt an'office arsd <br />p&ss~+~'° atlctpire State Btt3ldin~; 19t:h tr l~arnain, t2maha, Nebraska 6$102 <br />~a'~, t$sat for- the sana~eratioas ~teinafter cubed, receipt of wad sa hY the: <br />z ilea hereby atot4gaae, ~I1, prnst, assi~ and. eeasvmy auto the . Isis a~ maw, a!! <br />of rise 4oldowen~ aSted property sitetated end brSnR is Ilse ionatg of HAM. <br />State of NEBItd.SY.~ <br />-,.The South Half of the Southwest Quarter {S~ $W~} and tlxe vilest Half ~f <br />the.Sautheast,Quarter {WTI SE's} of Section Four (4},,and-the Bast Half <br />of the Northwest Quarter {F~ NWtti} of Section Nine (1},-all. located in <br />3'ownshiF Eleven {li} Nortlt, Range delve {12} , TrTest of the 6tlt P.M. <br />'I'ogetl~r ~ttlz andsaekta :ing all "aAnildings, all fca~tares inelludiag-but scot liraited to all pluntbzng; ~:II~a- <br />ing, ventiieting, refriglerating, iaciaeratiag, air eaaditioning apparatus, cad elevatnra {the-asmtigttgar hereby <br />declaring that it is intended that thestra :s Its-rsn rsau~rated III ~ deemed to Ieu~e bees perstty; ia- <br />stal$ed ~ part of,tlae;ealty},and aII easspr^ovenseats Hass or hereaffer-ex9sting;#bereon; tbt betedlgttwaasts turd <br />appssrtensncea-snit-all other rights thereunto beloagitsg, or is anywise agpeetain and-the rater ash re• <br />versions, resnaiazder-and resnafnders, aII rights of redetrFtion, gad the recta, issues.-gad profile srf tlae above <br />described- lirapertY {provided; hae~eYer, that the mortgagar shall Ire emtitted Io the passeseian of.said ps+aparly <br />cad to estllect asst retain the teats, issne5, and profsts aatiI default hereunder). To have gnd to hold the saxae <br />ssxeto tbg c ~ortgs~ee and tl~e sicceescors Lre interest of the mertsagee fore+-er en F~ r+Ignple or suels utlser eslsie, <br />if arsy, :ts iw s!>;tad Iasreiu= <br />Tlse r~rurtgegoY covcm:ata t~:t he is I~rwfvTts eeixed-cad p~aararsetl of amt has the right to sell ar:d eowvey aajd <br />>$-'~w- ~ ::hA: the xa~:- :,, ._--z f;rn: «t! e^cn.-GIs re-s ~..:rr- a- ?se:~eunkvc~e rrcif__d: sad t4ent Its 6err_tsp-bim~s <br />Itunaeif sled Iris m~ecessare :avinteteat,to warrant and ~Iefeadathe title afer~id ihersto and every pu!ttbsxes~f age <br />t~ chum ad a3I perycau wlaa~nsotver. <br />~i~inie inntrnntc:att ee givt%ci to aecurr, tltr iyayra,znt of a Rrou'yiawry note dated ~~~~~*~ ~~?S, <br />:ii tE;z n;iacipaT curt o. ~;.S,~iCG.CC , algae.] ial Gr~:i122 Yu7.ta° :~txd Do}=le iltx3. <br />in !c~half of fD"&'-C H6'L'~i <br />- -~t»tRa.cF=rtb.73#Yr~iaa+EdifXe~s are 4t; ata,a. _ - - - - - <br />